ITT: acceptable gaming wear

ITT: acceptable gaming wear



Only Chads can wear that and still get laid


There isn't any

Perhaps you're just overly critical of your hobby

I would wear this

i'd only wear this if i had an afro

It's loss, isn't it?

I hate that font so fucking much

there isn't a soul alive that would wear that and get within 8 feet of a girl.

if you truly think that then you're either a deluded roastie or a true og basement dweller. Even that faggot etika could wear that and score him a slut

Blacks have the BBC gene. They can get paid just for that.

Please tell me this is real and where I can cop this


This is what happens when your whole life becomes memes and not playing video games

cute skirt

People don’t actually like these shitty jpeg edits, do they?

As long as the game is good, it doesn't matter what the shirt is like
So Doom, Fallout, subtle anime games are all okay

But if it's a reddit memegame, you will look very cringey
So no Minecraft, Undertale or Nintendo games

Also, if it's any other color than black you will look like a tryhard normie

Luigi floating on an egg over the sea

From the thumbnail it looks like the face of sam hyde after workout.
The black horns are eyes.

Or a paint huffer.

Anything is acceptable in your own house.

holy shit i think i see it. what the fuck man