Looks like Namco is making Metroid Prime 4, this is going to be a disaster. At least the 2D Metroid series is alive again and getting Metroid 5 most likely for the 3DS in the future, good look Prime fans you're going to need it because I think your series is dead. Tanabe, the killer of franchises strikes again. I wonder how much bullshit he will put in this one since he wants to force Sylux all in this along with the Federation and make this shit like Marvels the Avengers.
The end of the Metroid Prime series
Hey, where is everybody?
>posting about Nintentoddler stuff during Euro Time
Euros don't give a fuck about Soytendo.
Shut your Sonypoor ass up, I'm talking to Prime fans about how their series is about to be in the shitter.
>look mom I memed again!
>muh baseless pessimism bait
>mfw when it turns out great and OP is a cum-glugging faggot as usual
>Namco making a Metroid Prime game
>Unannounced IP
Metroid prime 4 was announced
Metroid Prime 4 was announced as Metroid Prime 4 not Metroid Prime 4: Something
Nigga we haven't even seen a second of gameplay footage. Calm your titties down and wait until E3 before you start fear mongering. Goddamn this fanbase.
2Dchads win again. Samus Returns WILL outsell Prime Poor
maybe it's a first person star fox game
You can only hope but rumors been going around that it's Prime 4.
People said Samus Returns was going to be trash because it was made by Mercury Steam, but now you're using it as fodder to argue that 2D Metroid is "going to be fine" and Prime 4 is certain to be trash although it's (allegedly) in a similar position?
I trust Namco with Prime more than Castlevania mirror devs on Sami’s Returns
t. cardboard warrior
>Look Mom I shitposted Labo again!
Samus Returns looked awesome when it was first showed and all the gameplay of it looked great and everyone said it looked and played great. Tanabe only had true control of the Prime series with Hunters, Corruption, and Federation Force and now he want's to push this Sylux/Federation thing harder and make it like the Avengers. Prime 4 was already showing red flags, Namco making Prime 4 just raises those flags higher and Tanabe hasn't bee on a good streak lately.
It's like I'm back in 2001 when people were shitting all over Retro Studios for being literally who's who got to work on the first 3D instalment of a beloved Nintendo franchise. Only this time OP is shitting over one of the best Japanese software houses.
>Namco and the remnants of Star Wars 1313 are making Prime 4
Fuck you this is awesome
Retro's members worked on Torok and Miyamoto wasn't a hack at that time.
>Star Wars 131
It looked like Gears of War fused with Uncharted in space, what did people even see in this?
*Star Wars 1313
This is extreme grasping
I like how your suddenly okay with the bullshit the chozo pulled though
I'm sure Prime will be fine, I only care about 2D anyway
>Samus Returns looked awesome when it was first showed
So wait until they, you know, show it.
>everyone said it looked and played great
And everyone who hadn't touched - around here - it said it looked awful and was likely to play like garbage. You're doing the exact same thing, except with even less information to go on about.
>Prime 4 was already showing red flags, Namco making Prime 4 just raises those flags higher
Please keep your headcanon to yourself. Stop squawking like a chicken and wait until we actually see or know anything of substance about the game, and THEN form an opinion.
>Still blaming Miyamoto for Tanabe’s incompentance in the Mario series
Me too
What bullshit?
>Please keep your headcanon to yourself
What's wrong with Namco?
Nothing of what is written in that article is a "red flag".
Dark Samus not being there is good. Stylux being in the game is something people expected from the end of Corruption and nobody had any issue about it, but now you're pretending it's a bad sign? The Federation was there in many other games although it was more in the background, and until we've seen how the game is there's no sign that it will be bad/forced.
While Dark Samus being gone isn't a bad sign, continuing with this retarded space opera shit started with Prime Hunters and not going back to the traditional gameplay of Prime 1 and 2 is concerning.
>First Person Shooter
Good thing they've said several times Metroid Prime isn't an FPS
>Unannounced IP
Do you know what those words mean, OP?
>First Person Shooter/Adventure
Glad I can read
Nintendo hasn't even announced them as the devs yet so he could be keeping it a secret but rumors have been circulating for a while that they were making Prime 4.
Prime 4 has been announced. It got a big title card at E3.
Yet the developers weren't announced.
Wait you guys are already posting doom and gloom posts before any footage of the game at all? Wow.
>Unannounced IP
>First person shooter
Because Metroid Prime is the only FPS game to ever be on a Nintendo console, right?
That's not how any of this works. That listing is for an unannounced IP, that means it is a game that has not yet been announced. Metroid Prime 4 has been announced.
>multiple rumors pointing at Namco being Metroid Prime 4 developers
>First Person Shooter/Adventure
The last NIntendo exclusive First Person game I can think of was Red Steel.
There's nothing particularly "retarded" about it, and what do you even mean when you say that it's not "going back to the traditional gameplay of Prime 1 and 2"? Do you even know what "gameplay" means? Were you thinking about the game's structure and just used the first word that came up in your mind?
Even then, you can't possibly know that it won't - and no, the fact that Stylux and the federation are in the game doesn't prove it in any way, shape or form - and it's actually more likely that they're going to play it safe with this game, just like they played it safe with Samus Returns.
That studio also was made in 2016 so it could be old and before Prime 4 was announced.
>game is literally a first person shooter
>it isn't a first person shooter
That's true, there's no way to tell how old this is from a cropped image
>unannounced IP
>prime 4 has literally already been announced
>implying prime will be the only shooter ever on switch
Prime 1 and 2 weren't space operas.
>This fucking argument again
It's a game played from the first-person perspective where you shoot things. That makes it a first-person shooter. Primefags have deluded themselves for almost 20 years with their "it's a first-person adventure!" bullshit.
Ok. So what?
Man, 20 years and still you haven't grasped an incredibly simple concept.
>Spaniards are doing 2D Metroid now
>Singaporeans are doing the 3D
So does Japan just want to wash their hands of the franchise, or what?
It means that Prime 4 may not be as good as Prime 1 or 2.
>>Spaniards are doing 2D Metroid now
But they actually made a good game under Sakamoto.
>unannounced IP
Pretty sure Metroid Prime 4 has been announced
Call me when your airtight argumentation actually convinces anybody.
Not hating them.
Japan though hasn't touched the series in eight years.
When a studio says a project is "unannounced" it usually means it hasn't been announced BY THEM.
Nintendo hasn't made a Metroid game in-house since 2004 anyway. Even Other M was developed by a third party.
Has Bandai ever made an FPS before?
Its being made by the still being established Bandai Namco Singapore.
Bandai Namco was the best choice, they know what they're doing.
By Nintendo, yes.
By Namco, no.
The Nintendo leash was really really tight though. If MS got their way Samus would probably be suplexing enemies and gutting METROIDS with a knife. I could almost taste the edge.
Now imagine that with an original game with an original story.
You have a point there.
>At least the 2D Metroid series is alive again
If Samus retuns is considered alive you have shit taste. It's a fucking disaster
It's really good though
As if Sup Forums wouldn't have freaked out when Retro took the reins.
Kill yourself mother fucker, it's great
>unannounced ID
>metroid prime 4
pick one and only one
Did Namco announce Ridge Racer 8?
You high or something, not only are bamco rarely good but this is an absolute genre missmatch, like asking cod team to make a platformer or sonic team to make a good game.
>Tropical freeze literally never existed
After Tropical Freeze
Wait, we're getting Ridge Racer? That seems pretty random
>Portal is a first person shooter
You know BamCo made Smash 4 and it turned out well? Yes BamCo is making it but remember that Nintendo is still supervising it. It's ultimately still Nintendo designing the game, they're just outsourcing programming/asset creation because they have too many projects.
Source: ASS
Now fuck off
Cant they just buy more studios or something, nintendo sure do work in stupid ways.
Honestly part of it might just be throwing BamCo a bone. Like, we'll give you some work and you toss over some ports.
They just added 1000 people to their main HQ in Kyoto. Plus they're cozy as fuck with Bamco.
Prime has always been shit
Metroid V is in development and that's all that matters.
No it's casual scholock. It lost all the substance the original 2d games or hell even the original Metroid 2 had. It's bright, colorful, reveals secrets instantly, press counter casual to win garbage. If you actually think it's a good remake or hell even a good metroid you are the cancer killing the series along with prime babies
Shut up, Mark Brown
reminder Namco was responsible for the greatest Star Fox in years
>Mark Brown
Literally who
So you've never played it. Gotcha.
>unannounced IP
Who gives a fuck?
I want you to die. That game was complete trash.
I played it and didn't spend a time thanks to cfw. I actually feel bad for you people who played it. If you want a real metroid I advise you to play the original or if you're a faggot which you are since you like the remake then play a superior remake AM2R
>"fantastic new development team"
>Bandai Namco
Shit meant payed for it, whatever
It is, dumbass
>That game was complete trash.