>extremely close game
>gg ez
Extremely close game
I usually just do it out of habit.
>rekt some kid in Halo 2
>you fucking suck kid, you bk
well you're fucking reported
enjoy low priority asshole
>What a save!
>What a save!
>What a save!
>get completely destroyed
>gg ^^
>gg ez
>we destroy the enemy team
>gg close
>Lose match
>type GG EZ anyway
>people actually triggered by the lowest tier insult
Gamers now actually end up being more toxic than in the past. I'm triggered just thinking about them being triggered. I avoid anyone I know plays games a lot irl because 90% of the time they have issues and they smell bad
>destroying enemy team
>start shit talking them
>they come back and beat you
Is there a worse feeling, Sup Forums?
>Report someone for saying gg ez
>They get banned
>They visit the forums to preach about how the staff is corrupt and that their ban wasn't justified
>Staff member visits the thread and posts their chatlogs
>Everyone sees all the racist, edgy, toxic and cringe things they've typed in chat
>Idiot gets outed and ridiculed so hard
>They uninstall the game and visit Sup Forums to shitpost anonymously about how the game they got banned from is a "Reddit" game while pushing their political agenda and going on an unholy crusade to prove that acting like a degenerate on a video game should be acceptable, claiming that said game is dead and that the industry is dying because they can't act like jerks without getting punished
Based on a true story. This also happens way more often than you'd think.
Talk shit, get hit. Shouldn't have said anything boy.
>spend the whole game memeing the other team
>2 kills 15 deaths
>lose the game
>blame it on your teammates
Imagine doing this for the hour long Dota game, fuck me
>gg ez
>it's an offline single player RTS game
>type out well though out insult
>make a stupid typo in your rush to type it out
>lol it took 3 of you to kill me
>kill enemy gamer
>he responds with 'lol'
Why do you care what other people think lol? Just move on lmao
>play age of empires 2 4v4 black forest
>get a good spawn
>turtle and boom
>siege onagers into the trees
>build an entire fucking fortress with bombard towers
>use trebuchets and bombard cannons as anti-siege units
>4 hours go by and everyone has exhausted their gold
>entire team is dead but holding back full empires of trash units with archers in towers, monks, and trebuchets
>entire enemy team has left but host
>its 2 more fucking hours of him trying to break through my siege
>I destroy his entire army he had tunneling through the forest to me
>he quits
>"gg ez"
>7 hours in and no one even read it
just who started this shite?
>after every single win type out "easiest game of my life" in all-chat
>enemy team goes absolutely balistic
>every single time
Are people really this incapable of detecting a joke?
>Top player is only using melee
>enemy player does this
>turn the game around and crush his team
>me, and everyone else on the team: ?
Is there a better feeling?
>after every game
>gg wp
Win or lose, no matter how close.
>playing normally
>switch classes to change things up
>"lol rage switch"
>more likely to win game from other players quitting than getting the objective.
Ill never forgive quitfags
t. riot slave
>speed runner has something bad or unexpected happen
>opponent made many mistakes that they are aware of
>telling them "well played"
Really only happens in Hearthstone. I tend to not really emote because most of the time unless it's a salty "Wow!"
Yes, when you keep toying around with an enemy in a fighting game thinking he's in a way lower skill tier than you, and then he suddenly beats you with 1 combo.
>getting mad at video games
>tfw kids in League still get pissed when you type 'ggez' at them
breaking someone's exterior with 4 letters is the best feeling
>Getting upset at words.
>tfw mic-spamming the enemy as I wreck them.
>playing league
Tencent goons belong on a cross.
You absolute madman
>u mad?
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