I'm about to crack 300 hours spent across Arma 2/OA/3. I have to accept that I'm a faggot who likes milsim autismfests

I'm about to crack 300 hours spent across Arma 2/OA/3. I have to accept that I'm a faggot who likes milsim autismfests.

My only question is, are these games THE most hardcore thing on the market? I'm getting pretty good at it. I crave more

>300 hours spent across Arma 2/OA/3
that's 1/10 i have

I loved Arma 2 and 3, easily some of the best moments in gaming I've had in three decades.

But no, MOBAs, specifically DOTA2, require a lot more mechanical skill and game knowledge to be competitive. So by my defintion at least, they are a lot more "hardcore."

some people don't enjoy them though, and that is fine.

I mean hardcore in the sense of milsim titles, not games in general
I'm just wondering if there's some obscure hidden gem that's like "quit playing Arma user, REAL milsimmers play [x]"

you could sign up for a milsperg group, but they're ACTUALLY AUTISTIC and suck the fun out of anything.

Squad is autistic as I get

Honestly arma is too clunky and too shit without tons of mods

im enjoying squad because its the perfect balance

I have 700 in Operation Arrowhead alone. Pump those numbers up, kid.

real life is clunky desu
Though I'm glad they added combat pace
>Arma 2
>You have to switch between running, literally walking, and full sprint
light jog is a godsend

300 is not a lot. Fucking casuals.

star citizen!

I've had R6 Siege for 2 months and I'm close to that. 300 hours is fucking nothing.

Have you read any actual field manuals from the US military? Do you know what milliradians are? Do you always use tourniquets? If the answer to any of these questions is no you need to git gud.

Do you play with the artillery computer on or off? If the answer is on...

You need to know what mrads are to use the mk 6 mortar with the range table.

>300 hrs
not my playtime but 300 hours for arma 2/oa/3 combined is safe, you're okay user

and I thought i like insurgency... Jesus Christ.

For Milsim autism with friends and randos, try Squad or Project Reality.

If you like custom scenarios and SP stuff I suggest getting into something like Graviteam Tactics, which extends autism into the strategic theater.

Real hardcore is in the sky with 4++ jets. Pilots are elite. Try aviasims if you want to be a real MAN.

>But no, MOBAs, specifically DOTA2, require a lot more mechanical skill and game knowledge to be competitive. So by my defintion at least, they are a lot more "hardcore."

> 300 hours

baka I have more then 9 in all 3 games.

boy, 3000 is under what I have. I don't care what the most hardcore game/simulator is arma is just the shit right now with mods and players.