How come vidya---> comics work but not vidya-----> movie?
How come vidya---> comics work but not vidya-----> movie?
Movies require a story to be front and center and to be written well enough to keep interest.
Games are foremost about the actual gameplay with story as a simple reason for your objectives.
Games like Pacman can exist despite having 0 plot, while it would not work as a movie at all.
Comics are short enough that they don't need a plot and don't need to be related to eachother to work. You can make a comic about a shared experience, goofy mechanics, character relations, etc. It would work well using video game characters, etc in comic form.
giv qt artist gf with pixie cut
>mfw qt artist gf
this chick man, she's pretty hardcore racist
Stop user, my dick can only get so hard.
I've always thought that vidya --> movie scheme never works because movies are simply someone else's vision/interpretation of a game and people reject it as wrong.
Same reason there are genwunners constantly whining that the new gens are shit, it's because the new gens don't fit the people's opinion of what a Pokemon game should be like.
Asking around Sup Forums will yeild good result !
>better than comics
My she's cute.
Honestly I'm a bit Sup Forums but this chick takes it way too far, she scares me
A shame I never saved any of her comics. She makes tons of comics railing on niggers and promoting national socialism.
I have a list of good movies based on movies but wait for it on youtube. I am not spoonfeeding fucks without getting anything in return.
>I have a list of good movies based on movies
must be true kino, made me laugh
Sarah is so fucking pretty
It's simple, films are a lower kind of media
>jewish and asian IQ are higher than whites
what a retard
>almost all nobel prize winners are Jewish
Have any more?
I thought those were edits.
This one flat out says it's an edit.
obama won a nobel prize, its a boys club that means nothing anymore
IQ is a jewish invention so of course they skewed it to favor them.
>artist is actually cuter than her self-insert
holy fuck
It is but in the original she just looks down and realizes that the column says rape levels
A redditor edited it to make it less offensive.
>All that nepotism
You want a pat on the back as a jewish filmmaker at the Oscars too?
Not even that user but the way the chinese language works is what that inflated IQ bump is from, conflated with lower empathy to cheat and steal others' innovation.
>winning a nobel prize is judged by your IQ
We sure are seeing some fine examples of it displayed today lads.
>i-its only because!!!
Fuck off you nonce, stop making excuses.
>award given to handful of specific people represents entire race
Obama got one too, are black people smart now?
The mark of a good webcomic artist is that they make their self-insert ugly.
See: Whomp! and Awkward Zombie
the best one. Sup Forums edits are the only thing that is still worth going there
(((nobel prize)))
Come on lad you arent that daft are you?
>what is a majoraty
I don't know, is it related to Zelda?