
>c-crash was never multiplat!
How to spot the underage console warrior that learned about Crash last year

bloodborne is next

Bloodborne is a first party game from Sony

Glad I didn't fail for Sony's schemes and buy a PS4.

>could be
Fuck off, your website sucks

In glorious 5fps

Who owns Crash, Sony or Activision?

>mite be

Anyway, more power to you. I wish everyone could play the Yakuza series too, and everyone ought to get a chance to play bloodborne, what’s the problem?

Stop making these fucking threads.
As much as I hate So(n)yggers, this shit just spurs it on even more.
Stop giving it attention. Report shitposters, don't give them (You)s. Let this shit wither and die.

How I wish anyone who posts these stupid consolewar posts could be permabanned. Both Sony and Nintendo-fans.

80% of people just want to discuss games or atleast try to post some funny shitposts. But it's impossible when these stupid teenagers keep larping and ruin every thread.


Implying it's not always Sony fans. Even when it looks like Nintendo fans, it's Sony fans false flagging.

I'm It's almost always Sonyfags. Like, a good 90% of these threads are.

yeah the switch can surely run bloodborne
the title screen that is
at 12 fps

>No true scotsman

And anyone who thinks (console i don't own)niggers are the worst, you're wrong. Anyone who keeps this shit up is equally bad

As somebody who owns neither console, both sides are equally as insufferable as each other


>yeah the switch can surely run bloodborne
Of course it can.

It is equally sony and nintendo. Sony fans might have the stupider memes with the anal shit, but there are same amount of posts

>No Xbone

Xniggers fucked up the ass once again.

They probably like it by now

Aside console wars, there's no mention of the Xbox One. Is it so dead that even devs don't care about it anymore?

>implying it runs better than that on ps4

>According to a European licensing manual
It's about the European market, so it might be why. I could see the analyst not seeing a potential Xbox version having a notable impact on their merchandises. I don't see however why Activision wouldn't port it to Xbox if they are porting it. It might not be where most of the audience for platformers is, but it can be seen as offering something rare on the platform and, in any case, it's still a 30m+ userbase.

>le enlightened centrist face

Kill yourself cunt.

True, that might be it. Seems plausible at least.

>Bloodborne gets a switch port
>never ever comes to PC
I'd be ok with it

If you could take your nintendo-glasses off you would se the average month on Sup Forums is following:

>Zelda GOTY, sony btfo
>Making fun of cardboard
>PS4 has no games
>NuMale switch face
>Crying Sony/Nintendo fan: Noo this wasn't supposed to happen!

Never said I was enlightened, just called you out for being a fucking child

This. That fucking board is going down the hill so fast it seems impossible.



>>c-crash was never multiplat!
>How to spot the underage console warrior that learned about Crash last year
Crash 1-3 weren't tho

Up to CTR it wasn't, but Crash is pretty much a PS mascot and he always was unofficially.

>Zelda GOTY, sony btfo
Dude, there are infinitely more threads shitting and whining on BOTW. There's one up right now.

>saying this in a thread shitposting against sony

Made by a Sony fan most likely. It's an excuse to post their wojacks "in defense".