>deer boss
Deer boss
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>OP boss
>"You will never take cock out of my mouth"
How come Divinity games fail at that very basic customizable waifu aspect that even WoW succeeds?
Is it the lack of armor variety? The camera not following behind your character during exploration and combat? The party system severing the link between the player and the main character? Larian being not as good as Blizzard?
>picking sebille when you already have fane
DOS II have alright customization and there are mods on the workshop to to push it further I think.
Nigger there is just about the same customization as wow has. A bunch of preset faces and skin tones.
Also your waifu a shit
What? I just picked the party members whose story I wanted to see most
Seville and Ifan were a mistake though.I wish I went with Beast and Red Prince
>Seville and Ifan were a mistake though
u fucking wot m8
is there a way to save the deers?
No shit sherlock, the image he posted is that particular outcome. Just need to interrupt the ritual.
Ifan seemed like he would be a bro with a nice backstory, bit he just never grew out his vanilla-ness, nothing exciting about him.
I hated Sebille since the start with that edgy needle MY NAME IS NOT IMPORTANT shot but Sup Forums told me she would change for the better. She didn't
Sebille does get better and grows out of her wrist cutting phase.
Ifan is meant to be the vanilla bro. He's basically Eder from PoE.
Maybe if you romance her. I went with Lohse, and left Sebille on the boat for the shadow prince fight because she wouldn't teach me the song. And at the end I had to fight her for divinity.
I expected some grand conspiracy behind Ifan's deathfog story. But seriously nothing happened there
Fane and Lohse stories were great
>larianiggers will defend this
I hate that romances are just 5-6 dialogue lines and thats it.
Even in more primitive games like Dragon Age or Mass Effect, romances had more relevance in story, choice, side quests, or stats and skills.
You don't have to romance her for her song. You just need to have high enough influence.
>I expected some grand conspiracy behind Ifan's deathfog story
There is? Did you even play the gaem through to the end?
That deer wasn't a boss just a quest.
lmao divinity players everyone
Can't get high influence when I don't let her talk to NPCs from fear she's gonna stingtail somebody essential to a big quest.
As for the deathfog it's just what I expected - more "for the greater good" rhetoric. Nothing changed for Ifan's story throughout the game
>Backed both poe and os
>Played os 2 times inclusive enhanced edition for almost 200h
>Play poe for 55h and never touched that shit again
Poe was shit in every way.
>The camera not following behind your character during exploration and combat? The party system severing the link between the player and the main character? Larian being not as good as Blizzard?
What the fuck? Was your first ever vidya WoW?
>don't let her talk to NPCs from fear she's gonna stingtail somebody essential to a big quest.
Afaik she only shanks the one lizard at the start of the game. And almost everyone else she talks to just starts a fight with you regardless.
are you retarded
"No shit Sherlock" means "yes, I know" not "of course".
>Fane, Beast, Ifan and Red Prince
Who /brosquad/ here
>not calling him Watson
Dumb larianigger.
Ifan is literally the game's main protag, given how he has a hand in every single plot event.
Fuck Red prince.
this, I shanked him the second I saw him on the island
>can't take the bants
> snobby piece of shit
Are you confusing him and Fane? Red prince is the KANG.
I am not
I can take bants but not from a shitty subhuman lizard
But Lizards are superior?? Their story is that all races had to work together to defeat them as dragons and they were turned into lizards yet they're still superior.
Fane is an ancient being. Red prince is a garden variety lizard who just happens to be born into royalty.
It's easier to tolerate Fane than that subhuman gecko
>Not playing as a qt lanky lizard girl
Explain yourself.
>Red prince is a garden variety lizard who just happens to be born into royalty.
He's a lizard who's born to bring back the dragons and btfo all lesser races.
Lozards are the most advanced race in the universe you fuckin larper
And I keep wondering why every RPG is filled with boring human centric kingdoms when people can't accept a world where we're not top of the food chain
if they are superior why can I kill each of them with a stick
i'm not a furry
That doesn't mean much you can kill anyone with a stick and even 1shot the god Lucian.
>He's a lizard who's born to bring back the dragons and btfo all lesser races.
Well joke's on him because he got shanked by one of the lesser races on a remote desert island.
Where are your dragons now
that means everyone is equal I guess
I'm not a faggot.
>that means everyone is equal I guess
No it just means that a godwoken of any race is overpowered.
but each of them can also die to a stick even before they get all the source powers
>Not bring into qt lizard grills that will snuggle for both warmth and love, wrapping their smooth scaly body around you like a large pillow
What a gay.
There are more important things going on than your dick.
They're sapping your body heat you degenerate.
>not going skelly lizard girl over the disgusting fleshy one
Literally the worst taste right here.
Actually reptiles would absorb X amount before evening out at roughly your own body temp, meaning they'd be the perfect snuggle partners. There's nothing better than a bed with equal temp to you.
>get told about how screamers indiscriminately murder anything within their range
>a bit later, leave a few screamers in front of a difficult bossfight alive by sneaking past them
>teleport boss in front of screamer
>nothing happens
well you have plenty to go around you selfish person.