Games you like but majority of Sup Forums thinks are pleb
Games you like but majority of Sup Forums thinks are pleb
System shock for console plebs
>muh twist
GTA V Online
I actually enjoy the grinding missions, that's what I wanted from the single player, being able to repeat missions without having to load each time. Also, the delicious tears from those kids with end level gear when they can't kill you.
yeah the twist is old as shit but it still bleeds atmosphere
The art style alone makes it worth playing, haven't played a better looking game. Deco art is best art.
agreed, such a claustrophobic feel
Literally visual eye candy: the game.
The gameplay is shit. The story is shit outside of "muh twist".
>sander cohen
>story built around radios that you listen to alone, surrounded by horrific shit and constantly watching your back
>best opening of all time, ever
I'll agree that the twist is the climax of the game though, and story-wise everything gets kinda stiff afterwards
>it's a gaming retard confuses the actual plot of the game with plot backstories and worldbuilding episode
>it's a rerun
they're all forms of story-telling
Backstory is also story and it's there to complement what's happening during the game.
and now Witcher 3 I guess but that's more half of Sup Forums hating the other half
having to even say this
Played it to death though and it's dull now
The Last of Us
Witcher 3
fuck everyone who shits on Dishonored desu
optimization aside, i thought even 2 was a phenomenal game
it has the most fun and technically most impressive time travel mechanic in video games, and Sup Forums never even talks about that
tlou was genuinely good, just too popular for Sup Forums, like every board on Sup Forums that's concentrated on a form of art
>Brave New World is for plebs
>Pleasantville is for plebs
>The Pixies are for plebs
I think you mean hydrosphere
*ba dum tsss*
fuck that reminds me of the original concept with temperature and humidity mechanics and shiet
people have a hard time separating mechanics from story when they're trying to explain why they like or dislike a game.
there was nothing wrong with dishonoured mechanically but it lacked substance, like, I didn't give a shit about anybody or anything that was going on.
i'll give you that
new characters are thrown at you on every level and their story is resolved on the same level
and then there's the deep gentle friendship between Sokolov and Billie that just comes out of nowhere
Depending on the genre the two might be deeply tied
Take Skyrim and Fallout 4 for example now mechanically those games are the best in their respective series but they fail to become truely superior to their predecessors because
The quests in them suck (also the NPC's) and that's do to writting
Now I doubt there's anyone here who'd say Quests aren't a part of gameplay but still they are heavily dictated by writing and if the writing for a Quest sucks what hope is there for it being fun?
dear fucking god I love Bioshock 1 so much. Bioshock 2 was okayish, a little bit forced, Infinite was... odd. I didn't love it as much as the rest of the world did but it was okay I guess, Eliz was cute but there is something about the world of Rapture that is just far too good. I'm about to play the DLC in which I believe you play as Elizabeth but in Rapture, is it as good as Bioshock 1/2 or is it still as bad as infinite, is there any redeeming factors too it?
Assassin's Creed 1+2
Bioshock 2 multiplayer had a strange charm to it.
sadly it's dead now
Gameplay's ok. If a bit stealth heavy. Also fucking bullshit ending
Tlou is just another mediocre game,but since its one of the 5 exclusives ps4 has,it got way overpraised
>unpopular opinions thread
The only reason I hate this game is that they marketed it as a new game in the vein of Thief. It's just Bioshock with sub-par stealth mechanics
about as bad as infinite, I don't like to consider it cannon
yeah, a poor man's bioshock sums it up
it wasn't a ps4 exclusive but ok. shows how much you know about the game.
that's funny
Dishonored and its sequels are infinitely better than the Bioshock games in every way possible.
*ps exclusive which ps3 can barely run and ps4/pro barely reach 50 fps
My point still stands
Did I say if they weren't or not? I'm saying they are closer to Bioshock than Thief.
>better than the Bioshock games in every way possible.
maybe only if you like stealth games.
it's a hybrid that lives up to neither title