How come we never got a good avatar game?

how come we never got a good avatar game?

Because LoK killed any interest fans had for the series.

Shame, it's a decent series. Korra was shit but ATLA was great. At least Korra had nice fights.

Because companies tryto make you play as series main characters or through existing stories (but as a game) instead of creating new stories with new (or custom) character that exist in the same world and may even run into the main series characters

truth is the avatar setting could have been a great branching path RPG or a great action game or any number of things but all any company that got hold of it ever saw it as was a quick cash in on the name, and nothing more

yeah it definitely should have been an RPG

>tfw this is the best avatar game available right now

How many Nickelodeon cartoons get "good games"?

Anyway, the series has a fairly good modification for Crusader Kings II that's soon getting a massive update



Every character but Korra herself were pretty cool. I think the biggest problem with the show is ATLA felt like one big grand journey with a beginning and an ending, Korra is inconsistent and just pulls any plot out from under its ass in small stories. The spirit battle was just lame and it just feels like they are forcing her into these tough predicaments tomake us like her for how much she can take on, it feels incredibly artificial, just like the Asami kiss scene. Then again romantic tie ins has consistently been bad through both TLA andLOK

Same reason a good full metal alchemist game doesn't exist. Your expectations would be way too high to what's actually possible to do in a game.


Except I based my expectations on what I've actually seen games do. and what little we did get simply didn't measure up to other good games - not unrealistic expectations.

And now my day is going to be finding and playing this game,

Because any fap to Katara is the best fap.

And still the best game experience

Pick ninja storm games
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There. Best avatar game ever

that the kiss escene is fan made

>Asami kiss scene
That didn't happen, they did hook up in the comics though.

Honestly though, that would be lame as fuck. Your telling me all the bending techniques gets boiled down to 2 or 3 combos and a QuickTime specific to each character would suck. I want individual moves that can synchronize into eachother like god hand or absolver I guess. Throw in some unarmed non bending attacks to throw pure benders and anti benders off their game too.

>No action based MMO set in the period leading up to Sozen's assault on the air nomads

but we did, user.

I don't like MMOs, so the thought never even crossed my mind.

Not a fan of most but they can be done justice. I think it's the best way to really let someone experience the world how they see fit though, as well as provide enough customization and expansive skill choices to be engaging.

korra had bad ratings so brike didnt give a fuck anymore and throw a bone to tumblr

The boondocks animators are kino tier.

all of the characters kind of sucked. Bolin was just Sokka without any character development and an even bigger retard.

Mako was just "boyfriend" and asami was just "boyfriend's ex"

I remember liking it a lot but I don't know if I would still enjoy it today

Mako and Assami literally weren't characters
They were Padme from episode one levels of non-people.

Azula has the best content.

Nicely animated but they got boring once I saw the movements were always the same no matter what they were bending