>MVC:I replaced for DBFZ
>MVC:I replaced for DBFZ
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>for the first time
which part is difficult to understand?
>battlefront2 failed
>mvci faile
Disney's gonna make their own games again soon
Will this just lead to even more spergs chanting WHENS MAHVEL!!?! at Evo?
Probably not. Only Yipes will be really upset over this
I loved his rant last year.
I feel like that attitude died years ago when Marvel stopped getting more viewers than SF and its entrants headed for a decline while every other game was growing. No one's asking when's Mahvel anymore. It was the WCW to SF's WWF, people only cared during that lightning in a bottle nWo era.
all the memes around this series are so cringe
glad it's going away
just make a good airdash game around one series instead of stupid crossover shit
dbz, xmen, naruto, whatever
>replaced for DBFZ
FighterZ would've gotten in anyways. It's more fair to say it's been replaced by Cross Tag Battle.
And also more humiliating.
>kids no longer think the concept of marvel vs capcom is cool
I would say "sad", but to me this is just evidence of how bad capcom has mismanaged the property
combined with disney and the marvel/fox snafu, the roster got super shitty lately. thankfully, now marvel has the rights back, so the next MVC game can include proper series mainstays like juggernaut, wolverine, and magneto
Capcom is to me by far the most bizarre company in gaming. They have the resources to put out a lot more games with lower budgets, and they'd be so effective if they did so. Instead they just waste all the properties and sit on them never making a new game, like Onimusha. I would preorder an Onimusha game and I don't preorder games
The real question is: Will Catherine be there?
*breathes in*
>thankfully, now marvel has the rights back, so the next MVC game can include proper series mainstays like juggernaut, wolverine, and magneto
MVC4 won't sell and they'd probably have trouble even getting funding for it, MVCI had too much bad faith that's gonna stick with them. Their only hope of saving the series is an AE-style refresh of MVCI that fixes the gameplay/graphics/etc. (like almost completely redoes some of the models, voices, music, and UI), gives people a ton of characters they wanted at a great price, and there's a budget price ($40 at most) new SKU disc on shelves that provides late adopters the perfect opportunity to jump in. It'd be cheaper for them than developing a new game entirely, but not by much. They have to own up to their mistakes or they're donezo.
>They have the resources to put out a lot more games with lower budgets
Because realistically a compny, even a big one only has so many resources. They are like big movie studios who only fund big multi million dolla rmovies. They do it because those actually give the best return when they are successful. So they foolishly just chase the millions in sales number. Your strategy is less attractive to investors because it's slower but at no reduced risk. A new Onimusha game can fail for all the same reasons a new Resident Evil does, the main one being it isn't a good game that is a worthwhile sequel.
>MVC4 won't sell and they'd probably have trouble even getting funding for it, MVCI had too much bad faith that's gonna stick with them.
nah, you just have to sell outside of people who have been buying fighting games recently
i havent bought fighting games in years, and DBFZ is interesting to me. didn't get it though. In the end, they can make a game interesting enough to me that i'll buy it, and so will lots of other people. The fighting game community is so small, goodwill within it doesn't really matter, because the amount of potential customers outside the community is exponentially larger
Good, maybe this will force Capcom to revisit their single player franchises.
Also, I'm hoping DB FighterZ leads to Shonen Jump FighterZ down the road.
what happened to mvci?
no support?
>No Marvel at Evo
They should have added MvC3, man that would have been brutal
>smash is more of a fighting game than mvci
>even has 2 entries
Why did MVCI fail? Was it the shitty roster?
Also there is a question of who will be working on such a game. If you are such a big producer/project head who spent time climbing the ladder into a company as big as capcom, are you going to be happy to be handed a project with GUST-tier budget. Vice versa, would capcom hire nobodies who are willing to sit down and spend time making a game with such limited resource?
Terrible marketing, awful initial roster with less characters than MvC3 at launch, banning the X-men and Fantastic Four based on Disney's demands for the game to be a vehicle of marketing of the MCU, blatantly reused assets, ugly graphics that eschew the comic-like style of MvC3 in favor of looking like a bootleg SFV, shit character models that make characters look like legit retards.
There's probably more, but I got all of that off the top of my head.
posts supposing that capcom can't produce successful games in series like onimusha and powerstone are just pointless drivel, sorry
thanks for trying to appear like you understand this industry, but i'm 35, have worked in it, and do understand it
they have the resources and are being mismanaged
at least i got this PURE SEX hunter, good god why don't they look like this in world
Bring back mvc2 you know the last good one
>thanks for trying to appear like you understand this industry, but i'm 35, have worked in it, and do understand it
Fuck off with your my dad works at Nintendo tier bullshit kid.
Yes. EVO Japan doesn't count for obvious reasons, but a Marvel game has been on the mainstage of EVO every year since EVO's inception.
The game flopped. What did you expect?
>Capcom's latest financial reports reveal that the studio sold one million copies of the fighting game since its release last September. The problem is that the company expected to sell at least two million copies by this time.
>However, those that have followed the development of Infinite know that the game has had to fight an uphill battle. First off, the current state of Marvel prevented Capcom from adding characters like the X-Men to the game's roster. Considering that this franchise really began as X-Men vs. Street Fighter, the absence of those heroes was felt. At the time of its launch, Infinite featured 30 characters from the Capcom and Marvel universes. That's down from the 56 characters featured in the all-time classic arcade fighter, Marvel vs. Capcom 2.
>The game's problems go deeper than its character count, though. Simplified - or strangely altered - mechanics, a story mode that is more interesting to experience on YouTube, and the prevailing feeling the entire game was rushed made it easy for fans of the franchise to stay away. On top of it all, 2017 featured the release of two exceptional fighting games - Injustice 2 and Tekken 7 - while genre fans knew that 2018 was going to kick off with the release of Dragon Ball FighterZ.
as soon as Full Body releases
>Guilty Gear, BlazBlue, DragonBallFighterZ at EVO front stage
>No Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
Maybe, I dunno....
2 V 2
The only real crime here is Pokken getting passed up for BlazBlue, a game that's not even out yet.
>banning the X-men and Fantastic Four based on Disney's demands for the game to be a vehicle of marketing of the MCU
and the funny thing is that Disney ended up buying Fox so they get the movie rights to X-Men and Fanstatic Four back so Kike Perlmutter put that embargo all for nothing.
That's a good point, actually. Man, how do you even fuck up that badly?
>now marvel has the rights back
>He doesn't know
>thanks for trying to appear like you understand this industry, but i'm 35, have worked in it, and do understand it
so you worked on a shitty f2p mobile game, who cares
>too many of its limited resources were dumped into a really bad story mode because they hoped it would help the game sell Injustice 2 numbers
>ugly models
>ugly UI
>bad VO writing, direction, and recording despite bringing in some very competent voice actors
>classic character themes shitcanned in favor of generic MCU-sounding music, the classic themes that did make it in were remixed horribly
>roster sucked, exclusive MCU focus at launch, the one non-MCU character and most requested Marvel character by far Venom was DLC, actual new and interesting Capcom characters were held back for DLC while boring ones no one wanted like Spencer were in at launch
>tried-and-true MVC mechanics like 3v3 and assists were done away with in favor of an "Active Switch" system that made a lot of promises but just ended up falling flat and making the game boring
>promotion was lackluster; (U)MVC3 was hyped up by incredible character-specific trailers (no one knew they wanted MODOK until Capcom showed them they did youtube.com
>horrifically bad PR, lame excuses for not giving people what they want, infamous "functions" quote that rationalized characters like Captain Marvel and Nova being spiritual successors of fan favorites/tournament staples like Magneto
>shitty "Battle for the Stones" tournament series because Marvel didn't want the game to share the spotlight at Capcom Cup, gimmicky real life "stones" that basically let you cheat in the tournament, in the grand finals both players refused to use their stones because they knew how retarded it was, no one watched it and it was massively overshadowed by Capcom Cup in the same weekend
>dead silence from Capcom after the game bombed, poor tournament performance resulted in the first EVO ever without Marvel on the main stage
Absolute shitshow.
Remember when Capcom fanboys talked about SFV's 5000 entrants or some shit and how EVO proved it was a massive hit?
Now the same sad fuckers are saying EVO doesn't matter.
Its not so much moving the goal posts but launching them into fucking space.
>Disney ended up buying Fox
Hasn't been finalized yet.
>Evo rejects Skullgirls because it's not out yet.
>Lets 2 games that aren't even out yet in to EVO that same year.
>Continue to let in games that aren't out yet and massivly shill for these game for free despite them being complete shit.
What's better, games that could be shit or a game that is shit?
means nothing. Also ROFL at Comcast thinking they can out-Jew Disney. Yeah, they're a huge company but they're not willing to play the long game.
I played MCV:I at comic con and immediately knew this game wasn't going anywhere.
>People are turning on capeshit worldwide
Feels good
>Marvel being replaced by a game with even more recycled content than MvC:I and that only has two brand sprites on the base roster of 20.
Is there a compilation of schadenfreude from The Battle for the Stones tourney? inb4 someone links the whole tournament.
Games are just functions, DBF is this years Marvel function
>capcom fanboys
What? I love every capcom franchise i can think of, and MvCi is trash. They killed it on purpose. Its one of the most low effort games ive ever seen.
Heck, Marvel was an integral part of EVO before it was even called EVO.
MVCI literally killed the streak
Ones that are obviously fronted as a paycheck to Mr. Wizard so he can slip it in, which is what Cross Tag Battle is.
Not surprising. The only surprise was blaztag winning over shit like UNIST. Casuals aren't interested in MvCI and that's on Capcom. If you're gonna appeal the normal people who only watch the movies, you have the make the game actually look good.
Infinite was total shit, so I'm glad it's not at EVO.
It's not the kinda bad like GDQ where you can make a compilation of stand-out moments, it was just unenthusiastic and you can tell no one really wanted to be there. Not to mention the rumors of spousal abuse between the two people were contractually obligated to commentate, after having turned their lives upside-down and moving across the country with the promise of it being a regular gig like Capcom Pro Tour only to be left high-and-dry when Capcom pulled out because the game bombed.
Injustice 2 is there, though.
What level of FUCK MY SHIT UP is Capcom even at right now?
[_] Don't
[_] Sorta
[_] JUST
Considering how they really want to focus on ESPORTS for ongoing support of games and had promo videos ready?
Almost JUST.
>spousal abuse rumors
what is yips beating his girl now or something?
You know you are a joke when "Blazblue Cross Tag Battle"....a incomplete game that isn't even out yet, can get a spot!
Get Rekt Mahvel...you deserve this!
It's not that rare for unreleased games to claim spots.
But a crossover animu over Marvel? Yeah, that makes it obvious how little the game is valued
Story goes they got into lots of arguments over the decision to go all-in with the MVCI commentary thing, Persia quit her serious office job to go through with it for him, things got heated when Capcom started getting cold feet, Yipes suspected her of cheating, and he may have gotten physical. As far as I know they are officially split up but keep doing commentary together which is really awkward because there's obviously bad blood there.
crapcom btfo
That sucks but then he really should have seen that mvci failure coming.
They better hope KH3 actually drops this year to save their skins
You do know Dragon Ball is a comic first then an anime? Course Injustice 2 is also there. Capeshit is strong in this EVO lineup.
if you had any hope after pic related that mvci will not be a failure then you need to commit suicide
>2 party games
>worst lineup in the history of evo (even with MvC:I it would be kanker)
>casuals on v lose their shit because of "muh dragonballz"
Wiz just tried to get as many shitty/unreleased games on the lineup as possible.
I can't blame him, Marvel is his whole brand and probably his one shot at getting away from the nine to life. Without Marvel, it'd probably the Amazon fulfillment center for him. He wanted to believe MVCI would succeed because he had to and it gave him tunnel vision. I hope things work out for him, didn't he have a gig at that official DBFZ launch event? Maybe if that does well the community will accept him.
>nine to life
*nine to five life
Yeah seems like hes' moved into DBFZ stuff. I saw him do something for the funianimation actors fight matches. Total PR fare but I guess it's something for him.
as someone who has been marginally into MVC for years and thought about buying this game:
the models basically made me recoil in disgust. Just horrible. art director should be fired
Just to put this failure into perspective:
SFxTekken was at EVO twice.
>Nine to life
Playing MvCI does seem like a prison term.
replacing the music
Why not just have MvC2 or 3?
Because World is trying to be a respectable, successful game, not a virgin weeb simulator.
Honestly, I don't even care about traditional fighters that much being a Smashfag, but even so I'd rather they gave Superturbo a spot again instead of blazblue. I have a lot of fun watching that game and seeing the established players who have 20+ years or so into SF2 really trash eachother. It's really awesome to watch and is underappreciated even with its legacy.
>that pic
Jesus Christ user, put that away. That's a fucking man.
I enjoy playing mvci but I’m glad this happened. Maybe Capcom will take note of this and actually make it better.
Who am I kidding they’ll just go “Oh nobody wants mvc” and shelve it for a decade like they did with Street Fighter
they do release hella low budget games, they never stop releasing HD versions of their classics. the last time they did a low budget revival as far as i remember is strider which was alright from what ive heard. maybe they dont have the right game designers to revive those titles properly
low budget horribly rushed game has no substantial following and pretty much s dead
>Bought MvCi.
>Bought overpriced cut content DLC.
>DLC Monster Hunter has the figure of a Thai trans-sexual.
>They basically payed double to get Tranny Hunter.
Capcom was supposed to make a great game and they didn't end of story
Why do people act like Capcom fighters are a lifestyle? I've seen so many faggots exclusively play SF (maaaaaybe they dabble in Marvel because it's 'hype', even though it's worse for crazy screen clutter long combo flashy bullshit than most anime fighters) and then just turn their noses at every other fighting game and if you get them to even try an anime fighter they just bitch that it isn't enough like SF
Meanwhile people who mainly play anime play fucking everything, including SF, but the SFfags are almost as bad as Smashfags in their game being an enclave with minimal overlap
I don't get what it is about SF that inspires this weird loyalty
It's as simple as you'd think. They live up their own asses. They believe that their series legacy entitles them to a high horse attitude, when Capcom betraying them multiple times within their own games says otherwise. They've been sold out for money and still retain their pride. I really don't get whether its retardation at this point, or pointless pride.
Anything outside their hugbox is "garbage" and "not a real fighter" because they cant adapt to anything but SF's simplistic archaic formula that's figured out no matter how many new games with new hitboxes, timings, and whole new moves they make.
Because esports. The minute the prospect of getting money for playing is offered people go crazy. Just look at Overwatch.
Another reason is Street Fighter is old, ergo a good portion of its playerbase are getting up there too. Street Fighter is definitely not fast compared to other fighters, so I could see people being bitchy about not being able to keep up
My face when that hugbox is now fighting with Melty Blood for space in the toilets.
>DBZ before MvC
>BBCTB before MvC
>2 SMASHES before MvC
for at least one of my friends that's what it is, they try GG and DBFZ and bitch that it's too fast and they can't understand what's happening, even though neutral is still there and important as ever, it just has faster paced rushdown and pressure so there's less of the footsies autism dance and more actually doing moves and blockstrings instead of throwing out one or two perfectly safe moves
Because fighting IS a lifestyle when you are black.
It is hilarious...and they have no one to blame other than themselves!