10/10 vidya moments.
10/10 vidya moments
Other urls found in this thread:
>racism is funny!
ayo hol up
so u be sayn
Black man here, it's time for all of you to grow the fuck up.
>didn’t have the catalog explode like AN ANCIENT EVIL AWAKENS
Why is E3 so shit now? We don’t get any memorable moments anymore.
>>racism is funny!
you clearly don't understand the meme just leave
>black "man"
>using a computer
Something doesn't add up.
Black woman here, I agree
If you think there's anything more to it, you're retarded
>yfw you're not black
you have to make the bait less obvious
White man here. Trying to learn, listen, and do better. Thank you for holding me accountable. You're great. *big hug*
White boys got animosity against black guys cause our dicks are bigger than theirs. These are the guys that are jealous because they don't possess BBCs. They don't possess that god gene that's involved in these black men out here. Keep getting jealous. Keep getting jealous while your wife asks for cuckolds. While your girlfriend asks for cuckolds. And wish that they can get fucked by these African warriors with these huge BBCs that can pipe 'em down to the point where they can feel each and every last spectacle of their pussy getting vibrated and thrusted until the orgasm just spews out. Keep saying nigger. Keep saying black. Come on! You cuckolds. You LOVE it. You LOVE this shit. I'll be that monkey. I'll be that monkey with the BBC. Enjoy it. Have your woman take this dick. She's imagining a huge black cock. Why do you think your women buy huge dildos? Because you don't possess the BBC gene! That's why you're upset. No BBC equals anger. You're upset. You're mad at these African cocks. These rhino dicks. That's why you guys like saying nigger so much. I get it.
lmao cumskin thinking he's hotshit in his momma's basement
Feels good to live in white xenophobic country.
How do you feel that your race is physically appalling and just a grotesque distortion of human appearance?
Little Tommy doesn't fuck around
How do you feel about having a tiny dick white boy?
>have a constant half-chub
>hurrrrv our diks r bigur
Grow up
It's not funny indeed.
But damn it's useful.
>Global rule 3 exists
Not as bad as not having met my dad
It's not funny, it's hilarious
>>Fucked your monkey slave ancestors until you were close to human
>>North American Pavement apes look nothing like pure Africans
>>Have IQs between native African chimp-people and Humans
But yeah mah dik. Just keep saying that and thinking you invented peanut butter along with any other myths to make it seem like your not kept alive for free votes
>to make it seem like your not kept alive for free votes
>he thinks nobody feels this way about him
>reddit spacing
They must have made a giant metropolis made entirely of food, with bread roads, meat buildings, sugar coated windows etc. You know, since they do not have any.
>imagur filename
>telling people to go to preddit
whoa..... is this what they call..... "irony"?
Every single person in that youtube chat should be killed.
A team of monkeys given typewriters and infinite time will eventually type out the complete works of Shakespeare. Perhaps something like that has occurred here.
Does Reddit even use rage faces like the ones in that image any more?
Why? They are not niggers, like you.
Nice bait.
fucking disgusting
Because they are degenerate retards and their genes should be cleansed from this earth.
And i'm actually white.
You are a cuck then, I guess.
Free (you)
>being insecure and fragile enough to be intimidated by Far Cry 5 and AC: Origins while flinging your shit at the regressive left and SJW's for being thin-skinned.
/polebbit/ was a mistake.
No it's not. It just shows how normalfag-infested this shithole is.
>capping your own tweets
>replying to your own post
>capping your own tweets
Why do people do this? Don't they realize there's a timestamp or do they just not care?
Someone posted Space jam 3 the other day. Good times.
>And i'm actually white.
Sure (((you))) are
>insults other users
>posts a 15xxx series image
opinion discarded.
Kys idiot
>being this mad
Remember when these autists tried to fuck with the census by putting kekistani or shitposter as their race/nationality
>mommy fed me crystal pepsi because she didn't want her boobs to sag
I'm so sorry user.
No need for timestamps, when there's a reply window with his avatar on the screen.
why are americans like this? how is this possible?
it did though?
>lel xd u mad
Go back to redit faggot.
Remember when using social media like Twitter or Facebook at all was looked down upon on Sup Forums?
you have to go back, noone believes your shill lies
>this is the guy calling other guys soyboys
its a LowTierGod video
Nice quads.
>muh sekrit club
yes, i remember
>racism is normalfag shit
I try so hard not to want to gas people, and then I see shit like this.
>noone believes your shill lies
What are you even talking about? I was just curious as to whether or not Reddit still uses those memes from around 7 or 8 years ago.
>no one enforces it anymore
mods gave up
Atleast they didn't come from ass
Yeah. I think all the bigger news companies constantly treating Sup Forums/Anonymous like a dangerous terrorist organization brought in a lot of people from those websites who thought the edge on Sup Forums was real, so they try even harder to fit in. Hopefully them burning a candle at both ends like this means it won't last much longer.
im just joking
>Sup Forums stops being a "sekrit club"
>Sup Forums turns into a boring shell of what it once was, with just Wojak edits and political bickering all day every day
That's not even what he was saying. He just said other social media is bad.
I used "normalfag ruins this site" ironically in the beginning, just to see that it was right all along.
It's over.
Here we see the invasive neofag. Their habitat was destroyed by the rampant pedophilia and sexual assualt perpetrated by their leadership. This ragtag diaspora of self loathing cucks stuggles to find a niche. Relying on revisionist tactics to push out the native fauna. Hated by the absolute rest of the internet world, they leave conflict wherever they try to kludge themselves.
Reminds me of jews
As opposed to real manly men on the left.
>Here we see the invasive neofag
your type is also invasive and part of the problem.
How about you both fuck off?
>He just said other social media is bad.
To be honest. I don't think social media by itself is that bad, I just don't like how Sup Forums is basically turning into "Sup Forums - Twitter Gossip" these days.
>wearing maga hat
Black man here, I find this shit fucking hysterical
Came to Sup Forums in '06. But nice try, projecto.
>I came in year X, believe me
only the biggest shitposter use this as a defence. Fuck off, tryhard normalfag.
It's a gromble plomf hat, sweetie. Here, have another.
Whats the difference between a tourist and a racist?
Just because you got here in 2014 doesn't mean we all did. I was lurking Sup Forums in 06. It's not something to be proud of.
It's easier to act like a spaz on Sup Forums with something you read on Twitter or watched you YouTube than it is to come up with original content or anything else that takes more effort. I'm guessing it's partially because a lot more people just started using the internet with the widespread use of cheaper smartphones, but a lot of people get addicted to the rush they get from this stuff. I think most people grow out of it eventually though. I hope so, anyway.
This. Ancient Egyptians have nothing to do with this meme. It's about American black people claiming Egyptian heritage for no damn reason.
The only people spouting this shit are normies who go on Twitch, who see something tangentially related and splurge themselves trying to meme.