Anyone wish DMC would go back to darker/more serious tone the first game had...

Anyone wish DMC would go back to darker/more serious tone the first game had? Still my fav game in the series by far mostly because of Dante not being a wahoo screaming idiot. 3 really ruined the character for me although the gameplay was fun.

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I just wish they didn't ruin Dante's character and kept him like how he was in 1

Me too honestly. The voice actor they had for 1 was the best. Yeah yeah I know the LIIIIIIIIGHHHT meme but other than that he was the most natural sounding.

Yeah. He sounded more manly, and the deeper tone probably helped make Dante feel more grounded. The more nasally VA for 3/4 Dante doesn't help the way they wrote him.

Plus he had the best battle sounds of all the games. The later games had the characters saying dumb stuff all the time while fighting. Doing a stinger in 1 and hearing that AH! Noise that Dante does is the best

As someone who was super into DMC and never played the later entries I couldn't believe that people were so up in arms about how Dante looked in DmC when he looks like a total fuck boy in 3. Which is the most slobbered one.

Really the jump from DMC3/4 Dante to the reboot is about the same drop in quality from DMC1 to the rest of the series


No i'm not a kid anymore, I don't need dark and edgy to enjoy things.

They never "ruined" him in 1, he's just younger.

I mean 3

DMC 1 got everything right for me.
>Best fist weapons in the whole series
>Dante actually using Sparda
>Using his final form in space while shooting fireballs at Mundus
>Creppy enemies like witches,bloody puppets and shadow beasts
>Dante not cracking a joke every second and actually taking his job as a demon Slayer seriously
>Best shotgun

To beee faaaiiirrr, DMC3 was a prequel after all so I guess it was "natural" so to speak to make Dante more like a spoiled cocky teenager (?) in order to appeal to teen audiences.
Granted, it does get annoying at times and I also prefer the badass Dante from DMC1.
However, I don't think it goes as bad as the monstrosity from DmC: Devil May Cry. Ninja Theory really fucked up the character, not just by the looks, but trying to make him more "edgy".

Sure but isn't 4 just a bit after 1?? Dante acts the same as he does in 4 and 3 even though 4 takes place after 1 which is when Dante got more serious


I too believe DMC1 Dante is the best.

I also believe we don't need this thread every week.

Drew Coombs is a union actor from what I heard, he would have gotten too expensive. With Langdon they got both the voice and an expert on motion capture.

I thought 4 was a bit more mature, he's more like a cool uncle. Which in the context of that game I think it's fine because that's somewhat what he is to Nero.

Sad to hear but it's understandable. I've lived with knowing we'll never get Drew back for Dante. I still play through DMC 1 a couple times a year because of how good it is. I think it starting as RE 4 was a big hand in how it turned out. Never liked 3's dust enemies and overall less serious tone.

The difference between Dante looking like a fuckboy in 3 and Donte looking like a fuckboy in DmC is that 3 goes out of it's way to treat Dante like a fuckboy.

Pic and video related.

Let's keep this thread going.
>Fav game?

Shit forgot to add >Favorite demon form?

Well, if you want to believe the DMCV leak then that seems to be what they're doing.

Vergil/Nelo Angelo
Savage Golem
Majin form

Honestly DMC 2 gets a loooot of undeserved hate in my opinion. The combos are pretty cool with the swords and the dodging is fun as hell. Doing constant cartwheels and backflips and running off walls really added a cool factor to 2 that the others didn't. Not saying it's the best but it's pretty damn fun. Plus that special DMC 1 costume that added Dante's battle sounds was a nice touch.

You have to remember that 1 ends with him getting revenge against his mother's killer. His big mission in life is pretty much over. So what do you do after that? While 4 is set after 1 I don't have any idea how long after it's set. But doesn't Dante's battle theme have lyrics talking about how now he has nothing to do, every fight's pretty much boring now because of how powerful he has become, and all he has left to do is grow old and die? Most people would probably just go "Fuck it" in that kind of situation.

People are usually really only pissed about downgrade on melee, but project it onto entire game. I loved playing around with prototype version of what will become Trickster and Gunslinger styles, and always kinda hope it will get a remake to get rid of the stigma.
OST should remain untouched though, it's already god-tier.

>Plus that special DMC 1 costume that added Dante's battle sounds was a nice touch.

I had no idea that was a thing. Granted I did not get far in 2, just did not like it enough to keep on playing.

You have to beat Dante must die on both characters I'm pretty sure. I never knew it was a thing either until I was getting the plat for it a couple years ago.

Not sure really about the battle theme stuff. Started getting tired of the battle themes once 3 hit and they got those god awful lyrics.

Haven't even played these games and even I know uncle dante is best dante.

go back to memeddit

Yes, just like it had the only actually good gameplay in the series

If DMCV is coming it's inevitable that the style is going to be different from DmC but also any other DMC.

Tameem might have been a douche but he was right about one thing: As times change cultural taste does as well. You might be able to go back and enjoy something from a different era, but anything made is affected by the era it's made in, either intentionally or unintentionally. I think it's pretty safe to say that a new DMC won't have nu-metal in it. Writing is probably going to be noticeably different too.

Canon timeline
DmCDevilMayCry, DMC3,DMC4,DMC1,DMC2
You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like.

4 can't come before 1. Trish has sparda in 4 and Dante gave it to her at the end of 1.

I have trouble understanding what you are trying to say, cause timeline is 3, 1, 4, 2, while DmC is separate universe.

DMC HD collection for Switch when?
I just want to play the first game on my couch again, my PS2 is starting to get fragile.

>go back to memeddit


He's trying to say that DmC is canon when that's patently false.

You realize you don't get e-cred for having such retarded opinions right? Nobody cares that you claim to like games you haven't played.

Yeah, I liked that they mixed goth and industrial influences for 1, I didn't feel much of the industrial influence in 3.

I didn't really have a problem with the character in 3, but the gameplay. It wasn't bad, but 1 seemed to be more about giving you a few stylish moves and then wanting you to use them as efficiently as possible. 3 didn't want you to be as efficient because it wanted you to show off more, which made it feel less satisfying to me.

Making something similar to 1 but adding a cyberpunk twist to it showing how Dante and the demons would be using new technology would be cool I think.

What? I own and played the hell out of DMC HD collection and DMC4 vanilla, and genuinly love DMC2. Can't a person have a different taste once in a while?

>Fav game?
Abyss / Lust


He's passive aggressively saying DMC2 is shit so you can't like it.

DMC1 had the best enemy design and DMD was heaps of fun and still kicks my ass til this day. I feel enemies in 3/4/DmC are just style sponges for the player to wail on.

>I feel enemies in 3/4/DmC are just style sponges for the player to wail on.
They are, and that's why DMC1 is still my favorite too. Just feels better overall to play.

If I start a new game I have to beat it all the way through DMD now, just beating it on normal doesn't feel like I've actually beaten the game. It helps if you watch some videos of the really good players to pick up some tricks like which moves work best on which bosses, especially for Griffon 2. I can beat even DMD now without retrying too much or using items (except yellow orbs on the Mundus 1 fight because having to redo that section will just kill my hands)

Wait for the dmc hd rerelease next month

DMC2 has some cool stuff like boss designs, some moody areas and the soundtrack, it's not entirely shit so I can buy someone liking it.

Nero Angelo 3/Vergil 2
Bloody Puppets/Sloth Demons
The Shotgun from 4 or Blue Rose