Obsidian's The Outer Worlds

>Obsidian's The Outer Worlds
>Bethesda's Starfield
>CD's Cyberpunk 2077

Is 2018 going to be the year of the science fiction RPG?

i dont think any of those game will make a impact

>The Outer World's
Must have missed this one. Source/Announcement?

some trademark thing, no real announcements

It might just be some weird planescape thing
Outer Worlds kinda sounds more mystical than scifi

I don't think any of those games will release.

Oh yay, liberals get another go raping science fiction.

>implying science fiction isn't inherently liberal

Now if it was fantasy you may be onto something.

Modern scifi is all trash anyway
I rather it be a dead genre, like noir, or western, than see it be a font for bullshit propaganda.

you forgot star citizen

>>Bethesda's Starfield
late 2019 at the earlies.t they've been working on the new gamebryo successor

>>implying science fiction isn't inherently liberal

you're mental. there's plenty of right-wing scifi

>sci-fi is inherently liberal
*genocides your race for the good of mankind*

By the time star citizen releases it won't be sci-fi

>Obsidian's The Outer Worlds
>>Bethesda's Starfield

Someone help a bro out. Whats this talk about new games I never heard of bros

Nothing but registered trademarks and project codenames. These aren't fake, but they were mentioned in passing at some point or the other in the last 10 years. No concrete info, no WIP shots or press announcements.

bethesda isnt working on ES6 because, and I quote, "the technology hasnt reached the point to allow us to do what we want to do yet" so they're working on a space RPG.

im hyped. Im binging on Sterallis and elite dangerous right now

God, I hope so.

>"the technology hasnt reached the point to allow us to do what we want to do yet"
I don't really think Bethesda games aspire to be much so I can only imagine what moderate heights they're aiming for.


The shallow emptiness of Skyrim, the boring set piece density of FUCKING SPACE. Brilliant.

Yeah it sounds more like another go at a spiritual successor to Planescape than space to me.

They probably want to do valenwood with falinesti next, which would be well beyond the abilities of their gamebryo zombie engine.
Also, if you think about it, they're basically out of locations at this point, since you probably can't sell something like elsweyr or hammerfell to normies.
High rock is basically the only generic fantasy area they have left and they'd have to rework the area a lot to make it conform to the 'muh quantity over quality' standards for what normies want out of rpg content now.

>Also, if you think about it, they're basically out of locations at this point, since you probably can't sell something like elsweyr
I'd love an ES game set in Elsewyr - I've always been a fan of arid desert environments and the Khajiit, but at the same time I'd dread how Bethesda would half-ass all the Khajiit breeds.

What's with all those fins?

>I'd love an ES game set in Elsewyr
So would I. I'd like to see pre-oblivion-bethesda versions of black marsh and hammerfall too and maybe a morrowind remake, while they're at it.
However, bethesda knows that cat people and lizards don't have the broad market appeal that nords and high fantasy do, so they aren't going to chance making a game that doesn't sell as well as skyrim.

>forgetting about The New World

This game is barely on my radar but that concept art is really recognizable for some reason.