el goblino...
El goblino
inbred albino shitposter
he looks like the net neutrality guy
It feels so nice being a blue eyed blonde haired American
I get to laugh at the amerimutt meme
la creatura amurrifatana...
el anatema...
el meme forzado...
el fitysixpercento
gas yourselves shitposters
El buttmado americano....
el depravado...
can i do this with red hair and green eyes
la atrocidad...
>he looks like SJW Elliot Rodger dotard
Post pics of yourself to compare to the OP image.
dios mio... oscuros enojados...
la creatura...
la criatura...
jokes aside it is a forced meme and not even original
it's just argentina is white combined with el gohan blanco
Nice to meet you Mr Sharpton!
dios mio...
Was this always a taco meme or did they just steal Le 56% face?
La luz extinguida...
la pesadilla...
Fellow Americans please ignore this divide and conquer thread. Remember to use sage if you must.
el judío...
this meme is fucking gold. it's Sup Forums making fun of Sup Forums
il profano...
El destructor de genes...
I don't get this meme
la quimera...
>divide and conquer
Ah, la innato del la profundidad
Last year's official government census showed that American population is only 56% white.
Furthermore the projection for 2018 was that whites will become a minority, going down to 48% population in 2018.
I guess my spanish teachers in high school were right...
>not 23%
El ogro de las americas
gringo viado
yo también quiero memear, give me a quick rundown on this meme pls
He looks like one of those run of the mill playstation 3 npc models
this one kinda creeps me out
same with the shadow person one
el goblino molesto...
el monstruo...
fucking google it rata
Someone please post the bald tranny, I want to laugh.
This should be a museum in the future.
What breed of pure American are you? Mongrel here.
la papa borracha.......
I showed my friend this because that looks exactly like him.
He's mad at me now.
why do you guys get so mad about brown people
las creaturas del infierno...
el cuco...
okay so i'm supposed to say shit like
>el mono rechoncho...
y cosas así?
Ah, siempre estuviste a mi lado.
>It feels so nice being a blue eyed blonde haired American
lea: la abominación de la costa de Jersey...
Aqui lo tenes
El come blancura siempre negro....
Dios mio...
la bestia inicua...
Where did this meme even come from?
But he isn't American so how the fuck does Americans being 57% genetically from Europe make sense?
Sup Forums
Thread theme
Read the damn thread m8, precisely 3 posts above you.
So they banded together to create a meme they could spam during euro time?
Is Sup Forums normally this retarded? I like memes when they make sense but Sup Forums seems to force this despite it not making any sense. Must be the third world IQ.
la cosa inmunda..................
Isn’t he literally just Indian?
El dinero de las criaturas...
la luz extinguido....
Sorry m8 I don't speak third world.
la tragedia de la raza...
There's no mention of nations I ever found in my 150 hours in the game aside from mention of a Mongolian ambassador aboard the ship you crash in. Which would lead me to believe he is probably Mongolian.
Sup Forums, though its mostly britbongs that spam it.
other than being morally wrong, whats the downside to having sex with your daughter?
What does America have to do with some Mongolian game character?
Destructor de culturas...
Since this thread isn't about video games, can we get it deleted, please?
Be afraid motherfuckers. We are the eldritch horrors of this galaxy and will not stop until every race on earth and in the stars become americanized and breeded out of existence by our BMC.
You been warned
This is the worst language
incest causes birth defects
>56% Giygas
Lost it
lo profano................................................................
el maligno...
Just curious but do people actually think the 56% that the meme originates from is refering to genetics and not demographics? I just can't tell if it's shitposting or not.
>being Spanish
I lost it when she started chanting