Will you buy Sinon's game, Sup Forums?
Will you buy Sinon's game, Sup Forums?
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Im debating buying on it for the PC but im worried how much pve content will be available.
The dub, no buy.
Will we have any content with P90-chan?
Nope. I will rape Sinon though.
No user.
Um, excuse me but she doesn't have a choice.
Has VRchat finally prove that this scene was extremely unrealistic?
Fair enough.
Her and Pitohui will be playable heroes as free DLC in the special hero only pvp mode later. Thats it though at least for now.
It looks alright but I'll wait for a price drop. And I bet it has fucking denuvo.
Depends, can I fuck her?
Llen is a cutey! I cant wait for ggoa.
You have bed sharing scenes, so kind of?
Isn't this one dying of AIDS?
Wrong girl.
Thanks for reminding me, just pre-ordered.
I even get Hollow Fragment as a gift. Pretty sweet.
>Sup Forums suddenly loves SAO
what went so right, bros
The games aren't terrible.
The games are fine you dumb titty monster, the series is not.
I want to pump and dump aids chan!
SAO blows, get the fuck back to Sup Forums.
>Sup Forums
>one person
So that's why it's getting a 3rd season huh
only reason im considering it is because kirito is locked behind his own mode
Already have.
I dressed up as Sinon once and sucked off my friend. Pretty gay looking back on it.
>buying a S/A/O game
no thanks
Did you not think it was gay at the time?
Eh I only really liked the SAO and GGO cour. ALO is garbage.
Pics or it didn't happen.
Shit just went 100% on the unlock tiers so we get the previous game as well. Sweet!
its worse than a game made by a random faggot in unity!!!!!
All the games are great except maybe lost song.
>So that's why it's getting a 3rd season huh
bad shit gets multiple seasons all the time because waifu garbage.
Look at all the shit harem LNs Sup Forums loves that got multiple seasons
>We get a good game even if fatal bullet sucks
feels gud man
So what game is this
>bitching about "waifu garbage"
>reddit spacing
>>reddit spacing
buzzword meaning "I have no argument"
Reddit spacing leaves two lines between sentences instead of one.
>it's bad cuz its popular is an argument
Yea no I'm not buying a PS2 game thanks
Not reddit spacing
This is reddit spacing
but PS2 had the best games of almost all generations?
>not liking comfy PS2 games
>Reddit spacing meme is over a year old now
Fuck, where did the time go?
into the eternal abyss of not vidya
There are several screenshots of old Sup Forums and almost every post is like that.
No, but I will buy Kirito's game.
Nice bait. There are worse looking games on PS3 that struggle to run at 30 fps.
>that doujin where he gets fucked while in this avatar over and over and eventually learns to love cock
Check the date this post in the picture was made. Years before Reddit.
GGO Kirito is best girl
I might end up buying Fatal Bullet for the sole reason that it reminds me of Freedom Wars. God I want Freedom Wars 2. The story was shit (especially the 2nd half) but the premise and world-building was 10/10. Nice graphics for a Vita game. Had some extremely fun gunplay (more improvements needed notwithstanding), nice array of weapon variety; though admittedly the enemy and mission variety was sorely lacking. I just want a sequel, but JAPAN Studio is never gonna make another one unless Sony gives the OK for a new portable or whatever.
Do you still people use rage comics unironically?
Same thing here, just because we used it earlier doesn't mean it's acceptable now.
user, reddit was created in 2005.
Hit me up senpai
Hated the show. But liked the concept of GGO. Even have the Little armory Figma on pre-order because cute 2d operators is my jam. Is the game going to be good?
Being machinegun spiderman was great.
she is perfect, bros
Almost all the games are good. You should get it for Hollow Fragment alone.
Can I trust you user?
I want to cum years worth of semen into Kirito!
The grapple ('Thorn', they called it) was the game's greatest feature. It was so damn fun. Add that to the weapon variety (though the fist weapons and pistols are AI only) and you have a riot of a combat system. I still open the game from time to time to play some of the harder missions. Too bad some of the weapon balance is wonky, and like I said, the enemy and mission variety.
>not trusting user
>Being this mad you have shit taste.
I really liked that live-action adaption.
Why is Kylo Ren killing MF Doom
Yeah, which one is that? Sounds great.
no but I will buy Sinon
nigger i played it on gamescom
well i droped it after 4 minutes or so ( you could play about 10 minues)
it was really shit tier shit
the worst and most boring kind
even lost song was better
that being said, i also droped lost song after two hours
wtf I hate sao now
ASADA-SAN is not for sale
People might take you seriously if you didn’t type like a fucking 8 year old.
Not for sale
anime is garbage.
Girls are good.
I enjoyed GGO and Sinon seems to be the one of only characters that wasn't created to be a cocksleeve for Kirito
Seriously? All she did was suck his dick.
She is a cocksleeve though.
She went for a good while but eventually every girl succumbs to Kirito's Gary Stu harem powers.
for horse cock.
GGO was ultimately a thousand times more interesting to me than anything else the anime did (This is due to me being a gun lover, though). I was hoping they'd spend more time there, instead they fucked off to elf land almost immediately and I lost interest.
And to your other point, I would agree with the others. All Sinon did was sploosh over how great Kirito was, even if she did internalize it at first.
>Game about guns
>Girl tells girl(male) sword sucks
>Sword beats everything.
Stupid faggots love the Five seveN now. Made my blood boil.
noguns always loved the fiveseven
how can i improve senpai?
where is my mistake?
serious question!
Since when? Battlestar Galactica? Fucking retarded wood finish on the grip also made me upset.
Still no sniper gameplay in Fatal Bullet?
I don`t buy shit.
Kirito is the only person that could actually do that shit with a sword, probably Pale Rider too. Nobody else in the game has that kind of reaction speed and skill.
That 'murikan fuck yeah that won with a handgun and a knife.
God Hand is not a good game though.
Literally kill yourself
I hate that they did this.