>Game promises to bring back a beloved character
>The devs change everything about them to the point that they are unrecognizable
Game promises to bring back a beloved character
Report Nujack poster
Liara from Mass Effect
>game brings back old character
>radically changes them to the point they are unrecognizable, but their new appearance is infinitely better
report soyjack posters
Yeah, Dead Rising 4 sucked ass.
Fuck off /biz/ artshill
>çharacter comes back after dying.
the only people who post nuwojak are trolls who post it to piss people off, which is exactly whats happening in this thread. stop complaining about nuwojak, all you're doing is giving them more power. don't feed the troll
Reminder to sage and report all soyjak posters.
>"if i close my eyes they'll go away!"
i bet you're a soyboy irl
is this meant to be a wojak reincarnation? i see zero resemblance.
screw off DICKhead
This is a bara thread now
>Game promises to bring back a beloved character
>Literally nothing is changed so that my fragile idealization of it won't be shattered
Holy shit, I haven't seen this in a while
Legitimately good meme. Get the top experts on revitalizing wew lad as well
>nuCole was so badly received they had to bring back parts of the old Cole design
>Character comes back, only to die
>cheerful, fun character comes back for sequel
>devs slap on a tragic backstory to make them "deeper"
>enemy becomes your friend
If it were good this thread wouldn't be dead
keep posting, fag