Has there been a single game as great as MGS 2 since the release of MGS 2?

Has there been a single game as great as MGS 2 since the release of MGS 2?

MGS2 on steroids

Chapter 3 missing was worse than Strut 2 missing

one day they'll release it

MGS2 was the weakest main-series MG game before MGS5 came around... so yes. Many.

shit game of out/10 will never play again. 2 was better. 3 was even better than both.

nice meme, the weakest is mgs4 btw

>prologue in rain at night to show off graphics
>play as real snake
>snake framed and left for dead
>us military location invaded by cowboy and his soldiers in choppers
>everything goes wrong because emmerich was naive

>main chapter on orange hex plant
>play as a snake-stand in who is analog for player
>enter personal info at start which appears again at the end
>liquid escapes with metal gear leaving a cliffhanger ending
>next game doesn't pick up where that story left off, but instead goes back to tell the origin story of the previous generation of characters

I just entered Raiden and just thought he was autistic for looking at his own name


*blocks your path*

You feel it too, don't you? The Phantom Pain?


I can see why Konami got rid of Kojima. Dude probably wasted a lot of time and money.

>makes more than double the budget used on day one
yeah sure what a hack

yes but not many

fallout nv and lfd2 are also pretty close

MGS4 beats the shit out of 2 and 5 combined.

lets talk about this for a second. I was actually watching some MGS cutscenes last night since I haven't played the game since the late 00's at least. I'm no stranger to Metal Gear Solid, I played the first one when it came out on the playstation, and played every game in the series since with the exception of the PSP games and ghost babel. When MGS came out I was 12, MGS2, I was 15 and 19 for MGS3. I consider these 3 games the core of the series.

Granted when I was younger I was easily amazed and thought everything was totally deeper than it really was, but just looking at the last hour of MGS2 and the message it was trying to convey...watching it again last night it made me realize how utterly ballsy Kojima was to be discussing that stuff in 01. The exposition alone is obviously self-indugent at its worst parts, but for the most is quite well done. Nowadays a game like MGS2 would have to be an indie/early access game to get away with that amount of story telling and philosophizing. Say what you want about him, but i think Kojima genuinely wanted games as a medium to be more self-aware.

It does seem like the grand heights of his creativity are waning though, with MGSV being fairly disappointing. I hope that was a result of the fallout with Konami though. I hope death stranding genuinely invigorates his creativity again and keeps him going. guy is one of a kind.

nothing is ever going to top 2 because, one, people are to dumb to understand anything relatively complicated

secondly, kojima is more or less tapping out the limits of the social science literature in mgs2. there is a little more to go, regarding polisci, but I doubt kojima has read it because even many phds haven't

so effectively nothing is ever going to come even close to mgs2

the chance to turn games into something more than propaganda and pornography came and passed in the span of 3 years or so


Holy fuck no. I mean the gameplay was A+, but the story, characters, and boss battles were fucking garbage compared to every other game in the series

agree to all those points. I don't think games will ever become more than pornography and propaganda however, we're closer to comic books than we think.

Still all things considered in your post, it only enshrines MGS2 as something truly special. So many so called "games" nowadays masquerade under an indie art style with pretentious story line and little to no gameplay. I mean, you've seen the news, game journalists now are championing gameplay modes which essentially grant god mode in order to finish the game and see the storyline. is this real or a bad joke? in 2001 we had a AAA game with an outstanding, prescient story and good gameplay. how far we've come.

It's funny that you call people dumb when you swallow up any pretentious shit that is shoveled down your throat. MGS2 was far too heavy handed for the message it was trying to deliver. Subtlety is important when you're trying to make social commentary otherwise you just look like a blogger with a budget. It's true now and it was true then. You're not supposed to have characters going on a fifteen minute rant which basically boils down to "By the way, THIS IS THE THEME OF THE GAME! Yes I'm talking to YOU GAMER! This is the theme of the game! Do you understand the theme of the game yet? No! Well allow me to tell you again!"

MGS2 was shit, the only good part was the gameplay, the story is fucking baggage, it's almost up with MGS4 in how bad it is.

t. Absolute brainlet.

MGS2 still accurately predicted what the internet has become

People only see and know what the powers that be allow them to see and know

Killer 7. Kingdom Hearts Final Mix. Bloodborne. NieR and NieR Automata.

>He needs the main characters to break the fourth wall and directly address him to explain the game or he won't understand the plot

You're missing my point. It's not the themes of the game or the lore behind it I take issue with, it's the RIDICULOUSLY heavy handed way they were presented.

MGS2 might be narratively interesting but as a game it fucking sucks.

this. MGS2 is pretentious. 4 is everything good about the series on steroids plus the best gameplay and most environmental variety.

weird, i never got that feeling from the entirety of MGS2. There were certain scenes here and there which dragged on a bit IE Otacon sniveling about his sister.

Heavy-handedness does exist in the game, but in my opinion there's so little of it and so much of the good that it gets outweighed.

MGS2 didn't predict anything, it was inspired by themes that were already discussed by other works. Even then, it ain't that much of an accomplishment to predict people are sheep, they've only been so for entirety of history.

MGS 3 is better. At least it's got some game in that anime.


4, really now? the game where people get launched out of cannons? It's a good game but jeez pick your battles.

and come on, nothing in the series COMES CLOSE to the end of 2 where SS tells Raiden that even though his whole life has been a lie up to that point, he can choose to do whatever he wants with his life from now on. that's just KINO

MGS2 would have been a much better game if 9/11 didn't happen

The worst parts are mostly at the end really, when not! Campbell and not! Rose tag team you with the lecture to end all lectures about the games plot and then after the solidus fight the bit with the dogtags and such. That said I know there were parts cut from the game at the end, so maybe Kojima was forced to compress his plot into a much smaller space than he'd originally planned.

No, because it was such a unique game.
But Metal Gear Solid became bastardized with the way they kept pushing spin-offs and strange versions.
I consider MGS2 the last real MGS game to ever exist.

4 would have been a much better game if it ended when Snake pulled the trigger.

Maybe my tastes changed as i go older, but as a young kid playing MGS2 the ending was the worst part, easily. Now I'm 32 and the ending is the best part for me. Yeah it drags and drones in places, but when you tie the message into the game and eventually as the statement HK was trying to make, i think it makes sense.

No it was made better because of 9/11. The speech given by g.w. about controlling information was given so much more context because of 9/11.

But then Akio Otsuka wouldn't be able to work with his dad and reconcile with him just few years before the old man passed away.

>the gameplay was A+
No it wasn't. The controls were the only thing it had going for it and they were just slightly worse than MGS4.

indeed. they're status symbols

t. brainlet

it predicted plenty

idiotic faggots like you have been rambling about "Free speech is da best" and "civil rights and democracy are perfect"

fucking the entirety of higher learning bought into fukuyama's "end of history" bullshit and only the tiny, tiny, tiny minority of scholarship discussed issues concerning modern education making us DUMBER, or the fatal faults of democracy and mob rule

FUCK YOU you dumb faggot. 99.9% of people had been plain fucking INCORRECT about the internet and modern media

kojima got it right and you should fucking kill yourself for being too dumb to even figure that out

it definitely was unique. It could have done with less spin-offs, but I enjoyed the story. The problem comes with finality and closure. They only had so much wiggle room with which to close Solid Snakes story, so acid and 4 were all we got. I'm still pissed that I wasn't able to play a high res/poly snake in 4. Old snake was fine but talk about disappointment, probably worse than Raiden for me.

When they went back in time for MGS3 they suddenly realized they had DECADES of backstory to play with and that's when things got kind of stupid. I would have preferred a more coherent, fully realized MGSV existing if it meant that the PW games were erased

People like you are the reason why MGS2 was a mistake.

Why does Sup Forums just start fucking hating games out of the blue
Even games or series it used to love before are now being shat on all over like Yakuza

welcome to Sup Forums

i see you're new here.

Defend this.

You can't.

I mean every single MGS after the second one. They were all horrible. I know a lot of younger players will disagree but they just suck. MGS1 was my favorite.
I can see why versions like Revengeance were so popular with the younger edgy anime watching type players.

I personally don't hate the game, heck I replayed it recently and had fun. It's just not this amazing gift from God through his prophet Kojima that people make it out to be.

3 is better i think, personally. i know a lot of people played 2 first though so they like that one. i played 1 first so 2 was less interesting.

2 was the perfect start to the ps2, it really showed off what the system was capable of. 3 made the series pure kino.

You sound butthurt.


Metal Gear was always an anime.

there was something to that late 90's/early 00's futuristic, dare i say almost cyberpunk aesthetic to MGS1 and 2 that i've never found anywhere else. it just worked so well. I have to admit that I did like 3 as well, but only because I found the setting novel for the time. Plus the gameplay was massively improved from what I remember.

it's one of those "you had to be there" moments I suppose. Same thing with Half Life 1/2, OOT, Deus Ex and most games that get praise heaped upon them. You have to put yourself in the mindset of what things were like back then.

i think actually the demo of 2 where you just play the snake part was the perfect way to start the ps2.

Imagine getting this mad over a game you didn't play until fifteen years after it's release.

Did you never pretend to be walking underwater when you were a kid?

I was there, all the way from MGS1. I might have had some euphoria from first playthrough, but MGS1 and Ghost Babel were games I was far more fond of in the end.

interesting, but I can see your point. what's your opinion of 4 and 5 if you played them?

It was made by Japanese developers, but Revengeance is more anime style.
It's also because the market was a lot different back then. As soon as Hideo Kojima found out he could make shitty spin-offs and teens would like them no matter what, he gave up. So we will never see anything like MGS1 or MGS2 again.

I'm not really seeing your point there. I do believe he tried to make quality games, i mean 3 and 4 would be outstanding games by themselves but next to 1 and 2 they pale. They had a very difficult act to follow. I think over the years he waned creatively, MGSV seems like the first solid evidence of this. As i mentioned somewhere above, i do hope that Death Stranding gets his creative juices flowing. He was working on metal gear for close to 20 years before he left konami.

All MGS2 fags are insufferable.
It's just a fucking video game.

Haven't played them yet, after 2 I didn't have the money to keep up and have just recently started catching up. If they have as much cutscenes as people say, I have a feeling it won't get a totally positive opinion, too much passive watching ruins the experience.

overwatch is a video game
zelda is a video game
call of duty is a videogame.

MGS2 isn't just a videogame.


>it's one of those "you had to be there" moments I suppose
I was, and the post-modern delivery went completely over my head at the time. Presumably people were supposed to be enraged about playing as Raiden, wondering "why the fuck is there such a lame-o boss like Fatman" and things like that, but I just didn't care enough for those things.

Even after reading up autistic theories about Kojima's genius (I even saw an entire fucking blog dedicated to that), I still am somewhat indifferent about it. I mean, it's cool MGS2 was daring and creative, then you have the AI speech at the end, and many other memorable moments. But so did all MGS games (a series which I've been playing since I was about 10 years old), minus the the sheer incoherent plot that tries to reinvent the wheel when it comes to the very art of storytelling itself. I guess that's post-modernism for ya.

Honestly, though, I stopped caring about story in games almost entirely. MGSV was the game I ended spending more time on and having more fun and being more engaged. Moment to moment gameplay is now the top value in the hierarchy for me when it comes to this medium.

I completely agree with you user, ignore those filthy fedoratippers that are the mgs2fags.

you people are retards

I bet you look at videos on "I fucking LOVE science" feeds and feel smart

the internet is causing people to self delude about their intelligence and importance, and the result is the universities re failing, people are chopping their dicks off, and muslims run around bombing churches, and no one even dares speak up about it

you people are literally insects

you don't have to like the game. but it is correct about a thing almost everyone at the time got utterly, utterly, incorrect

that makes it right, and that makes you NOT right

if you prefer games that feed you lies, fucking fine. you should give up your right to vote though

to each their own. I love 5 but i consider it separate from the MGS series in general. All i ever wanted was a true open world MGS experience, with different zones and quests, seamless progression form mission to mission etc. Yes i'm still butthurt. What we did get was pretty serviceable, but damn that game would have been an all time fave had it been completed.

holy shit, look at this faggot


And you're too fucking stupid to realize that I wasn't shitting on the games message, but rather the way it was presented in a ridiculous heavy handed matter. And even after I explained that you STILL don't understand my argument.

I guess Kojima knew his audience after all. People like you NEED the main characters to break the fourth wall and address you directly otherwise you never would have understood the point of the game, that much is clear to me now. Kojima made a game to explain simple concepts to retards in the most straight forward way he could think of and he achieved that. And since it was the first and probably only time you retards have been able to understand anything, you think it was the best game ever because it made you feel smart just for one moment.

You like smelling your own farts, don't you?

>the internet is causing people to self delude about their intelligence and importance
the fucking irony
the average MGS2fag everyone

Many of them. I like MGS3 and MGS4 more than MGS2 actually

I played all 4 games last year for the first time ever and I genuinely believe that anyone who truly thinks that MGS4 is a worthy sequel to 1-3 is actually delusional, or completely misunderstood the series.

Best taste user, also /Thread.

Why are you faggots so upset? About what?
>It's just a fucking video game
Of course, faggot.

Yes. MGS3.


No, I'm wondering why you faggots are. Fucking Sup Forumsermin. I don't see any criticisms of MGS2 here, just confused complaining and babble.

nigger don't pretend you understood any of those ideas before playing mgs2

I don't care if the presenation is bad. he did it and it got through to some people

no one else even has attempted to do anything like the message in mgs2, you literally need to read stratfor or polisci journals to get anything remotely related

I was 17 at the time I played MGS2 and I think the speech worked pretty well on me since I had the reactions and overall confused expression as Raiden the whole way

MGS2 is objectively the worst.

We play video games to get away from real life and have fun, not to remember that every facet of our lives secretly controlled from behind he scenes.

confused complaining and babble?

the retarded niggers in this thread re probably, literally, niggers that don't care about or value anything other than dopamine hits and getting their dick rubbed

if anything isn't immediately pleasurable to them, they don't see the value

>WOW Kojima was so smart he totally understood everything unlike you plebs
MGS2 fanboys say, posting more useless trash online that will one day need to be filtered through.

If you really believe the message, then why are you contributing to the problem?

>Play a metal gear solid game
>Suddenly everything stops
>The colonel appears
>"Alright, now let me explain the whole point of the game to you, yes YOU, the player, in case you didn't get it"

Great story telling. I bet you love political cartoons too.

This picture perfectly encapsulates the story of MGS2 and the game's fanbase.

So can we agree that mgs2 fags are the laughing stock of the mgs fanbase?

Only when they try to defend their favorite game as though it is the most intellectually stimulating piece of work in the history of mankind.

It's actually a pretty good game, the fanboys are just fags about it.

>three faggots circlejerking believe they bring a better point than Delta Head Translation
Speaks volumes of the MGS fans that prefer saturday morning cartoons.

yeah agree

Sup Forumsermin get too pumped up about this stuff.
If you want to enjoy titles like Revengeance and other spin-offs and titles after MGS2, go ahead.
Nobody is stopping you from doing so. But I'm sure if we all had anything better to do we wouldn't be talking about this on Sup Forums.


Haha dude super awesome James Bond movie xD
I can just turn my brain off brah!

>hating [MGS2] out of the blue

This game was fucking reviled on release by adamant fans of the previous game. You might be too young to remember how games like this that followed up big hits--FFVIII and LoZMM come to mind--got shat on to levels of obscenity despite critical praise.

MGS2 was better than the MGS games that followed it, but MGS1 was better than all of them.
If we're comparing the two, MGS1 set the standard and wins every time.

>fatman on his rollerskates
>vamp a bisexual, immortal, flying vampire
>liquid arm possession (which was retconned/explained later to be nano machine brainwashing or some shit)

are you guys forgetting some of the dumb shit in this game?
