What games will you be playing on Valentine's day Sup Forums? Will you play games with someone?
>probably The Sims
>no ;_;
What games will you be playing on Valentine's day Sup Forums? Will you play games with someone?
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My yearly tradition on Valentine's day has been for a while:
1. Get a fresh install of Skyrim.
2. Mod it so I can make my perfect waifu.
3. Proceed to watch her get raped and impregnated by dozens of orcs.
4. Masturbate until I pass out.
Has been keeping my entertained every year.
glad you have fun user
Probably Amnesia or something else so I can get scared and forget my woes.
Which Sims? The first one?
sims 3. Forgot to mention
the sims? are you a 2nd world girl or something?
Which day is Valentine's again?
Best girl. Little sister is second best though.
guy. 1st
In a week
I forgot Valentine's day was a thing.
Fire Emblem Fates
>caring about valentines
I will be playing whatever I was doing before, and will play with someone only if its a online thing
Eh, just another Wednesday.
Fuck Valentines Day.
I dunno what I'm gonna play. Probably fire emblem warriors, MGR, Overwatch with friends and maybe DaS3.
I wish I had a cute bf to play with
I write letters to a girl in rehab, and we play tic-tac-toe at the top of her letters.
I'll be hanging with my blade waifus in Xenoblade 2.
>tfw no Karen gf
feels bad famalam
You sound like this angsty dude I work with
>holidays are just the jews getting us to buy stuff?
Not him but Holidays like Valentines day are fucking retarded.
Thats exactly what Valentines is, though.
>another stupid holiday designed to make you waste currency on diabetes and worthless shit that has no value
Bravo. You need a special snowflake day to tell someone you care about them.
i'll end my life
Stream it.
Karen a cute
5e Tomb of Annihilation with the lads, same as every Wednesday night.
Oh wait, did you mean video games? With a special someone?
>boyfriend cucked me a few weeks ago
I'll be sticking with 2D from now on, just going through my backlog like always.
What are some good video juegos to play with your significant other? Played Snipperclips with my girl the other week and we had a blast.
At long as a fap every day or other day I have no drive to go out and meet people.
>tfw there is no Valentine's day in my country
Probably fortnite or monster Hunter and drink some cheapish whisky
What's a good romance VN to play on valentine's?
Sounds like a good plan. Might just do that.
Reminder that valentine's day is nothing more a consumerist ploy to get you to buy shit.
I wish it wasn't so prevalent in mine.
With Bonfire Night, Christmas, New Years and Valentines all in one short chunk of time, it's a tough time for a lonely single person.
Its no wonder suicides this time of year are so common.
What country?
I know.
22 year old Virgin never had GF. Can't meet women around here because work is 90% men and 10% ugly middle aged. And dating scene is full of chavs and gold diggers. I'm fucked. Just want a girl who I can share interests with and have a laugh. Why is it so difficult :C
I'll probably play Artificial Academy 2.
Some 3rd world hell hole, don't bother
Uncuck yourself then faggot. Cuck him back.
Yes! I'm going out for chinese food with my GF, then we're going to play games back at my place!
i'm you but 8 years later, it doesn't get better
the one girl that showed interest in me was like a 7/10 but she was mildly retarded and had tats and piercings, and a lot of guy friends
i'll be at work on valentines day, not playing vidya
Cold Steel 2 although I'll probably be dead by valentine's
And I'm you in another 2 years. Pack it in boys, it never gets any better.
I'm going out for a curry and a few beers. Should be good. Who gives a fuck about a single day for romance?
That's almost every US holiday
Sorry no one loves you user.
>I wont, instead I will build a model kit and cry