Found this on my facebook feed.....
Found this on my facebook feed
why do they always have to open their mouth
Did you make sure to call him a cuck?
they're waiting for the dick they're going to suck for payment
No you didn't, user.
>implying this is a bad thing
I just got out of prison. Is posting shit from Facebook and Reddit accepted now?
why do people keep posting these here?
what do this get out of it?
it always was nintendyearold soyboy.
la creatura...
It's the "If I smile normally I'll look like a murderous rapist, so I'll just overdo it to shit and and look like a harmless retard instead"
funny how Sup Forums wants to make it a Nintendo thing, when it's arctually an american thing
You're not fooling anyone, reddit
thanks for memesplaining
it's EPIC funny
la delicia......
La luxo goblerino...
This place IS reddit and facebook, user. best leave while you can.
this guy looks like my art history professor
>inb4 why are you taking art history
gen eds
This. If you can't fake a smile, your only choices are the numale look, the serial killer look, the joyless asshole look, or not taking inane photos of yourself that not even your own mother could give a single shit about.
why is Sup Forums so troubled with emotions and facial expressions of joy and excitement
a good solution is to just take a picture of the damn switch rather than forcing your ugly mug into the picture
Why were you in prison, user?
t. soyboy
because Sup Forums is full of bitter autists and virgins
You can express happiness without unhinging your jaw, y'know.
>taking silly pictures a certain way is suddenly bad because/v/ can't into happiness or fun
You people are a mess.
Actually a legitimate class though. Art is the basis of all culture. Video games or even that frog you posted wouldn’t exist without humanity’s rich artistic history.
>browsing fb to begin with
i don't get this, do you all have social lives or something?
I actually enjoy the class a great deal. I don't know why people always dread it. Now that I think about it everybody I've heard who hasn't liked art history was a brainlet
>curse of the great cunny god
all of my what
want to be my friend
>the chad normalfag
>buys what he wants (using his money he earned from his JOB) and shares his interest in hobby with his friends
>the virgin user
>absolutely seething over the fact that someone bought something he doesn't like despite it not really effecting him in anyway and posts this picture of his friend on a mongolian weapon trading forum to giggle and laugh with other virgins as the chad hangs out with his real bros and has a good time
>buying a nintendo switch
i dont think so tim.
the way you generalize says a lot about how many friends you have
fucking this
I come to Sup Forums for shitposting, not to make friends
I make friends in real life
thats not a nice way to talk about your father
the way you generalize my generalizing says a lot about how many friends you have
True Chads only play FIFA, Call of Duty, Counter Strike or League of Legends
They really dont care about videogames they only care to fuck stacys
get off my fucking Sup Forums
the way you generalize my generalizing your generalizing says a lot about how many friends you have
fucking lmao
>t numale
what else is new
the way you generalize my generalizing of your generalizing my generalizing says your mom sucked my fat dick last night and took my load on her face you double nigger
You can play NBA and FIFA on switch tho.
>saying the "n" word outside of Sup Forums
raping my sister
Tell more
shut up nigger
Nintendo is the soy of video games
Look at his eyes. Soyboi cannot even fake a smile. That's the best they could to fake enthusiasm.
Triggered soybrony
this isn't vidya this is fucking shitposting retarded memes fucking christ janitors do your fucking job
>not the company that literally has soy in it's name
>not realizing Sup Forums is b 2.0
it has to be a meme at this point
uh oh, you can't do that, that would make the angry little sonyboys upset and stomp and scream "NINTENDOGAF! NINTENDOGAF! REEEEEE LET ME HAVE MY WHIRR THREAD!!!!!"
Is he trying to rip his head in half? Jesus Christ
>already has images saved for when he has to deal with ''Sup Forums''
Pathetic. Soyboy was a /fit/ meme to begin with anyway faggot.
Youtubers make that face on every thumbnail tho
>already has images saved for whenever nintendo is ever mentioned
imagine being this obsessed
Sage isn't a downboat. Niggas don't even read rules anymore.
>shitposting in a thread means his life is dedicated to it
imagine getting so ass blasted that you actually rewrite reality in your brain
Nah, I post it to get reactions out of nintenkiddies like you, look like it's working :)
I literally have 1000+ wojaks saved for all types but nintendies are always the ones that respond the most
>hating adam ellis and jack patillo
get out.