It's Ridge Racer!
It's Ridge Racer!
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yew, keep that shit please.
Remember the last Ridge Racer for a Nintendo system?
What's this?
VR ace combat?
Is this game any good? All I know of it is the meme.
When are they going to let us know about the Tales for Switch? If I remember correctly they were actually supposed to release it before March, but clearly with no announcement to this day that's obviously not happening.
Interested in that FPS/Adventure new IP though.
>Interested in that unannounced FPS/Adventure IP though.
It could be Metroid Prime 4 since Nintendo hasn't announced a developer for it and they used Bamco for Smash for Wii U/3DS.
The only racing series that somewhat made shadow to GT in PS1.
Even as a segapony I have to admit that it has much better handeling than Daytona USA
Oh... I guess you're right. I never thought about that to be honest. I'm curious to see what a Namco Metroid game would look/play like now.
>kaz steps down
>ridge racer coming to switch
>AC7 exclusive to PS4
Put more effort into your bait next time.
On the one hand Ridge Racer has been shit for years, the PSP RR game that Kaz was shilling when he went nuts was the last good one, but if a new Ridge Racer came out that had the same feel as Ridge Racer Type 4 I'd be happy to see it back, no matter what console it was on.
They probably fucked up the announcement, but it seems legit.
It wasn't a bad racing series, being entirely honest here.
>Ridge Racer 8 exclusive to Nintendo Switch
>Ridge Racer exclusive to a Nintendo console
Remember there being rumors of this last year
>yfw Reggie goes RIIIIIDGE RACER! during a Treehouse demonstration at E3
Ridge Racer has been shit for years though.
Wouldn't be surprised if this shit turns out to be recycled from the Vita game and they'll only give you a handful of cars and tracks while locking everything else under paid DLC like they did back then.
I'd love to see that, but it's not going to happen.
On 3DS.
Why are So(n)y cucks panicking?
Bamco confirmed 3 large Switch exclusives with worldwide appeal a while ago.
Can you people stop being stupid?
It's referring to the VR portion being PSVR exclusive, not the whole game.
No one mentioned March.
Wait for the Tales of Festival.
i still often play my 3Ds and Vita versions
even though there's better racing games out there
I just realised how few racing games there are on switch.
Also shooters.
The switch needed an arcadey racing game so bad.
This will be incredibly comfy in handheld mode.
What a surprise. Nintendo fans suddenly love this series now that it's coming to their handheld.
>an arcadey racing game
Isn't there that F-Zero-like?
Using the Switch as a steering wheel in hand held mode could be fun.
The wheel rooms in Rayman Legends in handheld mode were super fun.
>Raw Thrills CEO confirmed a Switch port wasn't even on the table for Cruis'n
>wants to do Switch Joy-Con controller connectivity though
Ridge Racer was on Gamecube, N64, DS, 3DS.
It's really nothing exceptional to see it on the Switch.
Yeah, Fast RMX is great.
But I meant a ''realistic'' one, like real cars and drifting.
Well it's not Ace Combat but at least the Switch has a Strangereal game now.