yes? no?
Made me think
Tennis and Ping pong seems accurate, the other ones i don't know.
Where's Smash?
Competitive paste-eating.
smash is a party game not a fighting game
Y'all got triggered, my niBBas
>sports analogies
being on espn is really getting to your heads eh
This is definitely not true
I'm not really sure what to think. Which sport is better or harder to play or looks cooler?
>a fighting game
Pickle ball is over there
Kof, Vf, Capcom are done.
Volleyball is arguably the most physical of all the listed ones, but people only pay attention to women's beach volleyball.
Tennis gets all the attention and is kinda hard.
Badminton is volleyball for limpwrists.
Table tennis takes arguably more coordination than normal tennis, but otherwise is the sport of nerds pretending to be athletes.
Squash is just "throw a tennis ball against a wall" for crossfitters.
Yeaaah...I've got no idea how to interpret any of these.
>Anybody who insults Fantasy Strike over simple execution or small movesets is an idiot. The fun and hype parts about Fighting games is not doing gymnastics on a controller, its the outsmarting of your opponent. Ex. you're spamming fireballs at your opponent, he inches in to around jump distance with the intent of jumping a predicted fireball, however, the moment he is actively moving into said space, he's welcomed to an incoming attack from you because you cut your repeated fireball spam short to preemptively dash in or jump in and attack. And the reasoning why this worked is because you knew your opponent wouldn't be looking out for said option because you conditioned him to focus solely on countering the fire ball spam, and that's what fighting games are trying to get at -- the mind games.
>execution and match up knowledge are just stepping stones to get to the mind games, however, they do not define that element. Therefore, Fantasy Strike can work as a fighter despite not having tight frame links or z motion special moves. Yes, it can work with a cast that has around 10 moves per char; you don't need 30+ moves to create a grappler, zoner, turtler, pressure based rushdown char, or a mixup/setplay based rushdown char. Yes, you autistic fgts, you can carefully design a single move so it has several different uses.
>In conclusion, Fantasy Strike is the start of a new inclusive approach to fighters that is going to expand the genre while keeping their strategic nature intact by focusing less on 1p training mode and more on player-decisions. And this is a good thing!
I'm solid at volleyball and NRS games so sounds right
Is that made in Unity?
Volleyball is actually good switch it with like ping pong or something gay
CHADmington is clearly the patrician choice
Bagminting really fucking sucks though
>The fun and hype parts about Fighting games is not doing gymnastics on a controller
>my opinion is fact
i get insanely hype when i pull off hard combos in a real match and i know a lot of other people do (even as spectators)
Dude. It's a pasta
no shit, but it was so stupid I had to reply in earnest