The great debate

The great debate.



Why does the Sonic R boxart have the Genesis logo?


Are you a fucking faggot?


Mania > Unleashed > Adventure 1 > Heroes > Generations > CD > The rest don't matter and Sonic1/3 are both terrible games

I'm going to give you three minutes to delete this


He's right you know.

You have two minutes

>seriously thinks anything in some old shitty sidescroller where you just slam into copy and pasted walls for 9 minutes matches to the greatness that is eggmanland, holoska, empire city, or apotos

C'mon son

Damn nice bait

I hope you enjoy falling down bottomless pits. Or Eggmanland taking forever

The answer is either Sonic 2 or Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
Sonic Mania is Sonic CD2

I use my skills and Sonics abilities to not fall down the pits. Sorry you are not good enough and constantly need a safety net that will catch you if you perform badly in a game. Eggmanland takes me 12 minutes, shouldn't take you longer than 15

>Sonic Mania is Sonic CD2
I haven't seen an opinion this terrible in a while. Sonic CD had consistently shit and sloppy level design. Mania doesn't, for the most part.

I agree.

>Sonic CD had consistently shit and sloppy level design
Right, and while Mania is leagues above it, the core design philosophy behind Mania is CD, far more so than 2 or 3K
In the old days it was expected that sequels were better than the ones that came before

>the core design philosophy behind Mania is CD, far more so than 2 or 3K
Explain. Like, literally. Nearly half the games content is solely 3K based, with S2's speed. They don't even acknowledge CD in the trailer, and only do for 2 levels in the game, plus the ending.

>the core design philosophy behind Mania is CD

Most of the original stages play like 2. The classic stages play like the games they're from.

I'm not seeing a CD influence because unlike that game I was actually having fun.

Sonic CD is COOL!

Beat me to it