Has Sup Forums ever tried brain-training games like Luminosity? I'm thinking of giving it a try

Has Sup Forums ever tried brain-training games like Luminosity? I'm thinking of giving it a try.

Play literally any puzzle game for any console and you'll get the same effect with more fun and without having to pay for some shitty service

duh nigga shit came on my old DS and I still fuck around with it every now and again

Psychologist here.
This won't make you any smarter.

>psychologist knowing anything about brains

Lol like being a psychologist makes you qualified to say that.

I don't doubt its true, but let's not pretend here

Not a real doctor

lumosity doesn't do shit. they have been sued (and lost) over it. all they or any 'brain training site' does site is prey on idiots like yourself who think playing these games every day improves cognition or anything brain related.

>being so stupid that you actually think you need something like that
You already have your answer there.
Sure is full of brainlets here.

The study of cognitive abilities is the domain of educational psychologists and psychometricians.

Lumosity and other kinds of "brain training" games are all bullshit. You cannot increase your raw intelligence as it is mostly genetic/highly heritable.

the problem being that most 'brain training' shit isn't actually made by anyone who has any idea of how to design exercises to make you 'smarter'

Well the are called brain trainer games and not brain increaser games.

Once again psychologists prove how useless they really are.

Actual doctors > vets > (You)

So you're saying that africans are more akin to monkeys than to caucasians?

You're racist!!

yea. the ONLY things you CAN do is study like a motherfucker to use whatever you DO get.

multiple intelligences and shit, cognitive behaviour therapy, that kind of crap.
there's no shortcuts. a fucking psychiatrist telling you taking pills will make it all better is a crock of shit.

we need to teach critical thinking, logic and rhetoric in our schools again.

we've flat out stopped teaching kids HOW to use their brains, and instead teach them how to get the cliff's notes, or the google anwer, the wiki entry. shortcuts, that lead to ZERo comprehension or actual understanding, regurgitating information does NOT a smart person make.

>psychologist here

There is only one kind of intelligence. It is called the g-factor. Factor analysis shows that it really is the ONLY kind of intelligence. Every other supposed kind is just shit made up by retarded leftists who are butt-hurt because they have no brains.



>i bet you think IQ tests are accurate and objective and not totally fucking useless

I tried them but found all of them really easy. I'm not trying to humble brag and call myself smart, I think they're just rigged to make you feel good enough to buy their content.

And what have you done with your life?

Not waste it getting a psych degree for starters.

The "theories" that say that anything is a form of intelligence, from building IKEA crap to picking up sluts, even though all those so-called "intelligences" can be abstracted and returned to the pillars of intelligence and crystallized knowledge, which they absolutely must be because there aren't task specific areas in our brain, just general cognitive areas (motoric, visuospatial, patternal, etc) that can get better at specific tasks by strengthening the neural connections that went in play with the routine activity.

Or is it that IQ is environmental, which a a review of all available literature and research confirms it is 85% genetic by adulthood?

Maybe IQ isn't a real science, even though it's application has been successfully used to predict intelligence in the absolute majority of the cases in which it has been applied, and correlates with many areas accurately, having been developed for over a century? Luckily your sources did indeed confirm that it's not a real science, because... its results hurt feelings, you get better at it by memorizing your answers and doing it again and because intelligence is whatever I want it to be so it can't be clearly defined, which ties neatly into my theory of multiple intelligences, I mean, they're practically infinite!

>>i bet you think IQ tests are accurate and objective and not totally fucking useless

It's not what I "think", it's a demonstrable fact that they are. IQ is the single greatest predictor of academic performance, creativity, ability to abstract, processing speed, learning ability and general life success. A high IQ is an absolute necessity in many fields. It's basically a measure of how fast you learn, how much you can learn and your ability to use that information to extrapolate new concepts and ideas. But go right ahead, cite me some empirical, peer reviewed research that supports your claim. Oh wait, you can't because there is none.

Another psychfag reporting in. All they do is make you better at those specific tasks because it is strictly training you in the repetition of those tasks.

What theories discuss anything being a type of intelligence? As far as I'm aware, the literature only presents crystallized vs fluid intelligence.
>because there aren't task specific areas in our brain
So you don't believe in modules?
>IQ is the single greatest predictor of academic performance
There are constructs that predict academic achievement beyond IQ such as grit and I believe self-control. IQ is not as solid as you believe.

I'm surprised I can discuss this kind of stuff for once but jeez, some of your statements are questionable at best.

Lol, go publish baseless speculation how something is a "social construct"

Actual neuroscientist here. Your brain is structure is capable of being modified. Completing these exercises regularly will rewire your brain to become better at performing them. In addition to just being able to perform the tasks better, it also changes your way of thinking to a more analytical manner.

t. Jamal

reminder that the history of psychology is nothing but falsehoods and torture


What if blacks are inherently less intelligent, what then? Accommodate schools to uplift as many as possible to highest possible degree?

The greatest.