>game tells story through collectables and audio logs
Game tells story through collectables and audio logs
>killing the father that came to rapture to find his daughter
>games telling stories through sterile hollywood cutscenes are better games!
Thats preferable to unskippable cutscenes
>game tells its story through half-assed item descriptions
Uh oh, you opened the pandora's box between PC and console gamers.
PC master race really loves jumping around in Half Life while someone talks at you. Grade A story, you are truly inhabiting the character and are immersed in the story.
It really just comes down to whether or not the studio has the money for cutscenes though. Super simple to record a shitload of audio logs and even then have them drown out under the gameplay speech and sound effects, thus meaning you collect the audio tape and you have to stand there anyway. I'm looking at you Bioshock.
I think if people keep the audio logs to a good handful with the gameplay telling the story. I'm much more supportive of that if they can't really afford animators or cutscenes.
Came here to post this
It's not only lazy to execute, it's lazy in conception as well. Do these items have this text written on them somewhere? Are the item descriptions your character's thoughts about the item? It's just fucking stupid all around
>generic ruins
>its environmental storytelling! I clapped!
>game tells its story through card flavor texts
Ignoring budget, I prefer audio logs depending on the kind of game it's trying to be. Haven't played many immersive sims, but System Shock DOS did it very well. It also helps with player agency- my character's not doing back-flips off of rockets to progress the story- you're still in the game trying to push forwards in Citadel Station. You actually don't listen to most of the audio logs until you deem yourself "safe". I think it aids the game, ultimately. But like I said, it depends on what the devs are trying to do.
Just curious what games do this. I can't really think of any right now but I'd like to laugh at them.
If its a survival game its completly fine, it makes further playthroughs more comfortable and if you dont care for the story at all, which is often the case for survival, its even better
You mean additional lore? I think that's fine. The whole story? Can't name one game I know that does this.
I haven't played System Shock, but the problem I have is most games that I have played like this, not even just FPS, just autoplay the second you get an audio log.
MGSV couldn't even bother to mute the 3 generic things Miller and Ocelot say during gameplay while I have to make an effort to listen in on those 20 minute audio tapes. I just never understand why developers encourage you to listen to these while you play but then can't bother to adjust the audio accordingly. Or at the very least MGSV could have paused the tape for like 10 seconds while Ocelot told me for the 200th time, "BOSS GET DOWN THAT ENEMY CHOPPER WILL TEAR YOU TO BITS."
Gone Home maybe? I mean most of the items are diaries and letters though and the character you play unfortunately doesn't give any commentary.
>complete NPC quest line
>they randomly die/vanish off the face of the earth for no fucking apparent reason
>"once you fulfilled their purpose to live and they have no more use, they killed themselves! Sasuga Japanese wage cucks!"
This is seriously a good method of adding lore to the game.
Endless Sky relies heavily on this, because the storywriters are morons and so people who actually produce content have to pick up the slack.
does it also involve a research team dying to some shit aliens or disease?
Haven't played MGSV, but isn't MGS one of those series that goes crazy in the amount of story they put from the cutscenes to codec calls? In which case, why does it need audio logs? If I'm not mistaken MGS was 50/50 gameplay and story. That's kind of pushing it the way I see it.
Text logs are alright, audio logs are shit. But so are playable cutscenes (trapped in a room while some fags babble on, or forced to slow walk down a corridor while some fags babble on), unskippable cutscenes, and unpausable cutscenes. So are those annoying as fuck short parts where the camera has to automatically zoom or rotate to the correct position before you are allowed to regain control.
Basically, vidya has a lot of ways to act 'cinematic' or just generally flashy or 'immersive' at the expense of actually letting you play the damn game. But many vidya are made for lazy incompetent people with no stamina and no real interest in gameplay, so it makes sense.
>"ah they are comming for me! I think this is the end for me... But the secret to solve the puzzle is t" [Blood stains]
>stupid wojak
>brain size actually exceeds the Earth, in terms of mass
MGS is weird because the first three had a good amount of cutscenes but made you "watch" the codec calls and you couldn't actually play the game. MGS4 has a shitload of cutscenes plus entire podcasts of the game development on an in game iPod. MGS4 barely has any gameplay as well.
Peacewalker and MGSV made use of the story while you play stuff. Peacewalker relegated the audio logs to a menu which I guess you played while doing other stuff but MGSV encouraged you to listen while playing. Like there's literally like 3 hours of audio logs in that game. There's almost no cutscenes in MGSV as well, at least cutscenes that told the story. Hell there's barely any story in MGSV. Actually I hate MGSV anyway.
I thought he was stupid because he has a black hole instead of a brain.
Actually user, any amount of mass can form a black hole, provided you compress it within its Schwarzschild radius of R = 2M
You can calculate the mass of a black hole from it's event horizon
A black hole with mass equal to the Earth has an event horizon with a radius of 0.3492 inches or 8.87mm
from the picture we can estimate that the event horizon of his 'brain' is at least twice that width, and so must have a higher mass too
Right, I see what you're getting at now, I just hadn't actually run the numbers for a black hole possessing the mass of the Earth. Carry on.
However, if you really want to overanalyse things, consider that the accompanying math presumably suggests that the black hole is both charged and rotating,
at least Im assuming based on notation,
though the source is somewhat irrelevant.
With a metric resembling that of a charged or rotating point mass, the black hole will not possess a single horizon at all.
The event horizon should theoretically not exist. Anything with sufficient speed, no matter how high, should be able to overcome a pulling force. If the event horizon truly cannot allow anything to get past it, then it means it produces an infinite attraction force that cannot be overcome by anything, but if it was infinite then everything that ever existed in the infinite space would be sucked into the first black hole to ever appear, and nothing would have existed
1. the insult here is being called dense = stupid
2. no information can leave a black hole
You know a black hole produces just as much of a gravitational force as any other object given you're the same distance away from them, right? You could swap the sun with a black hole right now, and at last from a gravitational standpoint, nothing in the solar system would change. The force required to escape the event horizon is infinite, but that's more a result of space itself within the region, and ultimately the force exerted on a body by the black hole is still perfectly finite up to the singularity. GR works perfectly fine, in fact they were predicted by theory long before they were actually observed, and observations have matched theoretical predictions flawlessly.
>game tells the story as ambiguously as possible so it may as well not even be there
>have to read the wiki for it to understand anything
fuck you I liked hyperlight drifter
My biggest fucking pet peeve is hard to find or audiologs that are scattered around levels and you get them out of order. What the fuck.