Was it autism?

Was it autism?

Other urls found in this thread:


You don't know what autism means

Don't know, but I loved telling him to go to bed.

Was it autism?

No, it was ego.

Decent game. I really liked the slimeball trailer trash Dante approach for a reboot and the anti-capitalist Orwellian Demons story was pretty cool backdrop.

Shame it got screamed down by weeaboos missing their personality-less animu self insert.

That's the face I make when I eat shitty kitty supreme

How long has it been?

It was absolute and complete vanity.

you're autism

It had an interesting thematic but the gameplay was just shit .

Was it Autism?

I really wish they went with this Donte. It seemed like an interesting story.

It wasn't awful on its own, and it's better than some other peers, but yeah compared to the depth that 4 and 3 had it's lacking.

I liked playing it more than I liked Revengeance, personally.



Better than the other Sailor Mercury cosplays I found on google

andrew dobson


Why did they do this?

yup, that's autism

Is the girl in the second picture actually a girl, or a """girl"""?

who is she?


A cosplayer with aspergers.

I'm sorry Sup Forums, but my mind registers her not as disgusting or ugly, but as rather cute.

Have some standards, for fucks sake.
Or is it your fetish?

There is something cute in her that I can't really pinpoint but it literally made my heart skip a beat just now, and when I see them with their personas side by side I go all "daww" instead of the expected reaction.

I don't know what's going on, the autistic cosplayer made me feel nothing, twitch whores, hot gamer gurls and the like kind of annoy me instead of arousing me.

The guy from Jaltoid looks like Lee.

Yea, get standards.

Standards for what? Swooning over internet women?

the worst part is this is half right.

they ironicaly buckled to fans a lot, and they had to have big daddie capcom fix the game for them when they were fucking up.

I thought autism was something only white people could catch.


I think it WAS accidental. Capcom were the ones who picked the design and they don't work for that guy.

What I don't understand is how everyone missed the similarities. Yeah, not identical, but still similar, there is no denying it, no way in hell. How did no one in a whole TWO game studios not notice it!?

Standards, as in what is normal and acceptable by the majority. Now fuck off back to mlp world piece of shit.

>You must only like what is normal and acceptable by the majority
If you really believe this beyond just shit talking in this particular case, consider suicide.


That design honestly looked better than the one they went with. Burnt-out, gaunt, drug abusing, chain smoking demon slayer is cooler than some snotty teenager that can't stop cursing.

shes fat as fuck dude did you somehow not catch that? Her BMI is over 40

I had forgotten how much worse Nu-Donte v1 looked than Nu-Donte v2.

Thanks for the reminder.

>larry is the only accurate one
based fat british obscure vidya fact man


>Burnt-out, gaunt, drug abusing, chain smoking demon slayer is cooler than some snotty teenager that can't stop cursing.
They're both cringeworthy.
Mainly because the snotty teenager that can't stop cursing grows into the burnt-out, gaunt, drug abusing, chain smoker.

Sure I do, it’s the hot new buzzword used to describe the cringeworthy antics of the socially inept.

Remember when they got rid of their pre-established antagonistic journalist that they had used for two games in favour of pic related?

Don't bring Jack into this, he's a national treasure

It was him being out of touch and not really understanding Dante/DMC, and Capcom thinking there was something wrong with DMC because it didn't sell even more.

He said that Dante would get laughed out of any bar outside of Tokyo when that wasn't true. There are still industrial and metal bars in the US that Dante would fit right in. Seems like he thought Dante was trying to be punk instead of more industrial/goth. I kind of feel bad for Tameem, he just seems like an older guy who thought he was young and hip but got put into a position where he was able to get an ego that let him think shitting on the fans was a good thing.

I guess Capcom just wanted to make the game more casual like God of War to sell more copies too, but it ended up being really boring, especially the boss fights. And most people know the color-coded enemies were shallow and annoying.

I kind of wish they would've made it more like DMC1 with a cyberpunk twist, maybe showing how Dante and the demons would be utilizing newer technology. I know they kind of did that in DmC1 but it felt like they didn't totally embrace it.

Capcom having to lower their sales expectations and saying that quality was low means we probably won't get a DmC2, so hopefully they'll try to go back to the roots of the game and give us a proper sequel to DMC1.


since the namefag, the game or the anime?

Yeah, well, I'd rather have a broken mess edgy Donte than a FUCK YOU DAD I'LL DO WHAT I WANT edgy Donte.

I don't think anyone really likes Ja/ck/ threads anymore because of how often he got spammed in webm threads.

he's a fat fuck, that profile looks like a fat fuck, just a stylized one

You don't understand user, they're the same character, just a few years apart.

>Government wants you drinking energy drinks because a demon lord from this alternate realm that can't be seen by humans wants to rule
The consumerist themes in DmC barely make sense and the demon realm being an unseen facet of the real world is dumb as fuck.

Have you ever actually read George Orwell?

Larry is the only one who at least admits being fat although 2D always find ways to make it less disgusting

At least from the announcement trailer, I got the impression the initial direction for the character was different than the one we got. More gritty, tortured youth, barely spoke, etc. Could be wrong, but it's just speculation anyway.

someone add ronnie from whomp to this
he's a fun subversion


Not as bad as I thought it would be, still feels incredibly rushed and silly

hello autist.

so out of place.

more like cringe and try hard

He's wearing leather trousers with no underwear...

>Anime avatarfag whale chaser telling other people to kill themselves
Have memes gone too far?

Great game,wrong title

why did this site decide to start bullying a random couple making comics.

hatred is addictive

>tfw you hjavent seen a tripfag in three years but still expect every image of shinjiro to be followed up by edits of dicks

la creatura...


hello autist my old friend

>*blogposts my opinion*

Tameem is British, but you're right, they are quite revolting.


Fuck off paiddigdis shill.

The nerve of this guy!

why so mad

fucking Jack

this site will do absolutely anything just because it can
how do you not know this?

thanks guy


Autism, more like narcissism.


i always thought there was some form of reason behind everything. dobson got shit on because he's the embodiment of all 7 deadly sins, buckley got shit on because he's a pretentious hack, etc.

Someone should draw a cartoon persona that actually looks like these ugly freaks


i don't see the problem with the post you quoted.

nigga what
how did he let this get out

Went to high school with her. Can't believe she got famous off of her shitty drawings.




kek, needs that somecallmejohnny cuck too

But the cowboys in that movie weren't even gay

Why does everyone call DMC and Dante "too anime" when one of the main inspirations for DMC was goofy B-Grade 80s Hollywood movies?

>guy in the comic
>girl in real life