Episode 45
>Suffer through this mission only to lose Quiet
>No way to get her back at launch
>They finally patch it in
>Have to beat her seven times
Fucking Konami
She doesn't dodge supply drops on the non-extreme version. Just call for sleep gas bombardment twice and mission is over.
>can't quit the mission until you beat it
>only way to get out of it is to extract the container next to the ruins
>if you extracted it before hand without knowing you're completely fucked
>extra fucked if you never developed the right rocket launcher
Fuck this mission, and fuck Quiet. They were not thinking clearly or at all when designing this mission.
>you also need to have the armor parasite suit
Can't even use stealth camo
It's the most frustrating mission in the whole game for sure.
does building that FOM drone thing help? Seems like the enemies always know where I am even though I am using stealth camo and sandstorm
literally did this with camo and the shitty rocket launcher they give you, you guys just suck
>all those soldiers you couldn't save
>stealth game
>here fight a dozen tanks lmao
>metal gear solid
>pure stealth
I'm half convinced it was their way of trying to make up for a lack of a real last boss fight.
It's why Splinter Cell is the only true stealth kino
that's also why that series is dead
jesus christ dude
i hadn't used lethal the entire game and i still beat it without using the cheater suit
MGS is dead too.
-enemies learn
-enemies use more counter measures to your tactics so you need to get more creative
-enemies get suspicious after finding multiple friendlies sleeping
-enemies watch each other's backs
Rather have it die than see turn into this
MGS is like Metal Gear Rising. People will hate it at first then the game will be handed over to a new studio to revamp the game and everyone will love it.
>c2w extreme exists
why though?
Looks like fun desu zombie games are objectively fun with friends.
>She doesn't dodge supply drops on the non-extreme version. Just call for sleep gas bombardment twice and mission is over.
That costs a lot more than just shooting her with a sniper rifle.
What is nice about The Phantom Pain is that you can still S rank a mission despite getting caught. The game rewards you for efficiently handling a situation instead of punishing you harshly just because you went lethal or got spotted.
>What is nice about The Phantom Pain is that you can still S rank a mission despite getting caught.
S-Rank stands for speed.
money are not a problem tbqh famalam
you get over 1,5m GMP just for completing a empty challenge fob
costs depends on what you're dropping. Water pistols are pretty cheap. Late into the game GMP shouldn't be an issue so multiple sleep gas bombardments are okay :)
>game doesn't punish you for being a high leveled player bullying people who just started or never upgrade their FOB
Boss, can you hear me? BOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSS?
I was talking about the FOB challenges, enemy doesn't lose anything from these.
>Are you hurt? Try a little harder next time
fuck you kaz, ocelot is better
>tfw you realise Quiet's first and final missions are mirrored
>in the first one you need to take her down, in a boss battle
>in the last one you need to protect her, in a boss battle
Not really. The preparedness system is a LOT simpler than you seem to believe. And the most it forces you to "get creative" is to shoot guys in the limbs. Whoopty fucking doo.
>you need to protect her
and I failed
>PCfags got the disarmament cutscene for having way too many nukes that the counter ticked over to 0
>there was nothing there
it's almost sad, but i kinda expected that was how it would pan out
i'll never forget those threads, shitposting on /mgg/, and talking with many who have likely killed themselves maybe 2 years gone now
you feel it too, don't you?
>there was nothing there
they'll patch it when disarmament is achieved legitly, never stop believing user, we'll be repaid some day
I just hid and called in bombardments against everything
It's possible that the triggers are different for the server side and client side. The nuke count was a signed 32 bit int, so when it overflowed it went to minus a gorillion. The client side check may be "if nuke count < 1" and the server side check may be "if nuke count == 0", which wouldn't be true in this case. Or any follow up event is meant to be triggered manually even.
>ywn go back to 2015 and play this game again for the first time
I don't care if it wasn't what I wanted, I was glued to the screen for at least two weeks when it released.
Just how in both of her endings she has a "broken" heart
bravo kojima
Reminder that it's always a full moon on mother base
Reminder that if you look at the moon with your binoculars and spam the codec button Ocelot even comments on how weird that is
Reminder that Paz talks about the same day repeating over and over and how Peace Day is always just a few days away but never comes
Reminder that all of MGSV is a coma dream
Reminder that the "Truth" isn't truth at all
Wait, you can get her back if you beat it 7 times?
>enemies learn
>what he kills us? With guns? lets put armor on!
greatest AI of all time
Which one is that one again?
people are starting to understand, good
>lol it was all a dream!
Even if it's real, i'd rather have what we got.
I'm sure this mission made people wish they had just shot her on the ground, I thought she was alright as a character up until this point.
just shoot rockets at the tanks lmao
why do people bitch about this mssion so much? it's not that hard
Things that never happen.
What the FUCK was with those two tanks that come in on this mission? I swear those fuckers can arc their shots over cover and I never figured out if they were a mission exclusive thing or what, because bar fighting tanks in the open in Africa I never had trouble with them. Then the challenge requires you to fulton them, fuck that.
What about the first 2 Thief games?
It's not just the mission being difficult that was the problem, it was the retarded cutscene before the mission and the absolutely retarded cutscene after the mission. Excusing the random difficulty spike since it's one of the later missions, why was this the only mission in the game you couldn't back out of? You literally get "TO B CONTINUED" in one of the missions with your fucking helicopter getting destroyed but you can return back to base no problem.
You can actually use the container to extract yourself out of the mission.
7 times in a row, never executing her.
can't you just request the items you need?
Yea, but I didn't actually know you could do that until after I'd beaten the game and started visiting threads. Even so, they nerfed containers respawn times with a patch iirc since people were farming specific missions for a fuckton of resources, so you could have been screwed over by that.
That was tedious as fuck, couldn't they just let us use the konami code or something?
>enemies get suspicious after finding multiple friendlies sleeping
You forgot the forced boss fights
>playing games at release
I though you people learnt your lessons by now.
This mission made me want Quiet to just hurry up and die when I first played it.
>Take on 20 armored tanks that apparently have psychic precognition singlehandedly
>Oh fugg snek got bit by a snek so now he can't take out a few wandering soldier shitters XD
>Can't send air support because uhhhhhh sandstorm
>Oh wow, this is the perfect retarded situation to make Quiet talk to save Snek's life!
Did you rike it?
>cuckdic just lets huey go after this
>being this assblasted for a simple mission
solly you didn rike it
life was a better punishment for huye, venom knew what guilt can do
Fucking Kojimbo, give me Battle Gear you hack
sent ;)
i guess its true what they say, what goes around cums around
get it because otacon came inside of his stepmother
Just do it the easy cheater way and shot her through trees.
>Did you rike it?
Yes I put 250 hours into it, got 100%, and enjoyed it all.
The war in Afghanistan would have ended differently if Snake hadn't taken this guy and his hotshot friend out, the true final boss of metal gear.
>blaming kojima over konamis meddling
Jesus christ
I saw Hideo Kojima at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
>A Quiet Exit
>Written by Hideo Kojima
Not him but
>Blaming Kojima for Konami's meddling
I'm sure Hideo wishes he could have been allowed to finish the game.
Unfortunately true these days.
I know this is pasta, but why Milky Way in particular? That always bothered me.
they run out of Mars
That doesn't even make sense. You know what happened to Huey after he left.
I really don't feel this comic captured Venom's character.