What games numb the pain
What games numb the pain
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Going outside and getting a life.
noone will if you dont allow yourself to have fun.
Umihara Kawase
sex, it's my favorite pc game
Bubble bobble
Role playing games, immersive ones that make you forget about reality.
Russian Roullette but the rng can be a little annoying.
This one also works for me as the mere tune reminds me of childhood and co op playing with my brothers on c64, before the wars and shit...
Having people in real life to talk to
There’s always this faggot
I got out of my depression by getting a Medical Engineering Degree and starting my own company with some smart people I met in college.
I have been going outside for 10 years where the fuck is it?
This. Nobody can deny it.
Yes. Bubble bobble is a very chill, simple and easy to completely tune life out. Glitches and all
what are you supposed to do outside
shinobi 3
mass shooting
sticking up for yourself isnt something to be afraid of anymore user
Who here have sensitive nipples? Mine hurt all the time.
You cannot numb the pain with video games because it's always on your mind.Video games were not meant to brush away life's problems.
>dont drink
>next image drinking
None of that could ever fix my shitty tiny penis.
I do all five of those and I want to kill myself every day.
what about showering?
I shave, exercise, never drink, sleep 8 hours a day but I'm still depressed. The only thing I don't do in your picture is socialise because I have no friends.
Drinking alone and drinking while eating with other people is two different things.
>have 'high IQ'
>can't figure out how to be happy
Stupid is as stupid does, user. If you can't figure out how to relax and be happy you're a huge retard.
Mine is 2 inches soft and 4 inches hard. What's yours?
I want a GF RIGHT NOW. and not a fat ugly one. I want a cute average weight or sticc one.
you shouldn't be making demands, virgins.
Hey just the same.
How are you holding up bro.
he is obviously not drinking alone since someone is giving him a beer
But I'm not fat so I don't want a fat gf. It's not fair.
>Drinking alone
>Someone is clearly offering them a beer
Drinking ONE (1) beer during a hearty meal in company once a week or so is different than crushing a 12 pack/bottle of vodka/gin/whiskey every day alone in your apartment you fucking retard
>his right hand is giving it to his left one...
It is a depiction of an internal struggle...
wait a few years and you can get a robot, otherwise good luck
Sorry, I only know how to invoke pain.
My ex-gf made fun of it calling it "so tiny"
you just like arguing. It's probably a part of why you're unhappy,
But it's not fair. I see fat guys with hot gfs all the time out on the street in my town. I'm not even remotely fat and I don't have a gf.
because you're a selfish piece of shit with a garbage personality who uses korean meme boggle forums as a means of socializing.
I was right then.
I'll look around, maybe get a trap gf and try to not die alone.
Anyways, good luck on that my man.
Why do normalfags think its this easy? Been doing all that shit and working and I’m worse than I ever was as a NEET. I feel like I’ve been tricked.
But I used to be fat and people told me if I lost weight I could get a gf. It didn't work.
True, also lonely.
I guess it's as simple as that, why does this thread persist
>Lost my job in October because someone higher up misappropriated several hundred thousand dollars of the budget and my position was expendable
>Done next to nothing outside of the house for the last 4 months save for picking up medical prescriptions and checking the mail
If it wasn't for my tax returns, I wouldn't be making any money right now. Hopefully I can turn things around before the end of the year.
I like that image
This. Just b urself
thats because those are alpha males and you are a beta cuck
>I don't do what's in your picture but I'm still depressed
what did he mean by this
Monhun with friends
Do whatever the fuck you don't have to. This is how you meet people.
You have a chemical inbalance in your brain then go to a psychiatrist
How can you be alpha and a fat fuck at the same time?
>all those chads and stacies
>deep depression
You're a selfish, stupid, insipid whiner. Fix that and you'll be fine.
You need to be in shape and have money.
I want precise exact instructions.
Who else is /shoveskeletonharvesteroffthecliff/?
But why do I need to be in shape if the girls I want only have to be average or sticc. I don't want fit girls so I shouldn't have to be fit either.
>Not doing both off
Eat less.
Move more.
Be gradual if need be.
by being tall/rich/having good social skills
Because life isn't fair, you fucking faggot. Now shut the fuck up already.
You don't need money are you fucking stupid.
Also have an interesting personality a good sense of humor as well as a large circle of friends.
It's so hecking easy brehs.
But I'm not fat. I'm only 140 pounds.
>You don't need money
>This is how you meet people.
>when everyone is living in their smartphones
I used to be a bit chubby, drank a lot of coke. Then I started drinking coke Zero now I'm Skelton. I also don't waste money on food because I need games so I'm probably going to get ass cancer.
No fuck you. I want gf of similar visual standards to myself. So preferably sticc or average size. Because I am average sized.
Have you considered talking to the other gender? Shocking, I know.
Dude just invade their private space lmao.
And get arrested for rape? No thanks.
Talk to girls
There are no girls in my class in college. I'm studying a computer course and its all guys and a few older women in their late 40s.
Unironically this. You gotta break some eggs.
go back in time and get gene manipulation so you have attractive genes
What if sticc girls only want sticc. They don't have to deal with your average ass, it's not fair.
That won't happen if you're a naturally attractive tall fit person. Get good.
But my brothers have gfs
Are there school clubs or something? Join one. Be somewhere you don't have to.
you dont if you are good looking, tall and have a big dick
Nothing any more.
Shitting on babies on TF2 somehow still makes me feel better though, if I can get my self to start playing.
I'm perfectly happy with an average sized gf. I just don't want one heavier than me. (140 pounds)
>its girls fault i'm alone
no its yours.
50%+ of girls are fat so you wont get that, settle with a lardplanet or wait for VR waifus
It's probably too late to join any clubs now because everyone would have joined last semester and got to know each other.
I was replying to him learn to read.
>tfw even ugly girls only want good looking guys
Having garbage genetics and luck is suffering
lol at all you losers. You will all be forever alone till the end.