ITT: We post the best girl of their respective FE game
I'll start with Radiant Dawn
ITT: We post the best girl of their respective FE game
Representing Conquest.
I agree that she's the best unit, she really carries the dawn brigade and she's even good later on. Though it's not particularly useful to make these comparisons in FE10 since you don't have much choice over who to use.
Great taste comrade, tho I would personally go with Titania
So best the US had to nerf her and she still was the best.
all correct
l'arachel is better
walking meme
I don't play FE but
>I don't play FE
Sounds like Fire Emblem fans in general
Damn that made me laugh.
>female that wears pants instead of a skirt
How about instead we talk about which games had the most challenging maps and interesting party compositions? Oh wait FE is just a VN at this point.
That's not Ilyana, Titania, or Tanith.
Then talk about it crybaby.
Pegasus Knights suck. Give me one reason to use one.
Magic tanks, and that's pretty important in a certain FE4 chapter. Though staff using Falcon Knights are shit
That would be Fates though, conquest for maps. The new units, while some sucked were actually interesting to play as. I like the idea of Malig Knights, Basara, Blacksmiths, and Ninja. I hope they keep those around.
nu-FE's classes are shit and add nothing to the game, they should be removed.
sacred stones classes are all that you ever needed
They are cute. Their high res and high mobility allows them to quickly kill off remaining enemies for scores and killg mages
early game flier utility
They need some fine tuning I think, but are a good start and I found them interesting. Also I really liked the designs of them and Black Smith and Basara had great animations.
>Scared Stones
Always babies first Fire Emblem
The classes suck because it takes millions of years to reach high weapon ranks. Basara is good for example, because they are probably the best user of the bolt lance, but it's a damn c rank weapon.
>sacred stones classes
doesn't help mage>basara is a completely unviable path due to it capping out at B rank
Like I said fine tuning. They are a good start and are interesting though. Not the best, but that wasn't the question. They add a nice concept of the mix of a magical and physical attacker which in theory might be better or safer to send in then a mage.
They're actually pretty good outside of the handheld games.
Yeah I'm really hoping all classes can reach A rank again.
>sacred stones classes are all that you ever needed
Did Sacred Stones add anything new? Just Necromancer, right?
Cadet classes, Wyvern Knight (Griffon Knight was better)
Toilet helmet
Good thing she's already in the toilet because she's a piece of shit
summoner, wyvern knight and the recruit classes were the only straight up new ones but mage knight and great knight weren't in any of the prior gba games-granted great knight may as well be a different class to what it is in the jugdral games
>Cadet classes,
Those were awful.
>Wyvern Knight
Forgot about that one.
Wyvern Knight a shit, but people loved it for it's caps, and Pierce skill. Still I made all my Pegasus Knights into Falcon Knights
Jill is best girl. She kills her own dad and doesn't afraid of anything
Unironically this. I loved FE6/7/8, but could barely finish Awakening, Fates and SoV. I think the waifu and kids stuff is getting too much for me.
>missing out on that insane +4 con
Waifu shit is optional though?
What was her problem?
I know, but I still don't like it. I'm probably misremembering the writing of the older games, but the newer ones feel so much more like a roulette of anime character tropes rather than actual characters.
nu-FE don't have an actual narrative beyond big bad evil kill it, they rely on waifufaggotry to fill in the gaps.
there are zero interesting side plots or big reveals
there's no political intrigue or anything political at all, everything is clear cut good vs evil
They are OP in FE7 and 8. Then again, those games are pretty easy to begin with.
What's wrong with that.
>storyline dumbed down to anime-level fanservice with big boobies and ass
uh sexist much?
It's called bias. FE characters have only a gimmick and anime trope assigned to them.
why would you put up with the subpar plot and terrible gameplay of awakening if not for waifu shit?
the earlier FEs are also boring >lord fights evil old demon/dragon
I wish they made a game where you lead a group of mercenaries and you have a loose goal of getting money/some magical item but the bulk of the game is fighting for money, talking with your bros and choosing which personal quests to pursue. That would make the roleplaying a lot better. Now with the main story they cannot really do anything. Any reaction of any character would force a relationship. So now you no personal development of any character
Is that really your issue here bucko? Women being sexy.
>women being sexy
>posts an image of women being lewd
they aren't the samething, shitlord
Path of Radiance had that for the first few chapters but quickly went into a typical fe plot. I think it would be cool but i feel like making the game open ended could be detrimental to the map design
I like sexy 2D as much as the next guy but modern FE is clearly not for people who have taste.
Shame Path of Radiance had both the typical plot and bad map design though.
You have to go back.
You really fell for such weak bait?
I guess making maps would be more difficult since people might have different levels/units than expected, but current FE also has to take in account you might have lost your pegasus knights to archers in an ealier chapter and you have to beat the map without having those units.
PoR first chapters are exactly like FE1.
>hurr bandits are attack
>hurr mist is kidnap
>hurr bandits attack again
Yes. It was too good not to nibble on.
>wearing a skirt while riding a leathery scaly wyvern
enjoy your chafed legs
or you have a saddle that covers the scales. And all pegasus girls wear thigh boots to cover their legs.
You are. Go back and reread the old supports. Not saying they are bad or great or judging them on that, they are just trope characters as well. You can cherry pick from both sides but on average the quality is the same.
Modern FE is only for men with taste.
Both old and new games have supports full of anime tropes, but I think the older games actually have more worldbuilding in them. You learn about the regions of the world and Saint Elmine and things like that in FE7 supports for example, while Fates has more than double the number of supports and the continent doesn't even have a fucking name.
The problem is that every time they have the same character tropes. Most games have a Jager, who is an old paladin advisor with poor growth rates. They could at least try to make unique characters. Renault was interesting. But he appears 1 mission before the final mission
This. FE7 is good example of balancing the different types of supports: On one hand you have characters like Sain whose supports would fit right into the 3ds games but on the other you have Renault's that focus almost entirely on his backstory and world building
Shit class, besides they look like snakes not dragons or wyverns
>fuckikng Owain, non-homo version
Her dad is so much better.
Cute chuuni is cute
there's nothing inherently wrong with it, it's just more boring than say Genealogy or Path of Radiance
Autism does not best girl make.