How did From Software get these amazing artists and 3D modelers? The art and designs of the Souls games are a large part of their appeal. I don't remember From bieng like this before Demon Souls.
How did From Software get these amazing artists and 3D modelers...
It's called art direction and just requires a single person with taste.
Dumbest post of the day
And that is why you will never be creating anything good ever.
>kidnap children from all over the world
>lock them up in Namco's designated child basement
>throw Loomis books at them
>wait 10 years
>full-grown art department
>Does game design require talent?
>art direction only needs one person in charge
You're an idiot. The lead art director is responsible for guiding all the artists below him toward a singular artistic vision for the game. That vision is thought out and communicated to the lead art director by the overall project director and top management. Sure the artists have a limited amount of freedom but its not liek they're just walking off and creating all the visual assets by themselves
You picked the worst person to post an image of along with your sarcastic point. The image negates your sarcasm. Do you know anything about kubrick?
But Armored Core had great art/models for its time? You're just disillusioned because DS came out on fucking PS3 and Armored Core has been around since PS1.
Armored Core is okay, but it's just sorta big robots. Not that ground breaking.
Demon Souls is like some perfect horror game designs and atmosphere.
I think he wanted to imply that Kubrick would say something like that.
Fuckloads of money, since after two successful games publishers understood that it's a franchise worth milking, that went to outsourcing. As far as I know only people doing major stuff, like environment artists, work in-house. All the props are usually outsourced. You can find some shit from DaS3 or Bloodborne in some random profiles on Artstation.
They hired freelance westerners, not even kidding.
>I don't remember From bieng like this before Demon Souls.
King's Field has amazing art so does Shadow Tower.
>get inspired by the souls games to learn 3D
>learn for about 3 months
>feel like im shit at it and will never get a job doing it
>take a week break
>that week turns into a year
>now if i want to get back into it i need to start from the very begining again
Sweet hayzeus, someone other than me remembers King's Field.
I feel you, but I actually am not upset about it.
The gaming industry is a massive liberal circlejerk. Normally I wouldn't mind it, if they kept it out of the working process, but people getting fired left and right for harmless jokes and shit like minorities quota is beyond retarded.
I don't give a fuck about that shit. Talking about politics outside of anonymous places is retarded anyways. I'd be more worried about the massive lay off for no reason which happens all the time.
Pic related is the only thing I made outside off watching tutorials
>They hired freelance westerners, not even kidding.
Did they? That might explain it.
too bad it looks like shit in-game
A lot of the art is outsourced & Westerners do it by the way
The cinematic's are 100% outsourced
>A lot of the art is outsourced & Westerners do it by the way
Prove it.
>The cinematic's are 100% outsourced
Uhh almost every game does that.
Actually they oursourced almost all of their assets to people on polycount and other places. Just google any boss/asset/armor and you'll find artists-freelancers who did the work for From. Same applies to Bloodborne as well.
How did they manage to keep a consistent art style then?
holy shit you're retarded. please dont ever post here again
That's a good question. I believe it's the magic of shaders and specific lighting that makes things look similar to each other in-game, plus the animations/character skeleton that keeps things in line. The models themselves are pretty diverse looking.
>WAAAH why don't companies constantly spout Sup Forums memes?
that's because pol is a board with underage retards and adults dont do that kinda stuff when they are in public life.
I know that he's a fucking pompous pretentious hipster hack who writes steaming fucking garbage that contrarian losers like you lap up.
art directors for a project like this would be in the 10s. it's a team effort and it's WAY too much work for one man to do hands on. Miyazaki might have his name on the product, but I guarantee you he's not inspecting individual assets or even managing artists.
I'm guess they instruct the artists to work within a specific style, have strict quality control on the final product.
>King's Field has amazing art
but user, you're the contrarian hipster
>How did they manage to keep a consistent art style then?
The same way any other studio does, with a style guide, briefs, solid concept art, look development, feedback and revisions.
>art directors for a project like this would be in the 10s.
LOL no.
They had one art director, Makoto Sato, then leads for each department.
>Just google any boss/asset/armor and you'll find artists-freelancers who did the work for From
Otsuka, Waragai and Hatayama consistently designed for From software and they are all in house designer for From software.
Citation for these outsourced artist?
They've being doing this sort of design work every since their very first game; Kings Field.
From software team is a massive fan of western D&D and it is in their blood.
3dfag here.
RE5 was better graphically and still holds up today because they weren't just skilled modelers, they were great texture artists that most of which knew how to paint too.
It's incredibly easy to make something ugly look 'good'. Harsh black contrast and visual noise is already doing a lot of work for you, add rain and a colour filter and you've got Transformers.
OP you're a layman that thinks rap is the pinnacle of music greatness.
probably by picking people who can either pick up on the design ethos or people who can adhere to the concept sketches or art they were given.
>Citation for these outsourced artist?
I remember Sup Forums threads figuring out what was gonna happen in the DS3 DLC because they found Western artists featuring the art on their sites.
They designed the 2D arts inhouse and outsourced the 3D model based on the arts. Standard industry practice really; almost every 3D assets for tripple A games are outsourced nowadays. Large studios like 343 and Naughty Dog uses outsourcing extensively.
Lemme laugh with you, user
I would like to know that as well. The Souls series and Bloodborn literally has the greatest art design in fantasy games of all time.
how did they pull it off so fantastically?
I wish there was a proper art book for Demon's Souls, the little booklet that comes with Black Phantom edition just isn't enough.
this. nowadays it doesn´t even matter how talented you are if you are a white men you still won´t be picked because you are not "diverse" and even if you get a job you will be fired right away if you have even a opinion that is even slightly right of Stalin
They've been doing it ever since they are founded.
Look up Kings Field and Shadow Tower.
>it doesn´t even matter how talented you are if you are a white men you still won´t be picked
Have you literally ever applied for a job at a software company? It's hard for most of them not to hire people.