Character (Most often girl) has something obstructing eyes

>Character (Most often girl) has something obstructing eyes
>Can see just fine

Why has this become popular? I see it all the time now.

flavor of the month fetish

I'm gonna give a Greek godesss the benefit of a doubt and assume that she can see just fine with something obstructing her eyes.
Also do you have any other examples?


I'm blind, not death.


Because bondage is hot.

good bait, have a (you)

The blindfold is likely just to obstruct her bias and keep justice pure.

>not death

It looks like a fancy mask some people use for sleep

>equip big fucking helm to defend my face
>can't see shit
war of the roses was pretty great

Is it because the idea of owning sex slaves is hot?

That's PART of it, certainly. But blindfolding a regular girl is hot too.

Mostly because of the whole 2B craze, but the Nemesis design is Smite is much older than that. The concept behind it is the saying "Justice is blind", plus Lady Justice in ancient times was depicted wearing a blindfold, balance, and sword.

the idea of girls turning into willing participants is hot


Inherently mysterious I think. You can't see their expression, what they're looking at, or their eye-colour.

Could be a showoff kind of thing. Like in anime where a character is wearing weights just so that they're properly challenged/contained.

Could be a bondagey thing, like a visual form of the idea of a woman shoutnig at you to spank her.

Could even be a subconscious association to pic related

Is it possible to have a fetish for justice?
There's fetishes for becoming a balloon, being eaten, vengeance, and a person's power/finances, but justice?

It's my fetish.

What do you think compels Bruce Wayne to dress like a bat and beat the fuck out of criminals?

Blindfolds are pretty hot.


Truly the greatest sex icon of our time

People think it looks cool?

Nice analysis brainlet.
Ever think of explaining why people find it cool?
Ever consider that there isn't a 1:1 overlap to what people consdier cool and what people consider sexy?

Batman, Judge Dredd