Does anyone else feel like quitting vidya for good?
Nothing interests me anymore. I don't even want to get whatever the latest game is. Playing games isn't even fun.
Does anyone else feel like quitting vidya for good?
Nothing interests me anymore. I don't even want to get whatever the latest game is. Playing games isn't even fun.
>Playing games isn't even fun.
Then do something else. Read a book, write a program, masturbate, ...
After a while you want to play vidya again. Then, after playing 5 minutes and realizing video games are shit come to Sup Forums and complain about it.
Exactly. So I feel like selling my Steam account and game consoles and just leaving it all behind.
No, I just wait until something that interests me comes out. I don't know why you're so autistic about it
Play a different genre.
I already did.
Now I need to quit this website
Then do it.
Yeah, I get bored of every game after like 10 hours.
I feel the same way, but I don't quit because everything else is even more boring.
real life is even worse m8
No. Stop being a faggot and projecting onto others.
I don't enjoy playing vidya but it's still the closest thing to a hobby I have
me too..
i just can't anymore
it's like when the screen goes black for a loading screen and you see your greasy face
what the fuck am i doing with my time?
i should be doing something productive or at least making some money or meeting real people
of all the things I hate doing, which is pretty much everything, playing video games is teh one thing I hate doing the least I guess
I don't really play vidya anymore, just kinda getting bored of it, and I'm okay with that
It's the addiction to Sup Forums
I cant stop coming to this site, every single fucking day of my life, at least 20 times a day
I'm just playing classics until virtual reality gets better
Yeah, after a decade or so you've seen almost everything the hobby has to offer.
And when you finally figured out which aspects of games you like the most, you realize that the industry doesn't care about your patrician refined taste and just caters to the lowest common denominator all year 'round.
And then there are imageboards. I hope I'm not the only one who sometimes wants to leave the site and unintentionally, habitually hits the same bookmark and end up back here.
>selling your shit
Don't. Even if you never play again, its still a bad idea. You'll get pennies on the dollar and never make enough money for anything worth while.
>bunch of depressed faggots who probably never really liked video games that much but have little social skills and motivation so they never branched out to hobbies they actually
What a great representation of this board.
I get like that too. I have a specific ritual I perform whenever it becomes too much. The first day I wake up and can't due to being too depressed I realize it's time for the ritual. I jump out of bed in and excited manner, laughing, hardly being able to contain my excitement. First, I shower and get dressed like a girl, a skirt, panties, bra, the whole ten yards. Then I drink an energy drink(usually Rockstar, but any will do.) Then I take the panties off and shove a dildo up my ass and wank watching Trap porn then. When I cum, I inexplicably began crying profusely for a good ten minutes and take another shower. Then, in the shower, all feelings of depression go away for monthes.
Suddenly I start dating again, eating healthier, exercising, playing Vidya and working harder. All my friends notice when I go through the ritual, though no one knows what I've done.
I don't do this daily, like every 8 monthes or so. It's like a reset button for me. I don't consume caffeine(not even coffee or chocolate)except from the ritualistic energy drink followed by a dildo in the ass and Trap porn. I don't use the dildo or even look at trap porn outside of the ritual. I don't cross dress outside of the ritual either.
I ain't gay tho
The problem is quite literally you. I've felt this way before and a change in lifestyle got me back on track to having fun again
Sounds pretty nice honestly.
I'd like to have that, a reset button every 8 months or so, nice taste in energy drink too.
Dude, what?
Play old games. There are thousands of good games out there. Limiting yourself to the newest ones is retarded.
Fuck no. I love video games. Just put 100 hours into MHW and I'm going back in when I get off work.
Use site blocker add ons. Just be warned, the withdrawal is real
>the withdrawal is real
Bullshit. I quit Sup Forums six months ago and I'm coping just fine.
Grand strategy