How to not fuck up a Star Fox game

It's quite simple really.

8-10 hour linear campaign with levels and a story that aren't a rehash of Star Fox SNES for a 4th time. Vehicle variety is welcome and I would even appreciate if they brought back the on foot sections from Assault if they could improve them which obviously they can.

Oh, and no shoehorned motion controls or any other gimmicks. None of that whatsoever.

Why is this so hard? Why?

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One of the best things about StarFox64 were the branching paths. Your actions within a mission determined the outcome, which leads to different planets. It was always fun experimenting with different pathways to find out what's the fastest path, or which path would yield the highest scores.

>Why is this so hard?
StarFox is, was, and always will be, a series of tech demos.


That level structure seems as dated and archaic as having lives. Some secret bonus levels seems more appropriate.

Or maybe being able to change the last hour of the game based on some achievement lists in each levels. Save this person.. score this.. go through these hoops.. destroy this.. something like that.

Paer Mario and StarFox and Metroid other m got panned because doing new stuff.

Prime is just Metroid with Fps shit added in.

>linear campaign
Stopped reading right there.

>8-10 hour linear campaign with levels and a story that aren't a rehash of Star Fox SNES for a 4th time.

Assault did this. It was terrible. Nobody liked Assault for the single-player other than contrarians.

The fun in Star Fox games come with the replayability and trying to beat your high score. It's the "arcade" style that has been missing from the games lately. If you make a 8-10 hours campaign, it won't fix anything.

64 and Zero are like 3 hours long and the rest of the game is arbitrarily locked out based on performance in levels making you have to replay the same levels over and over just to see all the levels. It's a pretty bad design by todays standards.

Problems with Assault weren't the linear campaign. It just didn't feel as good as 64. Still a great game though.

>The fun in Star Fox games come with the replayability and trying to beat your high score

This was never the case for me and besides why can't you replay levels for high scores in a linear game? Just give the option to replay it. We're talking about how you make a good Star Fox game not how you repeat it's dated mistakes.

>pretty bad design by todays standards
>dated mistakes
I'm glad you're not the one making anything. ;)

It wasn't a date mistake when the only games to have such mechanics were the first two.

And then they fucked everything up starting from Adventures.

Just move on from 64. Or at least expand on the gameplay somehow. This isn't 1996, nobody is going to pay $60 for a three hour rail shooter.

>giving choices and gitting gud are bad design by todays standards
I'd call you a faggot, but by looking at the industry today you're not wrong.

>We're talking about how you make a good Star Fox game not how you repeat it's dated mistakes.
But senpai, they had the perfect formula from the start

Star Fox Zero felt like a dated game. It was like 4 hours long and just figured you'd replay the levels over and over. The game was universally panned for it. You guys are just being retarded purists. The game will be shit just like Zero if they do this.

StarFox 64 perfected the formula. There's literally nothing they can do to improve it. It should be embraced and expanded upon, but Nintendo just sees this as "just give us the same exact game".

The difference between Zero and the SNES/N64 games is that almost all levels in Zero are fucking shit

Star Fox perfected level design and visceral feel. It's level structure is SNES tier.

Make something like Assault with modern controls, a better framerate, better pacing, and multiple paths.

Even if they were good it had the content of a SNES game. This is extremely dated and hot garbage. You are wrong.

You forgot subtle homosexual dialog between Fox and Falco/Wolf

I would like to see a spiritual successor to Assault.

My problem with Assault was that no matter where you were (arwing, tank, on foot) the game wanted you somewhere else.

"Fox, get down there and take out those guys!"
(go down into tank mode)

"Fox, we're dying up here! Get back in the air!"
(get back into the air)

"Fox, get down there and take out those enemies!"

Lylat Defense Force

I wouldn't mind that. To be honest I believe it's a very underrated game. Sucks Namco had to shoehorn the Galaga in that game tho

It's 3rd to 64 imo. It definitely doesn't have the same shine of the old games but it was a step in the right direction.

Maybe Starfox is just a dated franchise and should stay dead.

I think the biggest problem with most of the SF games post SF1 are the fact that some of the bosses or levels just take too damn long or are too convoluted for no reason. Zero's controls didnt help at all either.

Assault wasn't a tech demo for anything other than making a proper SF for the Gamecube.

If they kept the SNES formula they wouldn't get away with a $60 pricetag. $20 at best.

Nah, get someone like Sakurai to do it. Someone who just knows how to make an exciting a good feeling game.

what the fuck is this guy's problem?

You'd obviously divide it by level, such as say having one level be an air battle, one being in a tank and maybe do some interior base levels as fox himself.

try not making a rail shooter in the 21st century. that would be a good start

This is the perfect Star Fox game:

>A soft reboot/compilation, kind of game
>You go through all eras of Star Fox: James' time, Fox's time, side stories with Star Wolf, etc. Basically 3 to 5 campaigns
>Level selection is just like the previous N64 game, difficulty/path is selected by performing certains actions during gameplay
>You get on-rails missions, all-range mode missions, on-foot missions, basically highlighting what worked for the series in the past
>Depending on the mission in which era you've selected, you can select between James, Peppy and Pigma (for example)
>You get an extensive selection of ships, each character has a different ship with different maneuverability and controls just like the Arwing vs Wolfen in Assault
>The final boss is Andross for all campaigns

I don't see why a good rail shooter is any less possible than a beat em up in 2017. Just gotta spice it up a bit. It's not impossible to modernize an old genre.

Because he's autistic.

One thing Assault did right was the soundtrack.


I absolutely hated the canned voices. No idea where they recorded them.

Assault should have been the first step towards moving the series forward. We should have gotten a sequel on Wii which probably would have been amazing. Still blows my mind that gave was never even a thing.


>tfw the only good games in the series are 64 and Assault
>tfw we haven't gotten an (original) game since Command

Being nostalgic for a N64 franchise is pretty autistic as well to be fair.

Star Fox 64 was pretty short and that's the game that always gets praise. Maybe we're giving Nintendo the wrong signals here.

SNES game is awesome, though.

I think Nintendo has caught on to that especially now with BotW and Odyssey.

Whatever the next Star Fox game is, for the love of god, give me the ability to control the game with a control stick, no stupid stylus controls or waggle controls.

I still think it would absolutely kick ass if Nintendo tried their hand at a more classic-style Shmup/Danmaku with occansional on-foot TPS segments like an improved assault. Kid Icarus kinda stole the whole fucking show when it comes to on-rails shooters, so I think it'd be better for Star Fox to try a different niche. It'd be interesting to see how Nintendo would try to get the niche nature of a STG to appeal to their broader audience, too, and seeing a STG with an actual AAA budget would fucking rule.
I mean, it'll never happen, but fucking god I can hope.

Make Star Fox a free-form space sim, a la Freelancer.

>Star Fox vertical shmup
>Branching levels intact
>side margins hold all the story info, as well as a "live view" of your pilot
>can play as any member of the team
>loops are possible in a seperate mode outside of story mode, complete with dodonpachi-level scaling
>vertical shmups would be relatively cheap to develop, meaning nintendo would have plenty of budget for some absolutely gorgeous art and sound design
>could have far more content than the usual star fox title because of the relative cheapness of a vertical shmup
>branching paths would keep arcade-loving scorefags satisfied through debate over which paths on which loops jet you the juiciest scores
It would be fucking glorious.

>usual STG gameplay transitions into a third person, on-foot segment
>score and multiplier still carries over

Star Fox Zero port for Switch will feature a 'no waggle/gimmicks mode' and a new campaign mark my words

>10 hour rail-shooter
look at this guy and laugh. That would be 100 5 minute levels + story bits. That's crazy long
If you want more replayability in a rail shooter the right direction to go would having lots of powerups or ships you could play as.

They already made referenced F-Zero in Command, and F-Zero is dead, so there's no reason SF can't become more F-Zero-like. Just bump up the speed like MK8 did, obviously adding some longer areas to compensate for increased speed and make steering actually necessary. Now it's 'fresh' and no longer a rehash.

I think "2 except bigger" would end up being the best game in the series. That game is fun as fuck, all of its problems stem from the SNES technological limitations.

Just copy and paste the ace combat formula but with more vehicle variety and faster pacing

>8-10 hour linear campaign
You already fucked it up.

>New starfox game
>Give Ace Combat gameplay but IN SPACE
>Make millions.

Only two Starfox games should be made.
One is strait up rail shooters in ground and air vehicles
The other is Starfox Assault but without the rail segments. Assault would be better if it focused exclusively on hubs.

If that's the case then it should stay dead.

There's plenty of ways to milk playtime out of a game. Hard modes (Did 64 have this? Maybe it was score attack I forget), multiple endings,, shitty unlockables (If you liked 64's multiplayer), even training mode if you make it interesting enough. The fact that Zero did none of this and locked extras behind Amiibo proves either how lazy it was or that Miymaoto was that confident his new shitty robot character would somehow carry the game.

Yeah I know it's a bad way to make a "long" game but it's better than a barebones tech demo.