>He doesn't play RTS
Why not?
>He doesn't play RTS
Why not?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Have to click and slam your keyboard really fast to even play at the game at a beginner level
>Real Time """"""""""""Strategy""""""""""""""
No thanks
Too repetitive
That's what casuals actually believe
>Why not?
because EA killed C&C and every game after RA2 is shit.
I got onto TW after that but i'm done with the series after R2
This game is freeware, by the way. Simply search Tiberian Sun download into google and you can get it for nothing.
RA3 was fun playing through the story with a bro
Lack of new good games
I'm too stupid for them. I only play turn based ones ;_;
My PC is trash.
Last RTS I played was EE Gold, best map is small islands.
>Played a shitload of RTS games
>Pick up Sins of a Solar Empire on a whim
>Slowly realize that the long game is way more entertaining
>Get into 4x games instead, realize they're way more fun
>Slowly making the progression from 4x to Grand Strategy
The only RTS I'll go back to is AoE2.
I'm just not interested in them anymore since there's no recent RTS that caught my attention, I mostly play grand strategy now.
I play RTSs ,user. It's just that I don't know many fellas that are into RTSs themselves so Bot Skirmishes can only keep one entertained for so long
Guy right above you here.
What's a good grand strategy to get into for a (relative) newcomer?
I've been playing Stellaris a fuckton, but I know that's more 4x than GS.
I still kinda play them every now and then, at least AoE2 and CoH2 for online. Guess I could do another playthrough of the C&C games or Brood War though.
I've watched RTS gameplay like COH2 and AoE2.
It's quite honestly one of the most stressing things I've ever seen and I don't understand how can anyone find that enjoyable.
EU4 and CK2 are baby tier map painting blob simulators. If you're not a retard you can get used to the interface and basic mechanics in an hour at most.
My personal favorite GSG is Darkest Hour though.
>Blizzard makes WoW
>MMO genre dies
>Blizzard makes Starcraft 2
>RTS genre dies
>Blizzard creates FPS
>FPS starts to die
>Blizzard creates a MOBA
>MOBAs start to die
>Blizzard creates a card game
>card games stay dead
how the fuck do they do it?
>dead genre for autistic tryhard virgins that spend hours memorizing build orders and convoluted rock, paper, scissors counters
Yeah, nah, no thanks.
what are some of the comfiest rts games?
One does not play ck for painting
These ""people"" are pretty much the reason why RTS games are such a joke nowadays. Sissy liver casuals that want to spend hours turtling their base and then throwing their blob at the enemy in hopes of victory. They're the reason shit like "They Are Billions" is so popular.
AOE2, Empire Earth.
Empire Earth 2 is pretty good, the nukes look alot better than 1.
>not building a mix and using small groups of ranged and melee troops to harass and lure enemies into towers
absolutely seething
AOE2 on easy difficulty
Europa Universalis IV is good for newcomers, a lot of the mechanics and designs might be too complicated at first and you might fuck up in your early games, but after a couple of tries and guide readings everything is gonna be daijoubu.
Crusader Kings II is also a good choice but it's more dynasty and character oriented than other GS games, it's quite fun and the mechanics aren't that complicated, watch a tutorial and play Ireland and you're good to go.
After those you should play Victoria II and experience complex economic decisions such as whether anarcho-capitalism is a good idea or not.
Hearts of Iron 3 is my shit
Cossacks 2 is pretty fucking comfy and aesthetic.
Problem is its a buggy fucking mess. If you manage to run it on win10 you will suffer because of the horrible fps lags.
Fucking cunt devs
they suck the fun of out of them user
Nah. Its just mobas and free to play shits are financially more profitable.
Also AAA punlisher love to kill smaller devs
Stop playing starcraft then
>take genre
>water it down to make it "accessible"
that's literally all they do except sometimes they add waifus
They not even announced the fps game.
Besides it will be always top genre
I love HOI3, but I really wish it had the same number of mods that 4 is getting now. Too bad 4 is casualized and barebones as fuck with maybe a few decent ideas going for it.
Mate, I just want a game where using actual tactics and strategy is a thing instead of having to facerolling all over my keyboard to shit out of as much units as possible
RA3 was men. It should have been a spin-off, it wasn't definitely good enough to be a part of red alert series
EUIV and CKII. Got it. Thanks!
I assume I'll get fucked a lot in the beginning, but that's fine.
I probably should've gotten that Paradox Humble Bundle that ended yesterday. Oh well.
Good to know, though honestly World War II games do absolutely nothing for me. I'm a modern history professor so they all just make me think of work.
*RA3 was meh
I don't have money to buy actual game and play it with real people
>They not even announced the fps game.
What the fuck are you talking about, retard?
Try your post again but in actual fucking English.
>where using actual tactics and strategy is a thing
Go play turn based games then.
I do
Age of mythology and age of empires 2 are definitely the comfiest.
Then shut the fuck up and leave us to our RTS.
I would if we got any good rts games. I've played all the old ones to death. Even though starcraft 2 was big disappointment, I played the shit out of it until the last expansion. Now like what other anons have said I've manly moved onto grand strategy games.
>Blizzard creates fps
Are you fucking reffering to overwatch?
You fucking dumb animeposter, get cancer and die already
*psst* paradox have one of the worst DLC policies, so buy the game if you want but pirate the DLC since they're greedy little cunts.
>playing a dead genre
But what if I want to play an RTS?
good concept, bad fucking game
Doesn't sound like you do.
Is anyone ever gonna assume the supcom throne?
fuck planetary annihilation
fa best rts, no aruguments
how bad was the recent cossacks rehash?
Supreme Commander brought so much hope to the RTS-genre, only to see it all fall into nothing.
Feels bad my boy, oh yes.
I mean, I was gonna do that anyway since I'm poor. But good to know I'm doing what's right by pirating them from the getgo.
Ironically enough, I would say even gookclick had a good amount of tactics going for it once you got past the initial stage of whether or not you were better at pumping out units and maintaining a steady economy, at least for Brood War anyway if you looked at high level footage. Of course everyone just wants glosses over that in favor of looking only at the keyboard mashing that somehow got popular at the expense of everything else.
>overwatch isn't an fps because i don't like it
you should just end yourself if you're this retarded
They make it so good no one can compete. Only path of exile beat blizzard at this game.
And I guess dota killed itself
I assure you I do
StarCraft 2 had so much micromanagement which kinda ruined the pace of an RTS game. SC2 somehow pulled it off pretty good but future RTS games tried following it and failed.
I'm looking at you DOW3
Because it's Really Terrible Shit.
Try Kohan.
The hearthstone of rts
AoE2 compstomp with friends
Thoughts on forged battalion? Made by petroglyph but it seems they have really gone under the radar after grey goo only coming up with stuff like 8bit armies
Really wanna get into starcraft 2 but I just don't have the level of turboautism required to play that shit at a high level
I actually never said that
Fucking mentally ill animeposter is fucking mentall ill
What is going to be the spiritual successor to Company of Heros 2 now that relic is kill?
were the close combat games any good?
>makes the best game in the genre
>nobody wants to play anything else
Buy base games and Sunset Invasion
Torrent the rest of the dlc
I have been in many RTS-threads and I know how this argument goes.
You'll first start out clamoring about APM and how games shouldn't focus on APM.
Then you'll insist that you can somehow minimize or do away with APM and still keep it real-time.
Ultimately you'll concede that what you're after is a turn-based strategy game and not a real time strategy game, and then the thread is at +300 replies with half of them being retarded casuals trying to make shitty arguments about APM being a problem.
Its a good rework of the first game.
Devs started to shit out dlcs tho
I don't like strategy games in general. They just aren't fun for me.
did it improve on the wonky as shit "muh upgrades" design of cossacks though
No it's still a cossacks game
No really I enjoy real time strategy as much as turn based, you can pretend you know what I want or think all you want that won't change shit, I'm just saying it'd be nice to have RTS that focus on tactics and strategy rather than encourage and push gookmashing.
Because you have a teensy tiny little brain and can't handle more than 5 seconds of thinking before you die and respawn
but thanks for coming here and telling everyone how much of a pea-brained moron you are though!
whats muh upgrades.
Becuse i don't care about most RTS
>played empire at war for thousands of hours growing up
>put 500+ hours into modded rome 2 and attila
>several hundred hours in S2 and empire
>total war is over (that over casulized hero shit coming out isnt total war)
>dont care about warcraft or 40k
>never played any of the old stuff
I didn't say remove all upgrades, I just wanted a less retarded system. but anyway, sounds like not worth playing since I've already played cossacks 1. thanks for ruining everything, rehashfags
im not the anime poster you retard.
so what are you saying then? that blizzard didn't make overwatch? dumb cunt
>rather than encourage and push gookmashing
Then propose how that would work, I'm dying to hear how you'll realize this wish.
>total war is over
Check thrones of britannia before shitpost
Try some turn based strategy out. I recommend the XCOM games if you haven't tried them.
YEah is that going to be any good?
>everyone who likes different things is a brainlet
you have to be 18+ to post here
I don't know mate, which is why that question was precisely asked before.
You seem to be mistaken that I'm just here to ramble about gookmashing and complain, that is not at all the case, I don't think it's a problem, I'm just saying that this isn't what I want, and surely I'm not the only one.
If mashing your keyboard to pump out as much shit as possible to fill your screen is what you enjoy, more power to you, it's your thing.
is spellforce 3 any good? has anyone tried this shit yet?
Can you take a minute to make sure your posts make sense, you ESL waste of oxygen.
>I actually never said that
You literally did.
What the FUCK are you talking about?
Does anyone still play the wargame series? My fave RTS in a long time.
Not a fan of micromanagement
Tons of shits (re)added, global manpower pool, mustering
>total war
if you bought any total war game newer than rome 1 you're a bad person