please talk about demon's souls with me
please talk about demon's souls with me
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Okay user, sure.
What's your:
>favorite weapon
>favorite armor
>favorite level
>favorite boss
Aight bruh. Have you guys beaten Old King Doran?
I really want to get my stats good enough for the claymore but there don't seem to be any good grinding spots early-mid game.
latria (basic bitch)
storm king
i can never fucking get ostrava to live, he always dies like a retard offscreen somehow
>he always dies like a retard offscreen somehow
How does he die though? Well, you can kill him and get the key
I'm still mad over the fucking Dark Souls Remaster
>What's your:
>>favorite weapon
>>favorite armor
Fluted knight I guess, this game didn't have many good armour sets. Gloom would be great without the stupid feet spikes.
>>favorite level
>>favorite boss
The penetrator, but the area in front of his boss fog can fuck off.
Honestly I understand why DeS will forever be in PS3 hell, but christ at least wait another few years and just fully remake DaS instead since half of it will still suck no matter how much you fix up the framerate.
Long Sword
Dark Silver Set
Shrine of Storms
Astraea and Garl
Shit game from a shit series.
>half of it will still suck
You know it's a meme, buddy. The only bad thing is the bed of chaos route. The rest is cool and atmospheric
Played it with the intention of getting into the Souls series, even if it's technically unrelated.
Found no enjoyment and didn't try any other games from the same developer. Got into Dragon's Dogma instead.
What did I do wrong?
>he always dies like a retard offscreen somehow
That's Ostrava's main talent. He's really good at dying before he can reach the end of his plotline.
Kill him like says if you are itching to fight Doran.
Why didn't you like it?
>He's really good at dying before he can reach the end of his plotline.
He dies anyway
>create a new character
>progress upto 1-2
There I summed up my demons souls experience.
>don't own a ps3 anymore
how good does the game run in RPCS3?
>The only bad thing is the bed of chaos route.
*And the Archives
*And arguably the Tomb of Giants.
>favourite weapon
>favourite armor
Yurt's armor (Gloom Set)
>favourite level
the first tower of latria 3-1
>favourite boss
OLD HERO followed by maneaters
Doing my last playthroughs before the servers shut down, I still need to get Monk's Head Collar for my Sorcerer character. Ironically I have it on all of my nonmagic characters atm.
I've played the video game. 200 hours of it, in fact. All of the endgame areas are bad. Varying degrees of bad, such that you might be led to believe some aren't actually bad, but they're bad.
50% of Duke's is a shitty stairs puzzle where you get shot from 500 directions at the same time and there's fuckall you can do about it, the other 50% is LITERALLY Crystal Cave
Tomb is a good idea on paper but in practice you just dick around in the dark until you randomly find the right place to go and pray to god the dog skeletons don't annihilate you with their complete bullshit
New Londo is the closest to actually being good but the enemies are so worthless to fight except in the fucking awful gangbang room leading up to Ingward, also Four Kings exists
Izalith really needs no explanation
Too stiff I guess?
You went into it with expectations. Don't do that.
You have to unlearn all your conventional video game knowledge and seriously do exactly what the game is trying to tell you.
When the game ambushes you for the first time, instead of being annoyed at the bullshit, add it to the list of "shit this game is going to pull on me" and always be prepared for it.
It's not for everyone though, honestly there's plenty of good reason not to like these games.
>even if it's technically unrelated
nigga it's the first game in the series, the only reason it changed names was legal reasons
Listening to this on repeat is somehow strangely relaxing
I think one of the biggest reasons I enjoyed Dark Souls 3 was because I saw something I didn't see in the previous two games + bloodborne, and that was RED EYE ENEMIES
chef armor
yes, you can kill him with bleed weapons if you are pacient enough
ehh, just use the damn thing yourself
Archives are awesome, what's wrong with you?
You are demanding too much from a single game. I liked the second half except for Demon Ruins and Lost Izalith. You want Dark Souls to be literally perfect while it's already great as it is.
I just want the second half of a good game not to suck enormous dinosaur cock because the team blatantly ran out of time and money. It's seriously not an acceptable step down in quality man. Every single run I do these days ends very quickly after Anor Londo because even just being competent isn't enough.
A Souls game without good level design, enemy design, atmosphere, etc. is just a shallow action game with buggy hitboxes.
It's why the chalice dungeons suck, the gameplay isn't interesting enough on its own to work in a vacuum like that, it needs more.
And suffice to say, areas that are half-baked and half finished don't suffice to hold up the "hit roll button and then hit R1" video game.
>Bastard Sword
>Dark Silver Set
>Boletarian Palace as a whole
>A Souls game without good level design, enemy design, atmosphere, etc. is just a shallow action game with buggy hitboxes.
I absolutely agree with that. These are the reasons why I love Souls games so much. But once again I loved the second half of Dark Souls. Most of the areas were atmospheric as fuck. The bosses were cool. And I guess the Artorias DLC also counts as the second half of Dark Souls
Why? It's up to sony to remaster demon's souls, bandai namco is doing the dark souls remaster.
>kill Garl
>aw yeah sick antimagic armor
>wait why can't I equip it
>"male only"
>forgot I was playing a female character
>didn't realize gender-specific armor was even in the game
Also, FUCK colorless demon souls, that shit can go straight to hell, I just wanted to use Dragon Bone Smasher
It's too easy
Bout to get a PS3 with a copy of Demon's. Played every Souls game before, and even had a PS3, but in 2014 my PS3 broke. And just now am I getting another one.
>any souls game
geb gub am i right boys
tfw beat it SL0 by editing the save data
I don't think it's -that- bad.
Archives are pretty good, the boars at the beginning kind of suck but the rest is great. There's nothing wrong with them. Crystal Caves are kind of gimmicky and pointless but they're nice for atmosphere.
New Londo is great, probably one of my favorite areas, but it's too short.
Demon Ruins are boring but at least it's got some action and you get a gorillion souls so it's not entirely unsatisfying
Lost Izalith is dogshit, everybody agrees on that
Catacombs + ToTG is great. Catacombs is a fantastically designed level, and ToTG is spooky as shit the first time, and if you play carefully, hold your shield up and proceed slowly it's nowhere near as much of a chore as many people make it out to be. Nito is a bit disappointing but it's not offensively bad.
Ariamis is excellent but it's not really a post-lordvessel area, I usually do it after O&S anyway though, and AoTA is the best part of the game
>Mass Suicide on 2-1 to get the primeval demon to spawn
>Kill it
>Doesn't drop a colorless Demon Souls
Fuck this, I'll just finish the assassination questline for the 2 last ones to get my shit on +5.
Best early dex weapon?
I = Bloodborne > Demon's > II >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> III
prove me wrong faggots
crescent falchion
switch II and III and it's perfect
more like
bb = des > 1 > 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> literally ripping the head of my cock off with the back end of a hammer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2
III is dogshit. It has 0 identity of its own
so dark souls ii then, except with level design that doesn't suck cock and the game actually works
And DaS2 is just shit that has identity of its own that is so bad you wish it never was part of the series
Valley of Defilement
Either Astraea or King Allant, though it probably would be Penetrator if he was harder
The crescent falchion isn't a dex weapon, the crescent path makes it scale purely with magic, it's just good enough with low stat reqs so pretty much anyone can use it. There isn't really a dedicated pre-upgraded dex weapon the way there is for str, faith, and magic, but the uchigatana and the kilij in 4-1 are both good starting points. There's also the Hiltless in 4-2 and the Mercury Rapier in 3-1.
>favorite weapon
1. DBS
2. Blueblood Sword
3. Scraping Spear
>favorite armor
1. Fluted set
2. Dark Silver armor
3. King Dorin's armor
4. Binded set
5. Assassins set
>favorite level
Stonefang Tunnel
>favorite boss
Just started playing this game for the first time, going for a strength build. What am I in for? I already played DS1 DS2 and a bit of Bloodborne.
Good ol' scraping spear co-op
Heavy armor is a lot less useful than in the Dark games but strength will do you just fine. Game's not too hard honestly, especially if you've played the others.
Watch out for your bigass weapon bouncing off every fucking wall, ceiling, and flake of dust in the air though.
habla el espanol, ya veo
Sup Forums during Demon's Souls was the pinnacle
>Watch out for your bigass weapon bouncing off every fucking wall, ceiling, and flake of dust in the air though.
Yeah. Changed my halberd for a straight sword the first chance I got. Also fuck those faggots on full plate with blue eyes.
No puede ser! La criatura! Corran!
You have a heart of gold
there were red eye enemies in bloodborne but i agree it was cool to see them in ds3
yuria is my girlfriend
maiden in black is my mommy
>favourite weapon
>favourite armour
>favourite level
Tower of Latria
>Favourite boss
Old Hero
Dark souls is the cooler older brother that dark souls 3 looks up to but ds2 is the angsty fuckwad that is just rebelling because its under alot of pressure from its step parents who hate it(bamco)
That's a complex comparison. Is Bloodborne an edgy teen that every girl wants to fuck then?
Notice how I didnt include the sister series'
here's what I think of your tier system
Demons Souls = Dark Souls 1 = Bloodborne = Dark Souls 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dark Souls 2
Theyre all pretty good games
Except 2
Will I be able to emulate it with my poor i5 7500? I am curious about demon souls but I have no means to get a PS3 atm
This desu. I'm always struggling with ranking those games because they are all great except for 2. But Bloodborne is still slightly better than each of them for me
god i want to fuck bloodborne
(S)he is a goth bitch
> Favoirite Weapon
DeS = Mirdian Hammer (Blessed)
DaS1 = Zweihander
DaS2 = Fume Ultra Greatsword
DaS3 = Splileaf Greatsword
BB = Logarious Wheel
> Armour
DeS = Fluted
DaS1 = Elite Knight helm, Hard Leather Chest, whatever arms+legs give best stats while still under 25%
DaS2 = Drakeblood set
DaS3 = Spiky Kirk hat, Abyss Watcher chest and arms, Ringed Knight legs
BB = Top Hat, Hunter Chest (no cape), Madman leggings + arm wraps
> Level
DeS = 3-2
DaS1 = Painted World
DaS2 = Brume Tower
DaS3 = Irithyll
BB = Central Yharnam
> Boss
DeS = False King Allant
DaS1 = O&S
DaS2 = Allone
DaS3 = Gael
BB = Ludwig
Jesus, user, this is a DeS thread.
>DaS1 = O&S
Why though? Have you played the DLC?
the kind of pseudointellectual 17 year old goth girl who thinks she's super smart for reading lovecraft and also HUGE anal slut
Why anal slut tho? Girls like that are usually virgins that don't even have male friends. Gosh I fucking hate pseudointellectual girls
Yeah, Artoris is pretty cool, but since I played it after already beating BB it didn't exactly have the wooooooooow factor that I'm sure it did in 2011, I beat him first try. Manus was also pretty good, but Ornstien and Smough was just really cool, especially the music and presentation.
For the record my series ranking is
BB > DeS > DaS1 > DaS3 > DaS2
Loved throwing Doran with the storm sword, he had like 90% of life and then bye bye
Haven't played DaS3 but for me it's BB=DaS1>DeS>>>>>>>DaS2. Dark Souls is objectively better than Demon's Souls in every way possible
Should I get this game if I only plan to play offline? Is it worth it for a single player experience?
if they were virgins th-they'd date me
Never played this or any game in the Souls series. But I often hear that Demon's Souls is among the better, more atmospheric, raw and interesting games of the series. In that it may not be the most refined, but sticks with you. Is this true?
Phosphorescent Pole
Tower of Latria
Shit I only remember Phalanx, Tower Knight, and that fat grub thing that can’t attack. Phalanx is my favorite of this bunch
I played trough the entire game my first playtrough with the DBS and never upgraded it. Beat probably half the bosses first try with it too. It's really strong even without upgrades
Yeah. It's perfect if you play it before all of the other Souls games
Yes. It was before the series became obsessed with EBIN anime boss fights, and thus the bosses are instead more like logically consistent puzzles designed to invoke a particular emotion.
I can only cringe knowing that if it were released today, all the "git gud" babbies would go "wooooow maiden astraea is such a SHITTY boss she doesn't even attack you she just kills herself without transforming 15 times into a million different JRPG final boss forms."
just eat my balls user
xbot wish they got a game like this
That doujin of the witch being possessed by a glutton demon and being made a slave while her beta male crush becomes a dark knight to save her is my favorite corruption doujin.