I'm not gonna make it bros

I'm not gonna make it bros.

Other urls found in this thread:


Just follow the map bro.


what game, looks interesting

Thief 1

You'll make it. Just stick with the shadows.



what the FUCK is that

You can't kill him, but holy water makes him fuck off for a while. He starts wandering out of his main location after you do some shit. Stay away from his ass.

b-but I ran out of water arrows

You can outrun him, just dodge and weave and lose him on the crazy stairs.

Even regular water works.

Well then hope you still have fire arrows.

you can "kill" him with you sword too, but you get hurt if you get too close

Regarding Thief GOLD
I want to add a bow and quiver
I add a stool, set Shape -> Model Name -> Quiver2
I add a detailed sword, set Shape -> Model Name -> bow
After I save and reload the miss, the setting reset. What do I do?

If it resets that means you're editing the archetype, which you shouldn't do. Add the Shape property on top of the object, don't edit the archetype itself.

I found an immortal zombie friend. He just stares at me.

Remember user, you can outrun any zombies, and they don't count as killing people on expert. They aren't your friends.

I killed all his friends but he seems cool with it.


it's the best level in the entire game you fucking nigger

So that seems to work.

How do I remove the black square of the door?
Would you believe people use fire crystals to keep themselves warm in bed?

Remove "Blocks Vision" here and portalize.

haha this fag's blind now


Looking Glass Studios truly were a treasure lost in time now

I take it this is your first time playing?


oh dear god no

please stop

I suppose that answers everything I need to know at the moment. Thanks!

at least they're retarded

easiest plunder of my life

Hmm, you do know that the Burricks are sleeping until you pick up the Horn, right?

I put the golden skeleton back together and he gave me some water arrows

wait a minute those torches...

I don't know what I was expecting

I shit you not OP I was about to make the exact same thread.

Someone please tell me I can just skip it.

>skipping one of the best levels ever

I finally made it.


I dont know if I can do it desu

The fucking japanese levels in Hitman 2 were better ffs

I survived, somehow.

Not sure how I'll get out of this though.

How is/was the Thief community in Japan?
I know there are a couple of Jap FMs.

Soon I'll be free of this hellscape.

Make sure you post the stats screen at the end.

Thank the fucking lord.

Now you gotta play this
There's a reason people call it Bonehoard^2

That one self-aware zombie that discovered a body.

>mfw it took me 3.5 hours to complete the first time

I'm kind of zombied out right now but I'll check it out after I'm done with the base game. Thanks.

hearing the horn at the distance for the first time creeped me the fuck out

Garret please we nearly died last time

Don't worry. You'll have worse problems to deal with. HAHAHAHA

I wanted to talk with this guy but he got shot. RIP

after robbing the dead baldy blind, we're now following these two faggots

metal floors, my worst enemy

>tfw still need to return to Thief to complete Return to the Haunted Cathedral and finally get that damn eye

The assassins map still confuses me. I have no clear mental map of that mission. Life of the Party and The Unwelcome Guest don't have that. Little sense of mystery.


Join us, join us now!

They're so fucking scary. I can't deal with them

Why is thief so goddamn good

That was a fun level. those caves with the doggies had me so confused

I'm just the wind I swear.

Ramirez killed that bald guy I knew for five seconds and made me go through that awkward tailing section, he'll pay for that.

Almost there. Just remember to rob those fuckers blind when you get there.
Lord Bafford is such a cunt.

It's a very cool area. Once you finish stalking the assassins you can go back and explore. It's funny because the path back to the start of the level is very short, the assassins take a more convoluted path that depends on the difficulty level. I think there's a speedrunning trick where you can KO the assassins without ending the mission, and then carry one of them up the shorter path without failing the objective to follow them.

I tried exploring it recently and I found areas that I never saw before. There's also an FM "Lorgan's Web" which makes extensive use of it in a new context, with several additions.

Every part of the game complements every other part of the game. There aren't many like that.

Don't shittalk Farkus.

Cragscleft got closed down? What a shock.

Yeah, he's taffing you. Where are they gonna put the poor saps they grab?

faithful blackjack, you can come out now that the zombies are gone

this shit triggers me so much. I had to look it up and I STILL barely found it, frobbed the wrong place a few times. It's just bullshit in an otherwise perfect game


this is becoming quite a party

gee I wonder what this does

>I'm kind of zombied out right now
You've seen nothing.

Pretty swanky.

best mission, period. best architecture, coolest visuals, has some of the most beautiful scenes in the game, offers true survival horror gameplay, is open ended, etc.

>this thread
Always great seeing someone experience Thief for the first time.

considering how many guards were on the ground floor, the security here is pretty bad

These two idiots are more of a hassle than the actual guards.

thank god they finally left

Wait, are those Thief 2 or Thief 1 models?

it was actually worth it

legit thought I was going to have a heart attack. I remember the absolute state of panic and fear I was in when I stole the eye. The sound design was done by a mad man.

Basically the reason why I do not actually recommend Extreme.

+Broadsword of Sheol
+Breathing Corpses
+Up the Bonehoard

Eric Brosius is a cool guy. We ride the same bus to work, since Harmonix is up the street from my office, and I've met him a couple times

goddammit this fucker found a body

I didn't even kill him you liar

Well this is getting out of hand quickly.

I told you this was a bad idea Garret

+Inverted Manse
+Unexpected Detour
+Journey Into the Underdark
and for the most dedicated and masochistic dungeonfags, +Ruins of Originia

THIS time I'll take care of you.

wait what the hell you can see me, you're way more aware than the guards from the last mansion, I'm fucked

I'm really sad Sperry hasn't finished The Undercroft yet.

why is he so fucking nice and disarming? I swear he's the most likable character in the series.

FINALLY, good lord this guy was persistent

Wait, there's another one?


Someday. Just this year he said he's still working on it (perhaps you're not the one who asked him about it on his blog).
It would be awesome if he got something together for the TDP Anniversary contest. For all of their flaws, his missions were always some of the best at capturing TDP's atmosphere.

Have I done it? Is it over?

Best tomb raider mission of all time.

another idiot was patrolling around near the entrance, if I had OCD I would combine them with the other pile

we're making a lot of piles today