>the wildlife is extremely deadly and can kill you
What are some games like this?
The wildlife is extremely deadly and can kill you
Other urls found in this thread:
A game in which you hunt monsters
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger
Most games with wildlife
Is this good? I checked out some reviews and even for a 3D platformer (and even when releasd on PC) it seems terribly average.
EDF 4.1
I hope you like dragons
Almost any rpg ever.
It's a terribly average game though.
The Long Dark I guess.
Any Final Fantasy. I don't even know how they deal with life in those worlds given that some of the wildlife look like animated houses or sentient cars.
What's deadly about Australia? I live there and nothing seems really that dangerous. I think the meme is very overblown. It's actually a very safe place to live. I think you should all immigrate over here. We'll open our borders just for you.
>the wildlife is extremely deadly and can kill you
don't fall for this fucking reddit meme
I actually thought about that a bit. I wonder if that infestation of monsters across those lands is why mercs/highwaymen/soldiers seem to be such a popular career-choice.
In a world where most wares need to be transported manually to shops, being a merchant-guard must be a top-dollar job.
t. spiders
Hi Mr. Spider.
>spiders use Sonyshit
It all makes sense now.
Not them but it's actually true.
Unless you live in a rural area (hint: the VAST majority of Australians live in the metropolitan areas around each major city), you will run into fuck-all deadly wildlife.
This meme has always been blown out of proportion by redditors because they enjoy roleplaying as the "FARKIN' TOUGH CROCODILE DUNDEE CUNT" type, when in reality they have lived a sheltered and safe life in the latte-sipping suburbs of Melbourne or Sydney.
>Has to invest tons of money into border security
Why? The spiders will just eat anyone who's unprepared. If they can evade the spiders, they've basically already passed the immigration test.
>he thinks spiders post on Sup Forums
why exactly would we do that mate?
Australia's wildlife is actually shit tier, it just has a lot of venom. That's why a few european bunnies were able to completely rek the local ecosystem.
fuck off don't ruin the meme, the less dumb tourists the better
It's probably why airships became a thing in almost every FF. It's the ultimate "I'm not dealing with this shit today" vehicle.
2late m8, the chinese are just gonna keep coming.
This. Africa is probably the most dangerous in terms of wildlife
chinks are preferable to sandniggers I suppose
Honestly, all vehicles except the on-foot approach seem to guarantee safety. Including chochobo.
What's weird is how this never seems to be bought up in-world. Like, why isn't the car-industry booming in a world where owning one essentially guarantees painless transport?
You'd think Lada would be. huge in Final Fantasy for cheap wheels
It's bio-security, to stop their wildlife going OUT
Japan isn't really good at world building. They seem to just pick and choose whatever shit they feel from DnD or whatever then add a sprinkle of japanese craziness into it with very little thought put into it. There are some exceptions but few and far between.
we don't invest jack shit, the navy sits on our waters and watches the boats come in
as soon as they spot out ships they set fire to theirs
they know we're too pussy to just let them sink and all drown
>t. brainlet Amerimutt who doesn't know shit about Australian wildlife.
I visited America once and I felt way less safe there
Peter Jackson's King Kong
My head canon is lunar tears like in FF8, and the reason that our world is not full of monsters are jew reptilians that livr on the moon, made them go extinct by over hunting, as we all know jews have no sence of self restrain or empathy.
I tried to put my shoe on this morning and found a funnel web spider. I almost put my toe next to those meaty fangs.
Somebody doesn’t rack their shoes upside down
HA, get a load of this soft city cunt.
>live in australia
>willingly live in an urban hellhole of mega-shitness instead of the glorious countryside and great outdoors.
definitely worse when your wildlife carry guns and listen to rap
warlords and their drugged out child soldier rape torture and murder gangs aren't 'wildlife', dude.
also, patently not true, africa has less deadly, and less aggressively dangerous actual animals and reptiles like snakes and shit.
Good point.
>in terms of wildlife
they are called niggers
Moving to Australia next week, any tips? What do I bring?
They're both equally bad for different reasons, brainlet. Also they're not tourists, they're fucking immigrants. Tourists bring money here and then leave. Immigrants bring nothing and send our money elsewhere.
Depends where you're from.
singapore going to melbourne
not being scared of the local poofter trying to shove a didgeridoo up your butthole
Gothic 1 and 2
Mate, almost every Chinese person I know has grown up here, pumped money into education, tutoring and Uni, and has worked their assess off ever since, paying taxes.
As opposed to bogan fuckwits on the dole, pumping out useless drunken kids.
Your narrative is dumb as shit, try to think about things for more than one second.
Bring a wallet with enough money in it to buy a ticket back to Singapore, cunt.
What the fuck are you moving here for? Everything here is worse than Singapore. You're basically travelling back in time.
I live in tassie and see red backs and funnel webs constantly, also snakes
i fucking wish there was digimon fighting outside my house
Derros are more of an issue than wildlife
unless you can speak in clear english, expect australians to not understand you. australians tend to speak about x2 as SLOW as many asiatic nations peoples. so just pretend you're speaking over a radio, speak slower, and take a little extra time to carefully enunciate.
>don't be surprised though if you run into yobbo fucking cunts that will treat you like shit just for being a 'gook'.
Melbourne is FULL of cunts. you'd be better off going to perth or adelaide, or even RURAL south australia and western australia. the eastern states are pretty much got their heads rammed up their own assholes 24/7 thinking their shit don't stink.
i live in tassie too, where do you see the funnel webs? or are you one of those people who think house spiders are funnel webs.
hobartfag here.
fucking sunscreen and a shitload of money if you're trying to live in sydney
Nice anecdotal evidence. Almost every Chinese person I've ever known has immigrated here within the last 1 or 2 decades with heavy subsidies from our government, speaks atrocious, incomprehensible English, works hard to send money back to their families in China or bring them over here, or brings over their soon-to-be worthless Chinese money from their government mandated loans to buy up our property and businesses, driving up prices and shafting smaller Australian businesses in trades then hiding behind their corrupt government and courts when Australians ask for recompense. Read a fucking book instead of pretending you know shit about China and Chinese people from your time in uni, kid. They're an inherently corrupt people.
Rain World
What is a derros? Is that what I think it means?
this. MIGRANTS are good.
illegals and refugeescan fuck right off. Australia has been 'multicultural' from the very fucking beginning. some of THE best bakeries and eateries in our capitols etc have been chinese joints ever since they got off the boat.
australia is an ASIAN country, we ARE NOT in fucking europe or america, we're right next door to fucking indonesia burma and shit, for fucks sakes. this idea that we were ever 'ehite' only is retarded. brown asians and yellow asains have been a big part of 'us' for forever.
what? singaporeans are perfectly understandable unless they speak like pure singlish and then it's pretty much fine if there aren't too many chinese loan words
We have the most poisonous variants of pretty much every species, including seashells.. kangaroos emus and cassowaries can turn on you and disembowel you in an instant. Many deaths caused by wombats. Koalas, dingoes and many other small mammals are mean as shit too. Heaps of people get done by crocs up north too.
fuck sneks.
It makes this "survival" game a low-key horror game.
Fuck those blind hills on the way to the farm house in Pleasant Valley.
There's funnel webs in Tasmania, just not the Sydney Funnel Web, obviously.
povo cunt/hoodlum
i did not ask for this information
i'm aware of the different funnel web species in tassie, pretty sure recently we found our third species.
to anyone with half a brain, sure. but this is fucking victorians the poor bastards going to be surrounded by. fucking victorians.
they're like texans, but dumber. and nowhere NEAR as productive. the arty farty parasite faggots.
Where's my Chink-Jew money then senpai, I need that shit to upgrade my PC and buy me some more tim tams.
At least we take them to island concentration camps instead of letting them in.
lets not forget one of those fuckers ATE A BABY and since no one believed it at the time it was one of those Pre-Internet Memes
>including seashells
your country is like a living Monty Python sketch
Have you been to singapore? they have better internet than us, that's about it.
Did you recently immigrate? Go fucking ask for it.
I was born here but you seem to bring it up so give me my commie-collaberatorbux, RAM is fucking expensive and my CPU is 6 years old.
You know what isn't a meme. Fucking Magpies. Those are in metropolitan areas and will fuck you up.
>including seashells
He's probably talking about Cone shells. They're all over the world, not just Australia.
it's short for derelict
Fuck off Lao.
The chinks form their own little enclaves, will vote for their own ethnic bloc, and will gradually erode Australia's western focus.
>"but why is that bad"
Because things like enlightenment values, human rights, democracy, and low corruption are part and parcel of our western focus.
Out of all the countries in the world you are choosing to live in this one. Why are you so content to let its uniqueness be destroyed and its character be changed when you so obviously prefer it the way it is?
This thread needs a theme
>lets not forget one of those fuckers ATE A BABY and since no one believed it at the time it was one of those Pre-Internet Memes
Didn't someone get his face eaten off through a fence at a zoo one time.
This was like early 2000s IIRC.
he can just get a train to the city, walk two blocks up to russell st and not have to worry about seeing the white man
Then you're not a fucking immigrant, are you? Dumb chink ESL moron. Your parents probably got it though.
no, the dingo never ate the baby, it ate the corpse.
you're forgetting the druggie scum mother abused the fuck out of her baby, like neglecting it, not feeding it, putting cigarettes out on it. all sorts of fucked up shit, and when it died due to abuse and starvation, she drove it out to the middle of nowhere and buried it. dingoes just dug it up and ate it.
>that fucking cunt got away with it to by crying crocodile tears and screeching 'dingo ate muh babeee'
Ahhh alright, guess I gotta shaft some small Australian businesses. Not going to send that money home though, I gotta outjew both my kinsmen and the white man.
I'm white, and they only ghetto up in cities like melbourne and sydney because the people already there are giant cunts and they mob up for safety.
everywhere else they spread out. and when melbourne and sydney were first a thing before they got shitted up, the chinese and italians, the germans and french, all made fucking focus areas that drew the people there together.
it's not the white people he's got to worry about, its the fucking drongoes and drunken tards, who are of all different colours. that born in australian ethnics are JUST as bad as the other melbournians and sydneyfags.
literally have kangaroos outside my front door, just topped the water up for the cheeky buggers
no chance of getting close to them to pat their heads, they bolt if you come within 10 ft
What city?
God damn the whole story is a mess I remember the first time around everyone laughed her off from coming up with such an obviously bullshit story and both of them got charged for getting the baby killed and arrested THEN the evidence came that the dingo really did eat the baby.
When did the evidence that the baby was already dead come?
I wonder who might be behind this post
i have a pet Galah. he loves chillin with me. he's a total bro.
Fuck off ya chink cunt
about two years after their negligence trial.
fucker, i'm as whitebread as it fucking comes. blue eyed, red haired english / irish / scottish / german mutt.
asssumptions just make you look stupid, faggot.