Thems Fightin Herds: The MLP Fighter No One Asked For

So... This game is releasing in about 2 weeks and I just want to see Sup Forums's thoughts on this game.

Those who got betas say its a well put together game and it feels like a real fighting game with the filter of MLP-like characters.

Note: It did start off as a fighting game with MLP characters, but Hasbro C&D'd it. So the creator of the show Bronies love came out and helped the developers make an original game.

Do you guys think this will go anywhere or will we all forget about it in two weeks at the most upon release?

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Enjoy your ban.

My only opinion is you’re a pony fucking faggot

I've got it on my wishlist, i can't wait for it to come out honestly.

So we can't talk about it as a game instead of it being just remotely attached to a something on a different board?


Funnily enough if you post it on /mlp/ they also tell you to fuck off because it's not MLP anymore

it would have been cool 5 years ago
do bronies even still exist in 2018?
>still have several pony shirts
>can't bring myself to throw them away

I'm not into MLP in the slightest. I just know someone who actually is and we are both into fighters. He showed me the Beta he got as a backer of the game through Skype calls back in the day. It looked alright but I haven't touched it or MLP ever.

The game is doomed on launch due to DBFZ's fantastic success basically blotting the entire fight game market for at least the first half of the year.

In all honesty they should have waited.

>people still salty about mlp
always good to know

I just want to talk about this as a fighting game. Not its origins. Weeb ass fighting games don't bat a fucking eye with people but this with genuinely cute and appealing characters, not sexualized in any form, gets everyone in a tiff.

Legit curious about how it will play.

you can play the leaked MLP version right now, it came out ages ago and it'll probably play the same way

Fighting is Magic was pretty interesting.
I'm surprised they got Luna to the actual moon, but no one was able to finish FiM properly.

It could be the most amazingly fun game in the world and I wouldn't play it

holy fuck I thought it died

It's our job as functioning human beings to make sure this makes it to EVO and not Smash

This The game has been out for years. This is just the completed version and it's going to suck regardless.

Also It's pretty much dead on day 1.

>released 1 after their deadline
>the dev team had radio-silence almost all of 2017
>their only twitter posts were "we are working on it, hang tight"
>released after even more popular fighting games

this shit is DOA, there's no way it can compete with AAA fighting games, its basically skullgirls with colored horses skins and yet it took them like 5 years to make it.

Fuck Smash.

I also can't understand how MLP still triggers 90% of Sup Forums babies. It's literally Western moe.

Horsefucker here. It's definitely distanced itself from MLP to the point where if you showed it to someone who didn't know any better, they would have no idea it was connected to the original source material. I didn't chip in to the GoFundMe out of principle/laziness, so I have no idea how Them's Fightin Herds plays compared to the leaked Fighting is Magic, but as someone who's gotten more into fighting games than I was when the brony craze was starting out, I am still really looking forward to buying it when it comes out. It'll probably be a talking point for the remaining bronies in 2018 and those who are aware of the game's origins, but I don't see it even managing to be a flavor of the month sort of deal

They do, but those who got into the show recently are a whole different breed compared to those who started watching the show near the beginning. They're a whole new strain of cancer and sadly the most prominent people in the fandom. I've been attending BronyCon pretty consistently since late 2011 and judging the fandom purely on BC attendance, it's been seriously tanking for the past several years. My decent brony friends these days are few and far between with most people jumping to other cancer fandoms or choosing to go balls deep into anime. I've held onto all my merch too. I even have my pony shrine next to my bed that's such a damn eyesore, but I also can't bring myself to throw them all in a box

Where's barneyfag?
I haven't seen any of his falseflag threads in a while

i burned mine, tossed it in a bonfire when i visited the countryside

Go away /mlp/, stop trying to project your own shittiness onto others

>TFW former horse fucker
>Lost my virginity to an 8/10 rarity cosplayer at Bronycon 2014
Shine on you crazy bronies, even if the show is probably still pretty good or pretty terrible, you'll always be great in my book

This game was suppose to have dynamic music, right?

I don't think anyone's been talking about this game (on Sup Forums or on other sites) without mentioning how it used to be a My Little Pony fangame. As for the FGC, I don't think they tend to give a shit about indie fighting games. There's Skullgirls, but that's ancient history and there's no word of a sequel coming out, so that's probably not making a comeback.

user dropping the redpills

I remember playing the MLP version in high school and really loving it. I was upset when Hasbro hit them with the C&D but when the Frankie Foster herself helped raise it from the dead i was super happy.

Totally forgot about it, but im glad to know it's coming out soon and i'll be able to give it a shot.

I think they finally figured out how to filter his posts and pictures, last time I saw him was in Sup Forums like a month ago.

Sup Lenkowsky

pretty much the only thing it has going for it, im still surprised its not an industry standard specially on fighting games.

>Sup Forums
Newfag please go and stay go.

I can't believe fans of the show hate it more than barneyfag.
Each season keeps getting better and better, but people keeps complaining.

I think it's neat and wanna try it but if I have to pay higher than $20 I probably will skip it.

maybe he's finally dead
he literally just sat at his computer monitoring RSS feeds of every Sup Forums board looking for pony references to pounce on

It's too bad they stuck with the MLP filter because some of these designs are really fun, but other's look like deviant OC's

So can anyone confirm what the game plays like?

Like is it a Guilty Gear or a Skullgirls or what

man who knew the men of culture were coming out tonight to talk about MLP of all things. MLP saving western animation whether you like it or not.

But moe is fucking hot garbage

Shame nothing came of the MLP Smash Bros clone
since I was an animator on it

they got lauren faust to do the artwork, which is why they look in the same style

>That smug look
>Fat as fuck
>Clearly benefiting from upper middle class lifestyle provided by semi-wealthy parents to afford those clothes and live comfortably as an "artist"
Fuck white people indeed. Hope this thing realizes that it's part of the problem and just because it says some dumbass shit that doesn't make it less white.

literally built in the skullgirls engine

Backers originally got it for $15, I wonder if it's gonna stay that way on release.

>Smash is the only thing that's remotely entertaining at EVO

Yeah ok lets just throw it all out i guess

Imagine a faster and lighter skullgirls.

I've literally never heard of this and I've followed mlp since 2010

Nope, he is still around
He is probably in between VPN services right now, he's gone through a TON of them

Bought friend MLP rogue-like a while back.
Wonder why Hasbro hasn't them all C&D letters?

Horsefucker since mid-S1 reporting. From around S4-5 onwards, each season has gotten much more impactful 10/10 episodes, but the seasons as a whole have gotten kind of bland

This is fucking ridiculous because every TFH thread on /mlp/ gets deleted because "gaming belongs on Sup Forums".

Seriously, fuck these mods. Fuck every single one of those inbred dipshits.

yo how are the EQG specials and movies, I heard those were comfy as fuck if you can tank the cringe of the premise

They posted a couple videos on Youtube and I think we had a one or two songs for the OST
Everyone on the team was shit, I was a shit animator but MLP gave me a free audience

You should probably consider suicide then. It’s the only option at this point

tfw ponykart was abandoned

This game's target audience is gonna be so darn small, and even within that audience, there's no guarantee it will become popular. I feel bad for the devs if it doesn't take off after years of hard work.