Show your favorite set.
Fashion hunter thread
This game isn't out for PC yet, right? What's the point?
Shh, this is the only game PS4 owners have for this year. Don't laugh at the poor person.
Bone helmet and torso
Odagoron everything else
You guys will just bitch and not enjoy it like you always do with late ports you beg for. So who cares
I've been running with the Kulu set in lieu of finding anything that looks better. I know female sets are generally lacking, but it's pretty annoying how there's nothing great at all so far. I might farm Anjanath or Leggy or something but even then it's not amazing.
Please tell me there's a HR Tobi set and that it's on par with HR Zinogre. Please.
>*posts pic of the thirsty neckbeard slut armor in the game*
ok kid
female sets suck and it only took 100 hours to realize this
Actually I'm extremely interested but the game ran like shit during the beta because I don't have a pro. I'm happily waiting but I hope you enjoy your game.
They really fucked up female sets. None of them look any awesome or have neat shit going on.
Epic ironic gif, you faggot.
Only if the port is shit
You've already posted it, the thighs make me diamonds.
why does all the female armor looks so shit in this game?
It's basically tradition at this point. It makes the ones that are actually nice stand out by a mile, i.e. Kirin, Zinogre, Hermitaur, etc.
>"look at me mum, i took a screenshot of my character wearing the same meme armor roughly 90% of female hunters are wearing and i gave her a purple skrillex haircut. i'm so special and unique!"
You make me sad.
what does hip pussy feel like?
post more pits
You're unnecessarily triggered.
>odogaron armor
>defense charm 1
>mostly α parts
>as a bow user
>dat tumblr haircut
propably the lowest iq hunter ive seen all week
Odogaron is indeed my favorite but I like nerg too
this pic is outdated btw, I'm HR 41 now
please no bully the hair, it's the only good looking long hair
I can't be the only one who genuinely finds sidecuts attractive
I use hunting horn, the bow was because I was bored and wanted to make farming Rathian more interesting than usual. I don't care much for charms and have shit decorations. Perhaps when G-rank turns up I'll care enough to min max my armour skills.
I find them attractive too, funnily enough Sup Forums's tastes on women mimic very closely the soyboys of NeoGAF back when I lurked there.
I played the beta just fine without a pro. I've even enjoyed 70 hours of the game so far without a pro
>That hair
Just get out
>None of them look any awesome
Legiana, Anjanath and Odogaron alpha & beta
be gentle
too cute!
You managed to make the grin non-terrifying, that's honestly impressive.
The armor that lets me lord over Mongrels.
Do you think they'll add a way to make major character edits down the line for all the people who got their characters destroyed by the in-game lighting?
She looks 10x better with the full dress.
Trying to make the high rank version of that set. Need so many bones and I get like 1 at a time.
Clifford gear is good, though just having made the full Xeno set, I'm enjoying it. The veil is pretty cool. I hope we see more armor like it. The original armor I used was the Paolumu body and other pieces, made my character look like some French model with eccentric clothes.
I really hate the new armor system.
>People are so bad they can't even perform basic addition properly.
Fucking French.
Lewdest one so far.
You're right though.
>i play a girl fag i'm not gay i like staring at asses
>squeee let's play dress up xDDD
If there were banned hairstyles, that should be one of them.
2bfag redditors have no right to speak.
So how fashionable is this game? Can you actually pull off some decent stuff or is it a "everything only looks good with the rest of it's set"?
Do you work at a theater.
Full sets always look better. Kitbash can look good but you suffer bad skills.
What's that lavaisoft?
I like the Odogaron set's skills but I'm really coming to hate the fashion. Help.
Don't have a ps4 so haven't played yet. Did they improve the female models and actually gave them hips?
Oh so this isn't like dark souls where armor is more or less purely fashionable?
Vaal Hazak
Armor pieces are tied to skills. The more pieces you have with that skill the higher tier it goes activating bonuses in combat or gathering, etc.
You can go full set /fa/ but your skills won't be as effective as say someone who looks like they fell out of David Bowie's ass.
Would hunt with
Oh. That kinda sucks, that means everyone will be wearing the same shit.
What if you're actually a girl
HR tobi set looks the same as LR tobi set.
Depends on the weapon being used. Endgame Blademaster shit won't for for gunners.
I naked hunt anyway.
How do you fashion hunt in a game with only 3 good looking sets?
>bottom left set
most of the outfits on this pic are not even armor lol
what is that shit?
how the fuck did you do 80 high rank hunts but you're only 35 the fuck.
it's a shame that farming deviants is literal cancer
What are the best looking slim armors?
The big bulky shit does not go good with the kinsect glaive
Why did this shit series get popular
just why
now i have retarded ass weeb friends shoving it down my throat 24/7 like every other fad videogame for the trogs
the deviant system is better than the tempered system that world has
I only just hit high rank the other night
Damn I can't wait until my copy arrives, its gonna be fun__________________
because it's fun shitposter-kun
What the hell is the point of this post in 2018 when the platforms share 90% of the games coming out this year?
That's fucking lazy and garbage. Damn, that's really fucking disappointing.
What's the best set for female hunters? Is Kirin at least the traditional one?
>PCfat talking about games
lmao go play league or pubg you loser.
The only poor person is you, I for one can afford to double dip.
Yes. And if the list is right Orochi Kirin armor too.
I can look like my Revo huntress.
>best looking female armor in the series isn't even a slut set
How did they do it?
at least you don't have to kill tempereds up to 50 times to get the set you want fully upgraded, andsome deviants like dreadking/queen, silverwind, and hellblade were incredibly unfun to fight
Welp, at least that's something to go for, thanks.
Neither Zinogre or Hermitaur aren't really slut armours though, Barioth isn't exactly an isolated case.
Same can't be said for Kirin, but still.
IIRC doing the Go-Getter capture quests unlocks LR Kirin.
Good to know, cheers.
I wear a different set these days for function but for fashion, nothing can ever beat Girros for me.
I wonder if Jho will get a redesigned set.
>uncle ruckus
He will have the generic alloy set but with his bones glued to it.
why does everyone play as a female? are you fags, or are there that many women on here?
>people glamour shotting their hunters
You can immediately tell the new fags because they 1. Think this FF14 and need to showcase their character 2. Are not rolling an old hunter with a pomp
Broadening the market was a mistake.
we're horny
if women would attract you, you'd understand.
That's what armors used to be like.
>Remember there's no more gunner jho armor.
People new to the series who want to avatarfag
>>Remember there's no more gunner jho armor.
They'll do it some justice with alpha and beta armor, I hope atleast
>Art looks great
>Looks like shit ingame because the female 3d models are garbage
>tfw before Sup Forums roll as male
>tfw after Sup Forums only roll as female
i like to erp and self inserting as a woman is my fetish
Okay son. Enjoy your barbie dolls. Don't forget the make-up.
I like cute girls, including playing as them. Also yuri, so that comes into it if a game has romance options. Also TSF fetish.
>Imagine being sexually insecure on an anonymous tibetan carpet-weaving forum
Deary me.
Speak for yourself, I've picked female since FU.