>360ilvl bard
>Still fucking needs everything from the expert roulette
God damn, I hate french players in the Final Fantasy XIV™ Stormblood™ so much!
360ilvl bard
Might be for GC seals.
>leveling while having fun
>I'm really looking forward to reaching endgame and getting the best gear
>reach lv 70
>read up on rotations and shit, remember how long each instance takes in this game
>this will take forever and will be a chore
>lets try another class
Honestly, they are worthless now and you only need them for the glamour prisms to add job sets to log
>too much of a cuck to try savage
>thinks doing his rotation in savage is hard
>tfw 99% of the playerbase has this level of skill and un-ironically think Shinyru/o3s/o4s is anything above a 5/10 difficulty level
>fc mates literally think GCO was a super hard mechanic
Playing this game if your IQ is above 100 is truly unending suffering.
What's your opinion on hair clipping?
>tfw want to use Alexandrian DRG set
>can't use long hair because the chest piece has a fucking giant collar behind
As someone with a Ph.D in shmups I'm ashamed to admit that the only, ONLY mechanic I consistently fuck up in this game is moving projectiles
Why are their hitboxes always a massive distance ahead of them? This is the first multiplayer game I've seen with such a nonsensical behavior. Do I need japanese ping for this to not happen?
tfw no friendly static
tfw PF autism
I had a faggot like you sperg out to me about the same thing. Both the healer and tank had my back and the little shit stayed quiet the whole dungeon run.
If you desperately need the gear, ask first.
Almost wish you could change hair styles on the fly with your glamour desu.
>another fucking retard who dies to missiles in O7S
Fuck off from my savage and let me get my fucking clear!
>Why are their hitboxes always a massive distance ahead of them?
Because the server is laggy, so even if you see the projectile a little behind and you dodge it, it still hits you because your movement lags, you start moving a little late and the projectile hits you anyway
Dynamic bones and collision detection is haaaaard.
Like with anything missing from the game.
Blame PS3.
The fuck is the point of doing savage other than e-peen?
>Dynamic bones and collision detection is haaaaard.
In the mmo? It is.
>Blame PS3.
Funny how everytime developers say "fuck weak systems our game for the true gamers with good pc only" this mmo die in literally month
Better gear for bigger numbers for bigger parses and bigger e-peens. Honestly I'm thinking of trying savage just to get the dyeable caster hat.
>this mmo die in literally month
No it would only lose half of its subs at most
Which would be worth it by the way, and the game only needs 100,000 subs to stay on top of things anyway
I just want new servers.
because anyone that isnt in japan gets cucked latency wise in this game
for byakko you have to literally be inside the previous aratama for the next aratama to register as not hitting you
>still haven't tried valentione event
>will probably end up skipping it like I did the previous years
I swear to god I would have days where I would dodge everything like a true superplayer and days where I can't stop getting hit like a retard
If you were in a run just now with a retard who kept eating missiles, I'm sorry
The hitbox offset problem also plays with these shits' tendency to go into the boss's model and blow up before their tips even emerge from it. I should just stop treating this as a shmup and just sit in one gap while not giving a fuck about my positionals for a while
I THINK I've figured out a few safespots for them though it's the inner quadrant of any of the inner chakra circles
To be honest, I actually find them fun fights. Neo-exdeath was fun as fuck.
It's just that, your fun gets fucking ruined when people make idiotic mistakes where it seems like you'd have to TRY to make
>fucking grand cross omega
>great, time for a laser show
>some fucking idiot wipes the raid
>not due to not resolving beyond death for GCA
>not not because he got knocked by off balance
>he fucking ran off the edge due to hysteria
And how many fucking times have you done grand cross alpha? jesus christ nigger LMAO get to the middle
>360 at this point in time
almost impossible unless you bought full 350 and cleared o8s week 1
Phantom Train's finale is pretty hectic but Chardanook and Guardian are pretty fun fights.
Even Kefka NM is better designed than Exdeath NM.
Agreed, Chardanook was way better than the shitshow that was O2S. Not quite sure how I feel about evil toot yet, I feel like they should've expanded on mechanics in savage
kino fight. Really looking forward to taking him on in savage
I really, really wish being able to clear Stone, Sky, Sea for each respective fight was required. Pugging O5S last week was utter hell because every retard and their mom was trying it so the margin for error was ridiculously low. I can only carry so much extra weight as a tank before I just started calling out bad DPS.
On the other hand, I learned and cleared O6S in about 90 minutes so it seems to be doing its job as a casual filter better than Alte Roit did.
>I actually find them fun fights
that's why people do them, it's enjoyable to pug trough if you're into that and have a good mindset.
at one point in the game, savage is the only enjoyable content, there's nothing else in this game that resembles a challenge.
i just want eureka or something else fun to do instead of just savage.
ex-primals, world content and especially dungeons are garbage (hell's lid had some really enjoyable big pulls though)
is o6s easier than o5s? havent done o6s yet, re-cleared o5s tonight gonna be looking to get o6s today/tomorrow
>The hitbox offset problem also plays with these shits' tendency to go into the boss's model and blow up before their tips even emerge from it.
That's the major reason my teammates gets hit by them. I suggest you to check the whole arena with a quick look with the camera, and try to remember where the missiles are. As a DRG I have no prob hitting my positionals and then position myself on the yellow circle to do the mechanic correctly. Sometimes I miss them too because I'm a scared pussy anyway
Dunno how much DPS you lose as a MNK tho, if you're scared use True North, even if it's probably better if you use it for the monk add
hell yeah it is as long as people know the fight
o5s has the rng factor, o6s does not, and the third fight in this tier, o7s remains a shitter gate as usual
>literally easier than an ex primal by far
This should never occur. I only enjoyed o3s and o4s out of the deltascape series
>be helping people clear in the last few weeks before 4.2 drops
>o3s, relaxing fun compared to o4s pugs
>get to phase 5 but have enrage problems
>parser shows me outdamaging a DPS consistently
>WHM that has a dps of 38, ONLY due to assize'
>ask her to do some dps
>she complains and say this fight is hellishly difficult
>"that's not a healers job"
>literally sits there at some points of the fight just targeting the boss and looking at hali
>just fucking sits there
and that's when I stopped trying. Some people really don't deserve their clears. Why do people like that WHM even play this game? Like let's be fucking real here, I like FFXIV but this shit has a 2.5 GCD, are some healers unironically okay with just sitting there when they're not over healing? Why do they still play this shit? Why the fuck aren't their bored out of their minds yet?
cool hopefully i get some decent pf groups compared to my first clear of o5s
Eureka is for relics, and the entire purpose of relics is to let anyone get raid-level weapons without having to set foot in a raid, so you're not going to find any challenge there.
In fact if you're looking for a challenge, I don't really know why you're looking in XIV.
I actually do know why. It's because the social nature of MMOs is the only thing that satisfies people who desperately crave e-peen.
Just a reminder that all the pain you've gone through to get anything in this game will amount to nothing, and the game will die in 10 years.
just a reminder that one day we will all die
>Just a reminder that all the pain you've gone through to get anything in this game will amount to nothing
so just like every video game?
>and the game will die in 10 years.
and square will make another FF mmo which i will play
>10 years
That seems fair. That's like telling me my dog will die in ten years. I kinda know this already, but until then I'm going to appreciate the time I have.
I did it with my FCmate
We lost our shit doing it
>Play melee DPS
>Tank tanks Kelpie like this
All of my hate.
If weeks before 4,2 people saw enrage on the o3s, trust me it's not fucking "no healer dps" fault.
>Why do people like that WHM even play this game? Like let's be fucking real here, I like FFXIV but this shit has a 2.5 GCD, are some healers unironically okay with just sitting there when they're not over healing? Why do they still play this shit? Why the fuck aren't their bored out of their minds yet?
They are fucking retards, simple. Most of these retarded healers are always girls tho
>we get an healer replacement from our FC, since our healer can't log in and we have to test a new BRD
>this healer girl barely reached Grand Cross Omega, but no prob we can help her get the clear or just explain her
>we explain our way to do some mechanics
>she fails them because "she prefers doing them in another way"
>always out of mana at like 2-3 minutes from the fight and bitches about that BRD guy (who was pretty good) asking him for MPs
>uses Holy during Meteors
>has "Heroes never die!" rez macro and a fucking "Shields up, you're covered" quote for fucking Benison
I got my gf to play this game, and she decided to play WHM. The first thing I made her learn is to fucking DPS while she's not healing
if you haven't cleared it by now you might be stuck with really bad players
don't worry though, it's still fully possible to clear o6s with baddies.
most ffxiv healers are actual retards, i healed trough deltascape and even at launch i could hit 1.2k dps during prog and 2k at the end of deltascape.
is this your first mmo? bragging rights and exclusivity is important
>enjoyable to pug if you are into that
I'm gonna assume by "that" you mean some sort of really hardcore masochism.
a healer not doing dps in savage is a problem
>is this your first mmo? bragging rights and exclusivity is important
...then why play XIV where your bragging rights and exclusivity are erased every 6 months?
I think those things are important to a group of people who used to make up the majority of MMO playerbases but who are now a tiny minority, and this enrages them deeply.
>Tank keeps mob in puddles of shit
>Tank doesn't point the boss due north when there is no reason not to
>Tank doesn't stop FUCKING moving around like an asshole causing you to miss positionals
>Tank pulls small group of enemies in dungeon, doesn't move for 10 seconds, guess the tank refuses to pull large and begin setting up for big dick dps to make this as fast as possible
>Tank suddenly moves once you begin to get stacks and fucks off to the next group while all your cd's tick away
>Tank pulls Byakko to the OTHER side of fire and lightning when all melee dps are on the closer side
>Tank keeps Byakko in the middle of lightning stikes
I just hope that Yoshida will design next ff mmo from the scratch.
Also hope next world will be more interesting than this shithole. maybe ff6 world 100 years after game ended.
With 325 and 330 gear you fucking can do o3s with 3 dps and no heal dps just fine. People did it in the 310 gear with Susano weapon
I agree with you that the DPS could've stepped it up, but DPS being exclusively a DPS job is a meme.
The WHM just should've fucking contributed to the team effort of not seeing enrage like a competent person, I am not blaming it solely on her, but come the fuck up. Just press stone IV every once in a while and keep aero up, fucks sake.
>if you haven't cleared it by now you might be stuck with really bad players
yea i figured as much but hopefully o5s keeps them out for another day so i can get a relatively painless clear. decided to take it slower this patch even though i knew this would happen 6 days to get the clear and ill be happy with that to start working on o7s next week
i run with a static, but hopping into pugs is enjoyable for short amounts of time and seeing how people do/perform.
>then why play XIV where your bragging rights and exclusivity are erased every 6 months?
if gear is the only thing you have on your mind i got news for ya.
that's not the point, a healers who does no dps in savage content isn't fit for that content.
they usually have massive amounts of overhealing and ironically run faster out of mp than normal savage healers do
>Tank specially move mobs away from bishop turret
Sure, not dpsing as healer is boring as hell, at least as ast you can manage cards sometimes.
But you left party only after noticing that healer doesn't dps, instead of just checking what's wrong with dps in the first place. Because fucking hitting enrage on the o3s should be physically impossible after 4.1 welfare dungeon
>Because fucking hitting enrage on the o3s should be physically impossible after 4.1 welfare dungeon
Oh, you sweet summer child :^)
o7s is a really fun fight, good luck user
The gear is reset too. I'm afraid that if you're playing XIV for anything but the sheer joy of running the content, your motivations are hopelessly wrongheaded and harmful to yourself. It's bad enough to seek status through video games, it's even worse in a genre of games that rewards time invested significantly more than skill, and mostly revolves around scripted team jumprope boss fights. I give more credit to speedrunners of all people, than someone who has BiS in an MMO.
People who play the game as a pretty skinnerbox aren't much better, but at least they can say they're enjoying themselves. I never see raidloggers do anything but complain.
>The gear is reset too
this wouldnt be so bad if crafted gear wasnt so good and mandatory for week 1 raiding, replacing all or almost all your raid gear for crafted items on day 1 is shit
you're projecting and assuming too much but i'll bite.
why play a game when there's no achievements or challenges to do?
Playing games to challenge yourself is fine. If it's the challenge you enjoy, go for it. I strongly do not believe that this is why people play MMOs. If it were, you'd see people still doing min ilvl runs of Coil or Alex savage.
People play MMOs to measure and compare themselves to others. For some reason it is deeply important to them that they are seen as a good player. So they continue to play despite disliking the content, despite disliking the direction of the game, despite not having really enjoyed themselves for years, because they feel utterly compelled to do what they think a good player would do. In games like XIV, this means getting BiS, clearing the new raids as fast as possible, and signalling to others how terribly easy the game is now.
One can still admit the game has some flaws and still enjoy it.
people can play for the challenge and the reward that comes with it even if its mostly gear that will be replaced. people dont do min ilvl things because there is zero reward for doing so. maybe it would be fun 1 time to do coil/alex min ilvl but no real reason to do it after that. killing a current savage boss can raise you ilvl which raises your epeen. ill be interested to see how many people go back and do ultimate coil since its locked to its ilvl im gonna guess not very many
sounds like some raiders deeply hurt your feelings from what I'm hearing, but alright.
>People play MMOs to measure and compare themselves to others.
that's how it's always been, and won't change in mmos, it's a social game after all, and it's human nature to compare.
luckily for xiv raiders, raiding takes no time if you're competent enough with no gear gates since mid alex.
not going to try argue your next sentence because you're assuming way too much shit.
>I strongly do not believe that this is why people play MMOs. If it were, you'd see people still doing min ilvl runs of Coil or Alex savage
small groups still do, but no point in doing it since minilvl fucks with your stats too much which doesn't offer too many options
Sure, but it's not really the impression I get from people. The main types of player I see post online are either the blissful casual who barely plays and is content to just enjoy their ephemeral skinnerbox, or the self-identified midcore/hardcore player who does nothing but rage and rant about how shitty the game is (but doesn't quit).
How many years has the game followed the same content cycle? At some point, these people should realize that their complaining isn't really doing anything and make a decision about whether they actually want to continue playing the game on its current path. They avoid quitting because the allure of status keeps them sucked in.
there's nothing wrong about complaining when a game (especially an mmo) doesn't give players enough content
yoshi is correct about unsubbing and subbing when there's content to do in this game, but it shouldn't be like that, it's retarded and unhealthy for the game.
give us lasting content and not just savage
they should try and do mythic+ dungeons from WoW honestly as well as rework the FATE system to be more like the world quest system. I played legion up until the end of the ToS patch but the m+ and world quest system are both great
I won't deny that all humans crave status. To seek it from an MMO though means that somewhere along their line their values have become hopelessly maladjusted. I have never in my life felt even the tiniest bit of respect or admiration for someone in BiS. You may as well admire the lab rat that learns to solve the maze as quickly as possible.
There is a kind of primitive comfort in skinnerboxes but to use a skinnerbox you don't even enjoy because you think it's impressing the other people on the skinnerbox is just really sad. If you're determined to seek status from games, at least pick something where displays of skill are actually impressive like an FPS or fighting game or something.
Majority of the playerbase never sets foot in Savage. They work with the demographic they've got. My entire point is that people who play XIV exclusively for Savage have something wrong with them. Like, what's it gonna take to make you finally give up?
will I magically forget my experiences and will the fun I had be automatically negated when the game goes down?
id imagine most people who only play to do the savage content sub for 2 months each patch get BiS and quit until the next raid tier
like i said
stop assuming shit
The reason I keep playing it's just because all other MMOs are shit and I don't like them. None of them has the level of detail or gameplay that XIV has to offer. And yes, this is saying much since XIV has not a lot to show.
I enjoy the game but I'd gladly switch for a better MMO
Scans of all artbooks when?
I play mostly for Savage and hard content but I also do everything else the game has to offer, since it's a MMO and it's supposed to be played this way. Of course if one day the devs decide to release hard content never again I'll unsub forever
>uses Holy during Meteors
This is actually fine though. More potency. You can hit the boss and two meteors with your meteors. I believe the idea was to precast a holy before the meteors spawned. Then swift cast another and assize before the boss disappeared. The assize would then wind up hitting all 4 meteors and the boss. It's a good use of spells. But she probably wasn't positioning properly. For instance, if you just sit dead in the centre you wind up hitting nothing.
I pretty much only play Savage to get shiny numbers on my faglogs profile nowadays
>tfw everyone I meet in party finder sucks at O7S
>can literally do O7S while not even trying hard
>even if I make call-outs people still die
>can't clear because can't make the DPS check
The only way you can carry this DPS check is if you're a caster or a WAR. WAR can easily do way over 4k DPS now, and casters easily do over 6k.
Trying to clear this as melee DPS is suffering.
Everyone should have short hair anyway. Long hair is always a bother in combat.
Do any guys on Chaos here need a WHM? I cleared O1-4S and I'm trying to get back into the game to do this tier but I'm honestly pretty nervous about playing with PF cause that's what made me quit the last time.
>get bitched out for 'not healing enough'
>look at parses
>both tanks popped their cooldowns 10-15 seconds after almagest
>co-healing astrologian pops their UC right when the almagest lands for 0.1s and drops the bubble before it has a chance to buff anyone so it's completely wasted
>zero mitigation on almagests
>explain this all to them and ask them to just use their spells earlier
>kicked from the party for being 'toxic'
all the short hair options are ugly as hell
>casters easily do over 6k
only blm
that's the chaos datacenter for you
every single datacenter has a specific cancer
take that back faggot
and SMN?
have u cleared o5s and o6s? id imagine most serious ones are filled or doing those. you should be able to get both of those down in pf, id try looking for a static after you get them
You do realize difficulty rating is based on the norm, not the top 1% of players, right? This is true for 99% of games that aren't retarded.
>that one guy who wastes hundreds of materia on overmelding a single crafted piece of raid gear
At some point they gotta ask themselves if it's even worth it. Autism, I guess.
>The fuck is the point of doing savage other than e-peen?
It's the only fun thing to actually do in the game.
Mostly because you can fail.
I perhaps should specify: it's fun when you're doing it with players of level similar to yours.
All the rest of the content is simply too easy or too unrewarding.
These sorts of people very likely run raids for people in exchange for 10s of millions of gil at a time. So going off then and buying materia is fucking nothing to them. and when you've got all your gear yourself you only have one thing to improve. The materia. It's about perfecting their gear which is a necessary step if you're going for top tier parses.
I'm a WHM and I just jammed a ton of DH materia in there and I get 99% parses regularly.
>finish dungeon/raid/trial
>don't cast my roll, just wait until the timer expires, forcing everyone to wait
Once had two autists sit there until the item timed out trying to hold the entire party hostage. They were both demanding that we report the other for 'toxic' in exchange for rolling on the item. No one budged and we just reported them instead.
Crafted accessories are BiS for some jobs.
So you're saying that it's indeed autism.
>take that back faggot
which ones actually look good? most are indeed ugly, they are even worse if you glam a helm rather than hiding one, better just to find a chest piece your hair wont clip with
Shrug. What you call autism is simply these people looking to master the game they enjoy. I had to quit my first static because everyone was really smug and critical of people who cared about parses. They constantly parsed grey and couldn't get past library on O3S, for the record.
>Half my party keeps getting blown off by ghost in savage or dying to the ghosts in the train car
Jesus Christ.
So.. what exactly do i meld on PLD?
And i am told max DPS rotation is basically just DoTs -> Requiescat -> Holy Spirit spam? And sustain/regen with Sheltron and RA combo during/after if applicable
>blown off by ghost
literally how, almost all classes have a knockback immune right? only one i can think of who doesnt is bard. if dps die to the ghost in the cars you wont make enrage anyway lol
>"bro, can you activate Reduced Rates? I don't have much money and I'm going to be teleporting a lot"
>"sure thing bro"
>activate Helping Hand instead
>O5 as a MNK
Suffering. Why does exiting the passenger car put you in the middle of the fucking platform?
>mastering babby's first mmo
Really user? You're going there?
I kinda do that on normal raids. I don't roll until all the stuff that I don't want is taken, because there's always some shitheads who roll on everything, even on tuesdays. I don't want to do the fight again just because some french fuck couldn't plan ahead and focus on only one or two tokens. Though usually I'm not the only one doing it.
It's even better when you ask them if they even have those role abilities equipped and they flat out leave the instance.
I hate faggots that wait out the timer on items until the last moment hoping people will leave so they can win the item by default
Fuck those faggots, 2 minutes isnt long enough to deter me, and when i win, im shoving the fact down their throat
>normal raids.
glad all the normal raid gear for my job sucks complete dick compared to the crafted gear, dont have to go through that aids