Mirrored thread
Who would win?
Mirrored thread
>The virgin fedora vs. The chad private
AtTeNoNeTtA looks like chloe moretz
>STICC vs fridge
wait a second
I recognise that game
>The delegates Dahlia
never gets old
Str vs Dex
Does anyone actually think eroioire would lose?
L.A.M.A.J has two guns and supernatural powers.
>the gap
>the BRAP
goddamn, shihs extrartxe looks terrifying
kek'd hard.
Silvagunner isn't funny
I vote for Kerrek.
Is this OC? Nice.
God bless whoever made this
2Reher2 would win hands down he looks like a deadly snake morph.
dnirGGrindOiooiO is ready to fuck
Maszam is the clear winner here, he has two working legs, is much bulkier, and has multiple ranged weapons. EZS3 only has one leg, how the hell's he even going to get to maszam to use those omniblades?
Ezs3 would have the advantage on an aquatic setting
Guy on the left is taking a shit in the face of danger.
Guy on the right is playing with a jump rope.
The answer is obvious.
shihs is a bitch
kerrek is soloing two guys while flanked by 4 eggmen and the third guy's head imploded from how scared he is
meanwhile all shihs does is bully the only siamese twin guard on the force, who is alone while his asshole friend laughs
>three bosombombs
Madde Eddam > 71 W 17
Red Aia Der
2 gay moors
Semi-offtopic here but who remembers when the developers actually used this guy's mirrored face for their promotional material?
Real face for reference
>ezse is a mermaid
>massam has a dong receptacle built into his suit because otherwise it won't fit
clear winner here
>Buy Mym Yub
Easy win for him hes a reincarnation of Jiub
he's a large man
>star ratz