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Wait till the creator gets out of jail
I wanna play as the cute ninja girl, forgot her name.
When the creator gets excused of his fondness for little girls.
That'd actually be pretty sweet.
The Rurouni FighterZ idea, not the latter thing.
Wasn't he in the process of creating new episodes of the anime?
he was writing new manga chapters. And supposedly they were beginning to work on the fourth ruroni kenshin film.
they are waiting cause the actress that play kioko was preggo, 4th movie is already confirmed
I'm actually surprised. Most people like to pretend anything past the Kyoto Inferno arc doesn't exist. At least the fights oughta be good.
>4th movie
I hated the movies. Kenshin is aloof not retarded.
I thought everyone was cutting ties with the guy, cancelling shit all around, because they didn't want to be tied to a pedophile.
Fucking this. All of the Kenshin movies are terrible.
They're just waiting for the controversy to dies down a bit. Pedophiles doesn't lose careers over at Japan.
Every anime live action is terrible, the kenshin ones were the least terrible by a mile.
good fight choreography
the anime ones with a more serious tone were pure anime kino
Lupin the third was better.
I was expecting the live action movie to be terrible, but I ended enjoying it.
It felt like the director really tried not to butcher the source material too much.
>unironically viewing 3dpd cp instead of superior loli
Fucker deserved it tbqh
Didn't Kenshin and Kaoru die of AIDS?
Another one, golgo13.
You mean Samurai X? The one where one of them had a terminal disease between Kenshin and the chick? Never saw that one but I heard it really divided the people over what was canon and what wasn't.
That was in Samurai X, and I heard that the creator kept flip flopping or something about wheter or not he considered it Canon.
There’s no way they’re gonna go through with the 4th movie after the pedo stuff came out.
It's japan. It's okay if you're a sexual harasser, wife cheater/beater as long as you don't do drugs, you're fine.
speed racer begs to differ
japs love it when their heroes die pathetically and it's sobering as well as realistic
Kenshin vs. Soujiro rematch is my fave. How about you?
Everyone vs. Makoto is my lo key favorite though because I love how they made him look like a million bucks by having everyone have to come at him at the same damn time.
Not like they exactly need him for the movie anyway, especially since they got the rights locked down regardless.
I wonder how much time he's doing and if he'll have any of that movie money to fall back on when he gets out.
Speed Racer gets overlooked because everyone was expecting the matrix with cars from the Wachowski sisters Brothers.
It respected the source material and had some fun races involved. Even the fight coreography was on point.
RK isn't that good other than Kenshin's rage bursts or based Saito
There is a fg already
yeah the carfu was really great
it was a 3d fighter somewhat close to rival schools
And DBZ has countless other fighting games besides Fighterz, your point?
There are already 3 Rurouni Kenshin fighting games
One awful one for the PS1
And a couple of amazing ones for the PSP, one is just an updated version of the 2nd game
Samurai X is just the american name for the series.
No, aids happen in the second batch of OVAs were they lousily adapt the final arc of the manga. And by adapting I mean giving Enishi 5 minutes of screentime.
The first 4 ovas are pure kino. The second ones, I liked those, but they are divisive in the way that mangafags wanted the Enishi arc well adapted, and while the result is something marginally better, we will never stop listening the "hurrdurr not accurate, non canon, manga wasnt like that, etc"
Goddamn I'd love one. He's the reason I love sword users in fightan
It also got overlooked because they had the balls to drop on the same day as Iron Man 1.
To be fair though, no one probably thought that RDJ would ever be money again.
>had some fun races involved
fuck off, blacks are not funny
Any time I see a Rurouni Kenshin picture I think of the JP video where they took SMRPG music and synced it with lines from the US dub version
Yea actually the psp fighting game was kinda interesting but I already forgot how good it was exactly, so I guess it wasnt that memorable.
it's hilarious, the final arc is always NEVER EVER
also it's weird you went from X-Men to Rurouni Kenshin
and nowadays Speed Racer is revered if only because of the visuals, and apparently home release made it successful
To add on, you also know the same thing happened to Redline, another racing anime? It released on the same day as a One Piece movie. No points for guessing which one was going to be more viewed.
Speed racer is non ironically kino. Best wachowski monsters movie after the first Matrix.
Its a master class in composition, edition, framing and sound design.
also people shit on its story but it's actually full of heart, you really do see the family aspect of the Racer, their seemingly "mom and pops store" aspect, and how everything is out against them yet they pursue on
also Trixie was hot
I was going to ask what the fuck you were on about but then the joke hit me. Good one.
What is the name of Kenshin's creator again?
Anime fighter z when? Not faggotry like naruto one piece or dragon ball, one punch man can be in, if he loses may run to a discount about to end
this thread made me want to watch something
There are several. But DBZ and Naruto obviously have one or two representatives.
I mean, honestly I don't really have a strong impression of the final arc. The punishment arc never quite had that final boss feel to me though I don't understand why some people were shitting on Eni's skillset like he broke some major part of the game when you literally have people who combusted when their temperature rose. I kind of look at it, the final battle the same way I do Rocky V, with no big ring or anything, just an intimate setting and a fight to see who's the better fighter.
I certainly don't blame them for ignoring Punishment though, which is why a 4th movie surprises me so. Most everyone doesn't bother with adapting further.
wasn't the anime supposed to adapt it but got canceled
He beat his meat with real child pornography?
Fuck this cunt. Hope someone will stab him in the dick.
Nobuhiro "I need me a young poosi" Watsuki
Nobuhiro "9-Year-Old Dragon Flash" Watsuki.
Wanted to post the boxart of Kenshin Tsuioku Hen and say it's the best movie of all time and shit
But then I found this, hahaha what the fuck is this chinese pirate version
It was simple possession of some gravure DVDs, which I think were only outlawed a few years ago in the first place. I think his sentence is only like a year, but he might even get out earlier with good behavior.
It strikes me as a less heinous crime in Japan for whatever reason, so he can probably get back to work on the manga after he gets released.
Hentai fighter z when? I want to main a taimanin, mahou fags fuck off
Nobuhiro "Gonna Gurren Kaina that tight pink vagina" Watsuki
My Niggers.
Oh then good on that nigga. I got no problems with him. No wonder this probably isn't that of a deal to those he's working with.
Didn't know Gravure got outlawed though.
so that's why he likes X-Men!
underage gravure iirc
I actually have no idea. If they were then cool but once again, I feel the Kyoto Hen is a tough act to follow
>tfw for years ADV films only came with english audio, because the VAs didnt want people to hear the original voices
>gravure DVD
I didn't think gravure was a porn industry
Know what I hated about the movies? Not enough love for Kamatari and his elephant cock.
Let's be honest: Gravure is one dick suck from graduating to full on JAV.
if you want to play Kenshin and Shishio Makoto there's J-stars victory vs
A good way to get your Makoto fix, but the superior J-Star Kenshin can be found in the ds games.
Rurouni Kenshin would be the perfect samurai anime if it was more violent and gore
god how can people shit on this film? the opening race alone is pure kino
This is the most kino fight in the entire series. The music, atmosphere, low illumination. Holy shit, Kyoto arc didn't even come close.
There is really something only animated could do that will be shit for live or even CG.
the more I think about it, Sup Forums would probably shit on this film if it came out right now, since it's "anti-corporate"
There was literally no reason for the story to continue after Shishio died
Well, maybe if Watsuki is ever cleared of his crimes.
I don't think so. It's really a shame about the franchise. Pedos are a sad bunch.