Thoughts on this franchise?
Pretty challenging sidescrollers hinging on the same main premise that megaman games used, that your HP runs out before you get to the boss. That said it had way less opportunities for gaining it back via health drops or items, farming enemies for them or even clearing a screen of enemies.
Came to post this myself.
I only watched the Netflix series, but I loved it.
One of the best franchises in gaming, Rest In Peace. Fuck Konami.
It's not dead. Season 2 of the series comes out this year.
That just means Konami can make more money from it as a cartoon than as a game.
So it's basically dead until proven otherwise.
Fuck it, fine, I'll give you a damn (you). Happy now?
1-4 great 2 is debatable but it has been redacted
SOTN awesome great game
The rest are fucking garbage.
>the gba and ds games are shit
Good music.
It's the only thing I really remember it for.
Weeb infested garbage.
kys, etc.
>handheld games are shit
No lies detected.
>*unfounded generalisation*
No taste detected.
I can see not liking Portrait of Ruin, but most of the GBA games and most definitely Ecclesia is great.
Opinions and all that.
>Two out of six could reasonably be called "weebshit" if it even counts as an argument (not really)
>Writing games off because of handhelds
I don't know why anyone would take these faggots seriously in the first place.
Super Castlevania IV is garbage
3. 4, RoB, SotN are the peak of the series, everything else is average.
Finest 2D Gothic Horror games ever made. The fact that Dracula is truly dead now once and for all is a tragedy indeed. Konami killed him.
Great series.
Old fandom is nice. New "fandom" is cancer.