Analysts predict it will sell 18 million copies by March 2019

>analysts predict it will sell 18 million copies by March 2019.

Fucking how?

Being fun and accessible if I had to guess.

Rockstar know how to do hype better than anyone in gaming. Mainly because they actually deliver.

> 1 game by Rockstar will sell more than the entirety of the souls franchise in 5 months

I imagine 18 million people will buy it?

Rockstar has shown they know how to make games, it's always safe to bet on their success

>18 million copies in circulation
>percect excuse to focus on multiplayer online shit rather than deliver worthwhile DLC

>GTA with cowboys
>1 billion dollars spent on marketing

That's why

>not on pc

I will buy it, play the online for 6 months then give up because it will get increasingly grindy and jewish

GTA5 did 800 million dollars in one day, and ended up doing 1 billion over 3 days.
RDR doesn't have the same draw as GTA but it sure as hell will sell a ton of copies.

Rockstar also are big enough to not need E3 or conventions to hype up their game. They will release like 4 more trailers and a TV spot and the game will launch with huge success. I hope we get the RDR trailers with the narration again.

18 millions being modest I'd put it at about 21

not on pc...yet

I wont be one of those 18 million. Gtao ruined rockstar.

>Being fun and accessible
this combination triggers the Sup Forums

you'll get it user

I think RDR2 will have a solid single player, HOPEFULLY without multiple protagonists. Yay, you did it, lets move on please now Rockstar.

I do wonder how much of RDR2 is built with online in mind. GTA5 had alot of areas of the map very underutilized in SP, but in online there was contact missions and races all over the place. RDR2 will probably be like this, but somehow even worse.

because normies will throw money at it

those normies wil also profit rockstar billions of $ in Red Dead Redemption Onlineā„¢ microtransactions and theres nothing yhou can do about it.

The single player is going to be bare bones and online is going to have a massive amount of content, if you can afford it.
They made too much off gtavo to not have rdr2 revolve around spending money.

Same reason GTAV was one of the fastest selling games of all time: Rockstar knows how to sell a product. Name-power alone does a lot, but that doesn't negate the additional fact that it's a sequel to a game people have been clamoring for a sequel to over the past decade.

They will get the whale who spend money regardless, they need to get the initial casual audience sales first who then become shark card buyers. If you burn them with reviews saying its a mediocre story mode, or alot of the game was loaded to online, people will think twice. Also its not like GTAO's content is that impressive. Its a ton of races, adversary modes, like 7 heists, a bunch of crappy contact missions and that is it.