yakuza thread
Yakuza thread
How the fuck do I obtain this game cheap in 2018? Would modding my PS3 be easy nowadays?
I have this link saved but I'd rather own a copy if I can.
I got it for 15 bucks
It's over 40 dollars these days.
It was a month ago. Well, 3 is the worst one. I would even go so far as to say it's not worth playing as it's not even relevant to the story. It's like a filler. Okinawa is fucking nice tho
All Fat and most of Slim PS3s are hackable, only late Slims and all Super Slims aren't.
>PC broke
>can't transfer Yakuza 3 iso into ps3
>kinda losing interest with the series
>probably will forget about it in 1 month
>yakuza 6 will remind me when it comes out
>will have to play 3, 4 and 5 which are like 25 hours each
I've played 0, Kiwami and 2
Tell me I'm past the best entries.
>Still no Yakuza 3 4 and 5 Collection for PS4 in 1080p 60FPS
SEGA must hate free money
>>will have to play 3, 4 and 5 which are like 25 hours each
So you skip substories, the main appeal of the series? You're a retard.
Hamazaki shows up in 4 and Kiryu running the orphanage now is something relevant to what he's doing in later games too, I don't get how it's filler?
Aside from 5 and 6 these games are mostly self-contained anyway, the devs don't bother bringing most of the cast in one game over into the next game for whatever reason.
4's cool though it gets dumb towards the end even by this series' standards, also Kiryu is characterized sorta weirdly at points but you have three other characters to balance that out.
Knowing SEGA they will release it, but it will be only released in Japan.
Just like Yakuza 1 and 2 HD collection.
>Go to do the karaoke in Kiwami
>They utterly ruined youtube.com
>3x Shine and Heartbreak Mermaid are ruined as well.
What were they thinking with this? Tonight and Bakamitai are still good though. Seriously, I was so happy to hear the Ishin song again and then I got this electronic remix.
That's because it got a reprint along with 1, 2, and 4 fairly recently. A couple months before that you could get it for about $20-30 but generally it's been sitting in that range unless you want it used.
>Tell me I'm past the best entries.
Yakuza is a series in which someone's least favorite game can be your favorite
Yakuza 4 has Majima flashbacks with events that happen 3 years before 0
Yakuza 5 is long as fuck and I think it's essential to play before 6
Well, I thought I will finish main story in each and then, when I'm done with the series, would come back and do substitutes in every entry.
Shit I bought that for 9$ from gaystop way back in 2015. I eventually sold it though coz that game is shit. I really should've kept it if only to sell it for a much higher price. I would've never guessed that Yakooza games would suddenly go up in price.
Damn autocorrect, meant to say substories
I mean, I really doubt people would sing some ancient Japanese song in karaoke bars so electronic remix makes sense.
>Yakuza 5 is long as fuck
>But wait, X is the REAL villain!
The metal remix of 3x Shine with Haruka is so goofy and unexpected that I liked it.
>Hamazaki shows up in 4 and Kiryu running the orphanage now is something relevant to what he's doing in later games too, I don't get how it's filler?
Hamazaki was just some randumb faggot in Y3 with the only relevant thing he did was stabbing Kiryu (not) to death. The rest of the series actually does act as if Yakuza 3 never happened. You never see any of those characters ever again. Not even Kazama's twin brother.
You're a Grade A retard because substories are tied into main story in the sequels, being referenced and part of main story plot such as multiple sidequests from Y1 being plot important and part of main plot in Y2 and so on.
Kill yourself this instant.
They could have easily just stuck the Ishin version of Machine Gun Kiss and I would have been happy.
Maybe instead of calling me a retard show me some example.
But fine, if it will help you sleep at night I'll try to finish every substory in every Yakuza.
Kiryu being in Okinawa and running an orphanage now is something that persists in every game, though I guess it just amounts to characters trying even harder to get him back into Kamurocho to fuck him over than before.
3's such a hit-or-miss game with people that I wouldn't tell anyone to skip it regardless.
Most of the characters from 5 that weren't already from earlier games don't show up again either.
Want example? Here you go faggot.
Hanaya's (Florist's/Kage's, take your translation poison pick) son story, sidequest in Y1, main story in Y2.
Dojima's wife, sidequest in Y1, important main story part in Y2.
Doc Emoto, sidequest in Y1, important main story part in Y2.
I can go on you faggot, now fuck off.
>The rest of the series actually does act as if Yakuza 3 never happened.
Just a head's up, PlayAsia is still selling Yakuza 6 on the original release date in English.
Wonder what that means for the usual day one patches.
Except Y3 contains multiple important plot points.
1. Explains why Kiryu is running an orphanage in later games
2. Explains what happened to Kashiwagi
3. Explains why Majima is back in Tojo
4. Explains why Kiryu and Kaoru aren't together FUCK YOU NEW WRITERS
Not him but Yakuza threads don't need people like you, leave
Why the hostility, man?
I've done them and they weren't THAT important, someone who hasn't done them will enjoy the game as much as someone who finished them.
The euro version was like 15 eurobux just a month ago but now that one's 40+ too. Did you fags buy them all or what?
>actually accepting newfags and letting them skip content and games
It's the same writer, Y1&2 also just had another guy supervising him who left after 2. Though yeah, Kiryu's not allowed to be happy it seems.
I'm going through some of 'mid era' games again and I'm noticing how Haruka's go-to response to whenever trouble happens is to run the fuck away, out of concern for Kiryu's safety and all, but Yumi outright tells her not to do that shit at the end of 1 so her not taking that to heart at all is weird. Seems like she actually does manage to run away in 6 and Kiryu gets fucked over because of it too.
>>>>>>>>>>>>Literally and unironically accepting newfags that skip games is not ludo and kino
Who was in the wrong there?
Like mother like daughter, Haruka is as much of a slut and running away loser as her mother.
Kiryu should be glad she isn't born of his seed because if she was, he'd have to kill himself over having such defective genes.
I think I'll pass on Y6 and just wait for the inevitable localization of Kiwami 2 instead. Based on what I've heard, there's some major issues with 6 ranging from technical flaws to barebones content, to crappy combat and story. Kiwami 2 improves all of that and adds tons of stuff (on top of likely being cheaper because it's a remake). Plus, I've never played Y5, and Y3 and Y4 are no longer fresh in my mind, unlike Zero and Kiwami which I'm still playing back-to-back.
I'd like to hear more opinions on Yakuza 6, though.
Don't bother, it sucks.
You are the reason we can't have nice discussion, man.
Everybody has to start somewhere, that is why we are here to help them.
If you can't take it then leave.
You are not welcomed here.
I'm really wondering how Kiryu doesn't have his own kids.
Guy with his looks would have girls all over him in real life.
He's a high-functioning autist.
You mean Ryu ga Gotoku right?
Speaking of that Heartbreak Mermaid remix, what genre would that type of music be?
This is not 2chan, Hitoshi.
I bet you faggot were an oldfag since day one. Fucking kys you subhuman trash.
I genuinely think Yakuza 0 is a modern masterpiece.
whoa, you might have to take out a loan, lad
For what it's worth, I hear it also has really good substories and some of the new side characters are really great but wasted on the shit story they're in.
Kiwami barely improves on the combat, by the way. 6 isn't bad as people make it out to be. Most of it is parrots who've only played the demo.
I hope they make Ichiban's moveset more like Rush style instead of like Kiryu's Dragon/Komaki-style moveset, the latter feels so stiff now
Large beef bowl
medium guo rou
medium beef bowl
medium bbq bowl
Akiyama-esque Rush style would be pretty great. I just want to see him incorporate punches and kicks and chain them together in different ways.
or they could just give him a random pipe off the street that overpowers every enemy in the game including bosses
Aren't the exact criticisms you have of 6, valid for Kiwami 2 as well?
Shinada did the One-Punch Man workout so it's fine.
Hope they keep adding more moves tied to specific inputs too instead of just locking everything to the Dynasty Warriors-style standard string too, it'd work well with that sort of moveset I think. They have been experimenting with that sort thing a bit more for the past few games after all.
Just got yakuza kiwami, first ever yakuza game, should I play 0 first?
Kiwami goes out of it's way to reference 0 a lot so yeah if you can. Ideally play the series in release order if you can, as much as possible though Dead Souls and 5 (and probably 6) are shit entry points into the series for newcomers
6 and Kiwami 2 made it so you keep your combo string if you're interrupted somehow (Like, square square, you get hit, square triangle still equals the overhead fist slam downward), and then we had 0 and Kiwami with their square combo repeats and grabs during finishers which I thought was cool. They're trying but they haven't jumped the hurdle yet.
Kiwami has brand new cutscenes to flesh out a character from 0's descent into madness and there's several mentions regarding 0, so yeah. Plus it's better to come off of 0 when going into Kiwami as they intend for it to work that way.
Kiwami is definitely more enjoyable if you play 0 first because it feels like a direct sequel to it.
Maybe it's confirmation bias, but from the gameplay videos I've watched, Y6 looks more sluggish.
Kiwami 1 has essentially the same combat system as Zero, too. But one thing that's already making a huge difference (I'm still early in the game), are unlockable skills that let you change your style instantly after executing strong attacks, being hurt, etc. As far as I'm aware, Zero only has that accessory you get fairly late, and even then, changing styles always lock you in an animation.
This is the sort of thing I'm expecting it will improve with YK2 compared to Y6.
Thanks, will pick up 0 tomorrow.
Also 7/43 HnK2 episodes encoded if anyone still cares about that.
>Let's have a fucking stupid fatal 4 way on top of Kamurocho Hills
Great fanservice though.
K2 is a little less sluggish, that's it. 6s combat is still fun.
Played and finished the game, imported. No idea what was going on in the entire game, but it was fun. Don't why they never released it in the west
Yeah, Ryu ga Gotoku is the best Yakuza game, shame they never released it in the west.
What are you talking about, Yakuza 1 was perfectly fine
>tfw I bought it countless years ago for 15 bucks or something
Feels good. Currently playing through 2 again because Kiwami 2 is looking to be a disappointment. Still unreasonably excited to play Y6 next month though, even with the cuts.
>Y6 releases March 20
>all the Premium Edititions ship April 17
Why would I pay 30 bucks or so extra to get the game a month late?
>shipping from Hong Kong
What's the benefit?
Aren't they all releasing in April though? They seemed to have pushed the general release date back, not just the After Hours edition. I'm amazed at all the news coverage though, it's pretty cool to Google "Yakuza 6" and get a bunch of articles now.
Wikipedia says that, but my order from Amazon.de still says March 20.
Sega specifically came out and said it's delayed though.
Could just be Amazon has it wrong.
Probably Amazon's fault then. Fuck.
can a gaijin pig be a yakuza too?
>want to support the series to encourage more localisation
>Kiryu won't be main character in any more games after 6
>might be fine, if the new protagonist didn't look like a massive homo
What happened to cool guys like Akiyama?
How does he look like a massive "homo"?
A fucking afro, nigga?
Ichiban actually seems pretty cool from the trailers.
I think they accept foreigners as errand boys but they definitely don't let them have high ranks.
Its bait, don't bother.
Hey fuck you, buddy, I love mine
His hair as well.
I love you too, but that haircut belongs in Y0 if anything.
Kiryu's suit dates back to 0 yet he's still rocking that shit
I'm assuming they'll touch up Ichiban's model a bit by the time his game rolls around, even Kiryu's model was adjusted from the initial demo for 6 to the final release of that game. Something about his face looks really fucking off to me,
Meanwhile actual former members of the Yakuza were talking shit about his fashion sense
Kiryu is an autist. If Ichiban turns out autistic enough, I might buy the afro.
Might help.
Any other infos about the new project? Trailer showed Tenkaichi Street, so I assume it stays in Kamurocho. They better not cut the map again.
Will the phone game be available in the west?
Just give him a chance. We barely know that much about him, we haven't seen how he's going to really act, and you gave Akiyama a shot to grow on you, didn't you?
Didn't say I won't, but it doesn't help that recent games have a tendency to have corners cut. Add to that the turmoil that a new protagonist can bring, and it's blurring the lines.
Do I buy to encourage more games and bigger budgets, relying on hope that they'll actually do more with it and not just pocket the profits? Do I avoid it to protest cutting corners, ensuring that more will have to be cut, or that the series dies entirely? Decisions, decisions.
Those types of games typically don't seem to get released outside of Asia so probably not.
I've got Yakuza 4 on my PS3. Time to plug that bitch back in. I just recently noticed while going thru trophies of games long forgotten.
Think of it this way. They've now had two testbeds to work with their new engine, they've listened to complaints from Japanese fans regarding them and hopefully incorporate it into their new game, and they will most likely be towing a very fine line as they now have a new protagonist completely separate from the old cast and with no ties to anyone from there to get a fresh start and they have to win people over. Obviously it being a new engine we shouldn't expect Yakuza 4 or 5 levels of content but I believe they can get us there. It took quite a long time to reach that far on the old engine to begin with.
>delaying Y6 to release 3 days before God of Bore
That's kind of the point. You have to hope they make good on it. We'll see what happens.
>new engine
They made two games in it now. One of which was a remake, so they saved tons of time on writing, animations etc. I expect that's enough to serve up something special here and there. Yakuza 4 was only preceded by one game on PS3 (two if you count Kenzan) and had tons of content.
>game previews dropping left and right these last days
>these reviewers already have got the full game
>sam and scott confirmed back in january that they were finished translating yakuza 6
I guess the glass and the artbook have terrible quality and they're trying to fix that. It still blows, was looking forward to March as well. Oh well, 1 month extra.