

I reply to off topic garbage

Thought I was on the wrong board and read it as coinfess

I go to reddit daily, possibly more than Sup Forums. I've been here since 2008, and there's nothing bad about reddit once you avoid the big subreddits

I watch way more ani/m/e than I do play vidya

what's a coinfess?


I still support Squeenix because I love the atmosphere of nearly every one of their games.

just a coincidence bitch

One time I superglued a squirrel to my friend's nutsack while we went camping. We called him Rabiecock from then on


I jerked off without showering enough that I just had to rub lotion all over the head of my dick to make it stop itching and bleeding from scratching.

who even makes this shit

even me?

>played some game
>get bored
>play another one instead
>get bored again
Ive started like 5 games now, what happned father?

Can somebody explain this shit? Why can cum fuck up your skin so bad?

You’ve seen what that shit does to fabric. Why do you think your skin would fare better?

I don't think it was cum, it was just the constant dry rubbing.

Don't worry-

even me?

I... haven't
No f am it's not just on cock, any of that shit left inbetween my legs burns that skin with red blotches n shit. I don't understand

>being cut
shiggy diggy

Are you allergic to your own jizz?

There's plenty!

A-am i going to die if i am?

Don't worry-

no, but it is possible