Buy a 20k PC

>buy a 20k PC
>fitgirl repack still freezes mid installation

>spending 20k on a PC

Her repacks do the same for me every time whether I limit the installer to 2GB or not.

>Using fitgirl repacks
Just pull the trigger already man

>shitgirl repacks
unless you have awful third world 10kbps internet you have absolutely no reason to use this garbage

>uses any PC ever
>it fucking breaks and freezes to the point to where it can't work in a couple months
every fucking time

Hey, idiot. It's a bitcoin miner.

Just download a normal torrent you dumbass.

wasn't he loved here a few months ago or shitting on fitgirl is a new meme?

redpill me on bitcoin mining I read several posts in threads tonight and I still don't understand shit

I didn't realize software was supposed to respond to how poorly a person manages their money.

I don't remember Sup Forums ever being particularly positive about repacks
Reddit loves them though, might wanna try there

>is a fat guy

when Shadow of War was released with its 100 GB everyone here was recommending fitgirl's repack because that was only 30 GB

You probably spent 19.9k on the peripherals and the remaining 100 dollars on the actual parts OP.

Quicker to DL the full version than to DL and install a fitgirl repack.

>downloading nonscene

they take your cpu cycles and turn them into waste heat and a dream of bitcoins (-59.8%)

No problems here on a 6 year old i7 930. Every game I download is from her website, never had a problem with installations other than some of them taking over 3 hours to complete. Still faster for me than downloading unnecessarily big games (60+GB)

not to sound like ptg but jesus christ have some standards

Well how the fuck are you meant to find a bitcoin miner if it's already on your computer?


if you need to ask it's time to flatten and reinstall


Is it not a girl? From all the bitching "she" does over insignificant crap I really thought it was a she