>"they'll never put two smash games in, nobody likes that shit"
>2 smash games in EVO 2018
>"they'll never put two smash games in, nobody likes that shit"
>2 smash games in EVO 2018
I thought EVO was for fighting games.
>they gave a game that isn't even out yet a spot
3 arcsys games so i can't complain
everything else is take it or leave it but oh well. still their best line up in years
I'll take literally anything over Melee. I don't hate the game, it's just stale to watch anymore.
>they decided to drop down to 8 games instead of 9 rather than just let infinite in
>the empty middle spot is literally there to taunt capcom
based mr wizard
Remember the fact that smash players dont play fighting games and other way around. The only reason smash is in is because they're are alot of nintendo fanboys with lots of money. Smash is the overwatch of 1v1 fighters.
Leffen is better than ArcSoy players in DBFZ.
In fact everyone is better than ArcSoy players in DBFZ. It's telling how pathetic the western a nine community is and how little they progress compared to how many hours they supposedly put in.
>Implying "smash players" is a thing
There are Melee players and sm4sh players. There isn't any notable overlap.
Two Smash games are in over MVCI the state of Capcom.
I don't see how there's anything wrong with that. Fighting games especially thrive because of their community and commitment. You don't have to like Smash to understand people are passionate about it
Makes sense. They already have all 20 of the contestants there already since they're just now wrapping up last years brackets.
>fighting games don't play smash players
A game with literally half the fucking cast as DLC is in over MvCI
Is there any way to get Trash Bros Melee out and a more deserving game in? I feel like there's no fucking way that people want to watch fucking Melee. There has to be major stream view botting going on with that piece of shit. I'm so fucking sick of Smash Trash getting two fucking slots at Evo for the past three fucking years.
So "passionate" they can't even handle basic hygiene.
It's not a matter of better or worse, they just need their own tournament. They've eaten a slot for too long.
Also, it's not a fighting game. That isn't a bad thing but smash is it's own genre with it's own rules and mechanics. You don't see people trying to force racing games into EVO.
It's literally a handful of people putting every cent they own to put this game in. Enough money to pay off Nintendo's lawyers and pay for charities, which was a part of Nintendo's demands.
Honestly, with that money they could have just hosted their own scene.
Capcom didn't listen to the fanbase with infinite. They handled ALL of the tournaments poorly too. It's not just the game that killed itself, it was the company too
a game that's already looking like dogshit right out of the gate. Not to mention the 20 DLC characters. That spot could've been for MVCI
>Super Trash Bros are fighting games guise, I swear
oh fuck
20 DLC characters is bad yes, but hold it right there. MvCI does NOT deserve that slot. I'd rather they have KOF, revive KI or put in UNIST because it's just a really solid game overall
>Cant even go toe to toe with Nakkiel/SG
You'dhave to find a more deserving game first.
>Leffen beating the furry
This is a pretty solid lineup actually. If I had to replace anything, Id' get rid of Cross Tag Battle, and instead have another online fundraiser, with the choices of:
>Cross Tag Battle
>Super Turbo
>Marvel Infinite
>Killer Instinct
I didn't include Pokken because it was such a fiasco last time, and because Pokemon fanboys would vote it into the tournament, but 99% of them won't show up or even watch it on stream. They'll just vote because they like Pokemon, like when that unfinished MLP game almost won one year.
MvCI, KoFXIV, and KI are all more deserving than shitty Smash Trash.
>who is wizzrobe?
>who is mewtwo king?
>who is Hbox?
>who is Esam?
>who is ZeRo?
Trash is only in there for Nintendo sponsor bucks. You know it.
Then why aren't they there?
tr4sh yes
Literally the only one you mentioned that's actually good at both games is m2k
Reminder that both smash games had more entrants and views than any other game minus street fighter
>ZeRo was top 30 in the world in melee around 2013 and was undisputed #1 in smash 4
Because they don't have people who quit their jobs to play melee competitively and had to raise 30k to put their shit game onto EVO or live on the streets.
>characters fighting in a game
>not a fighting game
Well you can add one more game to that list after this year.
Who cares about EVO Light?
I'm so glad ARMS didn't make it in.
Sounds like they don't deserve it then.
>Game divorces itself from traditional mechanics that put it into x genre
>Game is still x genre
With standards as loose as yours, every arena shooter and mmo are also fighting games.
>Vodka should be free for alcoholics
This. Tekken doesn't belong at EVO.
>still gets stomped by some fag named Uchiha666
Stop shitposting Ajit
define fighting game then
All that means is evo manangers are retarded
smash is a party game, not a fighting game
They're characters punching each other and shit in a 2d level. On the surface it's the same idea
>3 arcsys games
>one of which isn't even out for another 3 months
DBFZ really helped make that check to EVO a lot bigger, huh?
I mean, they also had Catherine there.
>Allowing Melee when it's widely known that the Melee scene cheats
Any game with enough transferable mechanics and/or skillsets that makes being proficient in one game enough to make you considered above average in skill in the majority of games that identify themselves as fighting games.
Only BBCT. GG is still very popular
>Allowing Melee when it's widely known that the Melee scene smells
*said game, not "one game"
Sick so by your own retarded personal definition Melee is a fighting game then. Good job user.
Was it autism?
so smash has neutral, footsies, punish, counter-picking, is a four button fighter, and lacks inputs like many other fighting games. pros from smash are easily able to pick up other fighting games and do above average in them. (a smash player just won a MvCi tournament beating vets). so by your definition it is a fighting game. cool
Is this pasta?
That's true. Melee players do not:
>use soap or shampoo
>use deodorant/antiperspirant
>wear clean clothing
>know what a toilet is
>understand social interaction
>have respect for other games or players
In addition, one of the top Melee players cheats with a faulty controller and refuses to play when he can't use a faulty controller. And now, the entire Melee community cheats with a fan-modded version of the game.
But anyone can pick up MvCI and beat vets. It's like capcom thought SFV wasn't dumbed down enough and tried to outdo themselves there.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Melee. The various techniques are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp on all of the games mechanics most of the high-level techniques will go over a typical player’s head.
>Smash Players
I once got shampoo in my eye and it's traumatized me forever. I haven't used shampoo for 2 decades.
>Smash 4
Respectable picks/mainstays
Why the fuck is this here, who wants this, are we gonna have to pay $20 to watch the latter half of the finals?
Fuck off with this shit already, nobody wants you
again with the shit meme games
NRS should be banned at evo
>no king of fighters
what the fuck wizard
Nice fanfiction /fgg/, still mad about MVC:i?
It has to go the other way around though. The MvCI vet would have to be above average in melee too.
Guess its gonna be a smelly one again..
Why wouldn't they be? They are good at fighting games aren't they? If they couldn't do it, then that would mean MVCI wouldn't be a fighting game right?
>a nine
hello phoneposter
/fgg/ hates MVCI
God that's actually real. That's some funny ass shit.
>no character switching
every time
I don't know if I should buy DBFZ or not
it seems fun but it seems like a fad at the same time
>I didn't include Pokken because it was such a fiasco last time, and because Pokemon fanboys would vote it into the tournament, but 99% of them won't show up or even watch it on stream. They'll just vote because they like Pokemon, like when that unfinished MLP game almost won one year.
As somebody who actually plays pokken somewhat seriously, your interpretation of this isn't accurate: General pokemon fans could not give less of a shit about Pokken. They just bitch and moan about how there's not enough content and characters and "wish it was like the naruto games or the tenkaichi dbz games instead". Imagine all the bullshit you see about "spamming block" with DBFZ by casuals, and times it by 10: That's how casual nintendo fans and casual pokemon fans feel about Pokken. They don't get the value of competitive depth, playstyle variety between characters, or how you get your replay value out of gitting gud.
Pokken got as much donations as it did during the EVO drive because we worked our assess off fundraising. This is why we got almost as much money as mahvel did with only half as many donations: We had fair less indivuals donating as indivuals, but way more streamers and TO's donating who put all the money from stream donations and entrant fee's into the donation fund.
what says. also other top pros have played both smash 4 and melee
>this projection
ah now I understand why /fgg/ told /ssbg/ to fuck off to their own shit
If they couldn't play melee but could still play the majority outside of melee (SFV, Skullgirls, DBFZ, GG, BB, UNI, KI, Injustive), they'd still be a fighting game.
Keyword is majority. If x is similar enough to the majority then it's part of the majority, if it's not then it's it's own thing.
>All this condensed autism
Go back to /fgg/
Leffen has a better chance at winning against Samus mains against anyone in DBFZ
/fgg/ is on suicide watch
>Talking about video games is autism
No wonder Sup Forums has gotten this shitty.
it's the same as any other anime fighter
people will play it for a few months, everyone will drop it, and then a year later it'll be remembered as a cult classic but nobody will actually want to play it
Picture reminds me of Mega Man stage/boss select screen as well.
Takes one to know autism pal
>taxonomy autism
>eceleb faggotry
>video games
>Discussing video games
>Not video games
>stinky day
kek I like these normies
So then by your definition Melee is a fighting game.
Good goin' champ.
>2 smash
>3 arcsys
>only one capcom
all this needed was SCVI and replacing I2 with KI
It was a miracle KI was ever in to begin with.
Why are anti-meleefags so desperate?
2 Smash Games
3 Anime Fighters
No Marvel games
Holy FUCK, Maximilian's soul was sucked out of his fucking body as the games were announced.
>No Marvel games
I doubt SC will ever be on the main stage at EVO ever again. But yeah, if KI had replaced I2 that would've completed this insane setup.
They want their favorite game in EVO and Melee is the easiest target.
SCV was a fucking mess and still made it main stage