As usual
As usual
Buying Day 1.
Glad I saw the writing on the wall and didn't buy this 2 season-pass + 3DS exclusive content game until now.
>hd linkle
muh dick
>musou shit
literally the blandest form of gameplay
I can think of multiple genres worse
Having one mindless musou is always a good fallback and I can't even pretend to care about FE enough to get heroes.
where the fuck is my Cia model for sfmlab?
>Waifufaggory trailer
>Absolutely nothing new
God I hate where gaming is heading, one day we're gonna get a mario game sold only on Peach,Daisy,Rosalina and Pauline's sex appeal
Having a rehashen of a rehashen
yeah sure they won
>another Wii U remake
Seriously, what the fuck Nintendo
Switch is just a remake of Wii U anyway
You know that the Wii U version had Linkle too, right?
HW Impa doesn't get the attention that she deserves
nobody bought the damn thing, i'd wager half the people who'd buy this are not even aware it's a port.
No one bought the Wii U
So now everyone can enjoy the game on the superior Nintendo Switch
Even Bayonetta 2 runs 10-20FPS faster than Wii U garbage as tested by DigitalFoundry
Where the hell is Groose?
Nah, I am done with musou shit.
IM so fucking mad this is a thing and is full price AND I would have to start over a new save file AGAIN.
Yeah, they could at LEAST make a new zelda musou.
But nope. It is a fucking port.
>720p with no AA
The switch honestly was a mistake. Will we see a 1.5 switch soon like the X and pro?
I kinda wish the SJWs won, at least I wouldn't have to deal with waifufags.
>Focus on the girls
is there anything worse than a musou?
I would rather have ball cancer than start Legends mode from scratch for a third time.
It's on par with moba though
Yeah, Turn Based games.
They just don't mesh with my millennial af tastes senpai, praise kek.
>Sheik that hasn't been in any mainline Zelda game for over 20 years, never focused in spinoffs and is only sucked off in SSB because high tier and nothing else. and worst of all, barely any good porn.
Feeling bummed out.
>more Wii U ports
Ehhh. I can only handle so many and that new Fate one comes out in June.
How many times have they rereleased this game over the past few years now? Why is Koei the only company that gets away with being massive jews, they're not even a small company either
>Is a trailer for a game Nintendo has released twice already
The absolute state of this fanbase.
>playing the same mindless buttonmashing levels all over again
>having to grind for money and materials all over again
No thanks
Once every 2 years think
They really need to get on HW 2. Hopefully with less grinding or a more reliable rupee glitch
They're going to release a DLC if you don't want to do that.