Lady: Developers
Biscuit: Lootboxes
Dog: Costumers
Are you for or against them, if they contain purely cosmetics in a game you paid full price for?
Lady: Developers
Biscuit: Lootboxes
Dog: Costumers
Are you for or against them, if they contain purely cosmetics in a game you paid full price for?
Feeding chocolate to doggies should be a federal crime
im for them because im not a dumb commie.
if you dont like a product, dont buy it
So is buying a lootbox gonna kill me like this dog eating chocolate you mong
If I'm a dog then that "lootbox" will kill me if I consume it.
My dog ate a whole bag of hersheys kisses once when we were all away from the home and he was fine. He had to poop the foil out though
That doesn’t mean it’s good for him
Read again, it says "costumers", OP clearly means people who make skins for fun and is not an idiot
Always against unless the game is free.
>keeping a dog should be a federal crime
focking brit get the fock auta hear ya wanka
Feed your dog small doses of chocolate in their food so they build up a resistance.
He said chocolate.
I don't see any biscuit.
Do amerilards really call it this?
Brace yourselves Sup Forums the catfags will find this thread soon enough.
There's no biscuit in your pic.
If it's cosmetics I don't give a fuck, they can cost 300 bucks for all I care.
I'm against them AND I embrace capitalist values by not buying them. You're just dumb.
Good job baiting out a horde of newfags
No lootboxes of any kind should exist in games you already paid for.
Lootboxes are gambling because not only you have a CHANCE to get what you want, but you also usually pay for them, or at least given the option to buy them
The mere fact that there are people on Sup Forums defending lootboxes is how we failed as a board
Im okay with purely cosmetic DLC in a game.
Lootboxes are shit though.
Just let me pay 15 dollars for a costume
2/10 bait
classic meme
>american education
What about content added post release. I think it's fair for them to ask for money for that shit.
Post-release content should be cheap and also cosmetic, otherwise it will be P2W, or just make it a fully fledged DLC. Besides, it is better to be able to buy something directly instead of wasting money on the chance of having it
I'm against loot boxes. I'm for buying specific cosmetics and that's the end of it.
I would say do away with buying cosmetics entirely and have the devs include them in the price of the game as unlockables via just playing the fucking game. But I'm not naive and the world isn't perfect so at least take the gambling out of it.
>Some pedantic shit how it's not something of value
Fuck off. Value is placed subjectively but definitively when the person pays. It being random makes it a gamble. It's gambling. The sooner that concept is implemented and regulated the better.
>microtansphobia is mainly seen in a bunch of angry white men
>ea, blizzard and other companies who promote the freedom to allow microtransactions are mainly of jewish origin
anyone else see the connection here?
See my stance is as long as it's cosmetic I really don't care what they do with it.
Your stance is shit
>feeding their dogs chocolate
It's like women want to destroy everything they come in contact with.
mountain lion: mods
monkey: Sup Forums
tree: fun
That's your stance man, I ain't gonna judge you for it, but they shouldn't milk their playerbase like that
But dogs don't eat chocolate
Until they start actually affecting the game itself. Making it either a hefty grind to get lootboxes or focusing more on cramming cosmetics into boxes than adding newer more impactful content.
locked lootboxes you have to buy a key for are the cancer killing gaming
I have no problem with them otherwise, but if I grind a shitton to get a box in PUBG I want to be able to fucking open it without paying $2.50
man: developer
HE: customer
needles: microtransactions
I just don't think cosmetics really matter. It's a way for them to make some post release revenue to support the servers and shit without affecting the game.
See I tend to expect the end user to show some sense. They usually give you free loot just for playing, I'm rolling in skins I don't care about in most games I play. The desire for instant gratification is what is fucking people over and I just find it hard to feel bad for them.
It's hard to prove that happens though. I don't think the guy making skins is the guy doing level design or balance changes.
jar: consoles
gherkins: exclusives
I agree. They should have full citizenship.
it's a cookie idiot
what level of shitposting is this?
That's not a biscuit.
Perro: me
Caca: me
mods of Sup Forums: perro
Titanfall 2 already solved this problem. Lootboxes for cosmetic stuff only, all gameplay related DLC free and staggered out across a year to keep people coming back, a small amount of cosmetics gated behind paid DLC for the whales.
It's a shame EA felt the need to kill it because the business model was going to threaten their precious Battlefield/front things they had going.
cat: me
box: indie game
expensive cat bed: AAA games
hand: developers
hamster: gamers
hammer: lootboxes
tails: me
diaper: this thread
sandbox: Sup Forums
Dog: me
Beer: games
chocolte kills the doggo
Lady: Developers
Milf: Game
Woman: Costumers
>buy them only with an in-game currency
>get this currency by playing the game
>get this currency at a quick enough rate that you can pretty much always buy loot boxes and very easily and quickly get enough of it to buy another one
>loot boxes reward things that you don't necessarily need but are either cool cosmetic things or quality of life things that can be helpful if luck is on your side
>basically a reward for playing the game and an incentive to keep people in the game
If they are made like above, I wouldn't have a problem with them.
Dog: me
Comforter: The promise of video games' potential
Scary yellow pillow: the looming threat of microtransactions
cat: not playing video games
cat: not playing video games
cat: not playing video games
Good goy, gimme your shekels for low effort slot machine.
>fish: devolper
>sand: game
>fish: Sup Forums
>Piccolo: Me
>Piss: My post
>Vegeta: OP's thread
Dude his eyes !
He knows what's coming
fudge you user
He accepted his fate, zen af
Doctor: You
Your post: The dosage
>My post: My thanks
Horse: video game
watermark: (you)
What the fuck
Why is it wrong to milk people who spend money on cosmetics? Hell, we have an entire industry built around that: fashion. Are you going around lecturing people who buy expensive clothes?
birb: me
chocolate: fun
four panels: loss
>It's hard to prove that happens though
We've a seen that happen in destiny with their latest dlc and halo 5 with warzone receiving the most support and newer updates than any other game mode because it's the one hat makes the most money with the requisite (loot box) system.
Book: this thread
Medical professional: janny
What if its just carob?
not chocolate
dog = EA
baby = bought out dev