ITT: Bullshit bosses that took you 8 tries to beat.
ITT: Bullshit bosses that took you 8 tries to beat
>8 tries when they give you 3 turns to combo the shit out of her every 3 turns
she's literally the easiest boss in the game
jusus I had to waste all my turns with stat buffs/debuffs so she wouldn't knock me down. She would get like 6 "1 more"s in a row and destroy me.
any every time she had like 10HP left. mfw.
I hate how much this game didn't give you SP items
>he doesn't know
its a bitch but it also forces you to strategize
I think it took me 3, but i can't remember.
Nightmare 3 with Trish spamming attacks from outside the arena
>he didn't get Takemi's link to 7
Not only are you bad at this game, you have terrible taste in women.
I beat her first try.
Yes lets use all of them attacking her after she's wailed on you so that she can immediately wreck you afterwards.
>not getting the sp items from the vending machines every week
>not making coffee
>not having kawakami make coffee for you
>not using sp regen items and skills
This boss is infmaously bullshit and broken beyond all belief. It's the second to last boss in Demon Gaze and not only is it way higher level than you (without maximum grinding) it has like 90% damage resistance and heals itself every other turn. The way to actually beat it is so specific and autistic it's ridiculous. I never even beat it, I simply gave up. I even grinded levels and gear for several hours and still got stomped. Everyone who played Demon Gaze agrees this boss is awful.
I never beat the last boss of Digimon Cyber Slueth
Honestly the story got so retarded at that point I just did not care
>doesn't know how to use defense up all allies and evasion up all allies
You shouldn't be taking significant damage in the first place.
>tfw bought Kaguya because I heard she was the only Persona DLC that was worth getting
>get to this fight
>boss does the swoop down attack with Kaguya as main Persona
>Reflect Phys
>Boss takes 4000+ Damage
Pretty bullshit, but pretty funny at the same time
>playing on babymode
If you played anything but Merciless then you did not actually beat persona 5, not playing on Merciless is the same as watching a lets play
Steamy one you've got there mate
I haven't bought any DLC personas, but this sounds really dumb.
Played on hard mode first play through. Sorry you're a brainlet that doesn't know how to use buffs/debuffs.
hardmode is still babymode, has nothing on merciless
It is extremely dumb
Each of the DLC Persona's come at a certain level and your first summoning of them is free, so you could be level 10 with a level 90 Messiah
Kaguya is probably the least bullshit out of them (aside from Reflect Phys at an early level) because she comes at level 14 and actually requires investment to become good
>Doing any of that when you can just get sp recovery accessories for cheap
Is demon gaze 2 any better than 1?
Man, I want to fuck a sphinx. She doesn't even need to be a giantess.
Took me only 4 tries.
>you could be lvl 10 and have lvl 90 Messiah
This is typical for NG+, but in your first playthrought such garbage is really dumb.
The only dumb part is you can get reflecr gel from Takemi to do that without DLC.
m-my gamer credibility is r-r-ruined! I p-played on normal..... ;(((((((((
Wow that's news to me
I don't feel nearly as bad about doing it now at least
Hell yeah man. Mid rank with Tae and 5k yen lets you protect Joker once the sphinx flies up after Futaba joins and reflect half her health back at her.
First time I did that I laughed so hard it woke the dog.
Or you could just use Shiki-Ouji, but you have to not be a faggot for that.
I remember fighting Kaneshiro's boss fight and losing to his roll out attack because I was CERTAIN it would deal physical damage and I had Shiki Ouji equipped. Pretty humiliating to learn I was wrong.
If the hot bitch was just a hot bitch channeling a digimon and NOT ACTUALLY a digimon, I would have liked it better. I'm having a tough time even getting into hackers memory right now because I forgot how fucking slow just walking is. Not to mention how slow the battles are.
I agree 100%. Not sure if I want to buy HM at this point
Then I couldn't use a walking meme.
The don't put people weak to wind on the fucking squad, faggot.
shiki-ouji is null phys, not reflect.
> having trouble with one of the easiest bosses in the game
Git Gud.
i was playing on the hardest, just buffed myself 2 times with physical mirror and she died in 3 turns.
Any Street Fighter final boss